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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 25

Your Star Sign is Scorpio

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Mars and Neptune.

Your powerful Neptune influence makes you gifted mentally and psychically, but care must be taken to balance the incredible forces that may be yours, lest you lose that mental equilibrium. You can use these powers for others or for self-gain. Be cautious of taking flattery and compliments too seriously - self-improvement should continue throughout life.

Being as sensitive as you are can create an ongoing lack of confidence on the material plane and so valuable opportunities in career may be overlooked or simply regarded as not worth the try. You must overcome your apathy at these times and strive to be the best you can.

Age 34 will bring you some wonderful opportunities for wealth and professional elevation.

They are often very practical and have a strong desire for love and support. Your birth day can be a great time to expand your imagination and creativity. This isn't to say that people born on this day are weak, but they are highly concrete and often lack creativity.

You will be motivated and driven, but may also feel disappointed or resentful at times. Your ego might get in your way of helping others. It is possible that you have difficulty being generous. However, you can be a good friend and a great listener to those who need it.

They are sensitive and may have a hard time separating their desires from reality. They will be able to find satisfaction in the arts and love if they can't separate their goals and desires from those around them.

The birthday horoscope for those born on October 25 reveals that the Scorpio is a passionate, creative, and intense sign with a hidden and secretive side.

Scorpios are people born on October 25, and they are known for their deep passion and loyalty. They aren't as interested in material rewards as they are symbolic rewards. However, this doesn't mean that these people aren't passionate about a cause they feel deeply about, but that they are not interested in getting paid for it. Rather than material rewards, Scorpios are interested in symbolic rewards that they can emotionally relate to.

Your lucky colors are the darker green shades.

Your lucky gems are turquoise, cats eye chrysoberyl, tigers eye.

Your lucky days of the week are Mondays and Thursdays.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79.

Famous people born on your birthday include Johann Strauss, Pablo Picasso, Tony Franciosa, Glynis Barber, Tom Eplin, Chely Wright and Sara Helena Lumholdt.


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