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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 22

Your Star Sign is Libra

Libra Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Uranus.

You certainly don't like traditional or run-of-the-mill relationships. That's because of the influence of Uranus on your life. Its vibrations add a touch of the bizarre to everything you do and aspire to - not just relationships.

You relish the idea that you are different and may at times go out of your way to bring the point home - sometimes to your own detriment. But that doesn't seem to phase you.

Your path contains many unexpected events - difficulties in marriage and rivalry in work. Your exceptional talents should be manipulated wisely to bring out the best possible outcomes.

These people are idealistic, meticulous, and analytical. These people are likely to achieve success in their chosen field. This is because they possess a solitary nature. This day's people are more likely to work hard and be driven.

Libras who were born October 22nd are extraordinarily gifted. They are well-known for their unique blend of talent and intelligence. Libras tend to be introverted and draw their strength from being alone. They are not outgoing but they do strive to have an impact on the world.

Libras born October 22nd will experience a lot of love and ambition. Libras born October 22nd will find the perfect partner who will appreciate your need to have space, and also understand how you can need rest from stress. You'll have to deal with heartache and related disappointments throughout your life, but it's all part of the journey.

Your lucky colors are electric blue, electric white and multi-colors.

Your lucky gems are Hessonite garnet and agate.

Your lucky days of the week Sunday and Tuesday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76.

Famous people born on your birthday include Franz Liszt, Timothy Leary, Joan Fontaine, Derek Jacobi, Charles Keating, Jeff Goldblum, Amanda Coetzer and Zac Hanson.


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