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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 20

Your Star Sign is Libra

Libra Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Moon.

Others immediately notice your cordial and controlled manner, power of expression and especially the imaginative ideas which flow from you. All this is the result of the Moon's rulership of your day of birth.

Money is important to you, so you will naturally gravitate to where the action is. You aren't content with too much stability, and even if you end up in a conservative job - it will be one with much movement and change.

Travel is a great source of inspiration to you and foreign trade and interaction may be a source of good fortune for you.

A Birthday Horoscope for those born on October 20 predicts a romantic and emotional love life. In love, they will be possessive and emotional. These people are self-developed and can be unpredictable. Sometimes they will be disappointed in relationships. They can still make friends. People born on October 20 are devoted, loyal, and intelligent. They also have a good sense of humor.

People born on October 20 are usually driven by a yearning to understand themselves. This can be reflected in their dreams. It is possible for them to dream up a magical world or fantasy where they can be creative. They may even have a difficult time letting go of past hurts. A Birthday Horoscope for those born on October 20 can provide insight into the way they relate to others and themselves.

October 20th-born people are very charming and fashionable. They can also be too fun and light-hearted to make a great love-maker. People born this day are often at odds with social norms or new directions. These people need someone to stand up for their strong personalities. But, as with all birthday horoscopes, there are always a few negatives to be aware of.

People born on October 20 may have many career options. Librans are more decisive than most other signs, and they may have to try a few before settling on one. They are great choices in the care professions, as well as social work. Avoid careers in savings and finance. These people are more likely to spend money unwisely. This can lead to many conflicts in relationships and careers. Librans can be generous with their time and help those in need.

Libras born on October 20 are the embodiment of the yin and yang principles. While they may be aloof and reserved, they have deep intellectual potential and are often ambitious. However, they may lack the discipline to study in depth.

Librans are able to think for themselves and be independent. Their minds are always in motion and their curiosity blows them away. Libra will have to avoid the negative qualities of still air which could lead to isolation and social distance.

Your lucky colors are cream and white and green.

Your lucky gems are moonstone or pearl.

Your lucky days of the week Monday, Thursday, Sunday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74.

Famous people born on your birthday include Arthur Rimbaud, John Dwey, Art Buchwald, Mickey Mantle, Dannii Minogue and Elaine Giardini.


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