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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 29

Your Star Sign is Scorpio

Scorpio Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Mars and Moon.

You have great sensitivity as shown by the rulership of the Moon. People don't expect to see the fiery side of your nature - but it's there!! Usually, you express that fire in warm open gestures and sociability. At other times you may be somewhat impatient and impulsive too - as you immediately and instinctively go for what you want.

As the Moon and Mars combination rules your destiny, any work where interaction with people is necessary would be ideal for you. Others trust you and feel as though your suggestions are genuinely designed to help them.

Your love is deep and complete and you give in excess of what you receive. But you may also overlook valuable opportunities in preference for the passion of the moment.

The birthday horoscope for those born on October 29 reveals that people born on this day tend to be moody and emotional. They need to learn how to listen to others and take advice, if they want to be happy and successful in life. They can be generous and genuinely kind to others. However, they can sometimes be a bit overly emotional, so they should be careful when dealing with people.

These people enjoy discussing and sharing their opinions. This sign can sometimes be unpredictable or emotional so try to stay cool. But be careful to not overdo it if you want to succeed in your career or love life.

Scorpios born on October 29 are very passionate, ambitious, and driven to achieve their goals. Scorpios born on October 29th are very determined and will put in a lot of effort to achieve their goals. However, they can also be shy and secretive.

The love life of someone born on October 29 is unpredictable and full of jealousy. They can be difficult to manage, but are also capable of great generosity. As long as they communicate with their partners, they can find true love.

A Scorpio's personality is a combination of boldness and guile. They can be a great partner because of their passion and imagination. If they're single, they're likely to find it difficult to get back together. But Scorpios are also very faithful and loyal to their partner. They don't get bored easily, and they're also very protective of their loved ones. However, they can be a bit impulsive.

Significant changes between 29 and 38.

Your lucky colors are cream and white and green.

Your lucky gems are moonstone or pearl.

Your lucky days of the week Monday, Thursday, Sunday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 2, 11, 20, 29, 38, 47, 56, 65, 74.

Famous people born on your birthday include Bill Mauldin, John Keas, Jean Giraudoux, Richard Dreyfuss, Winona Ryder, Kate Jackson, Joely Fisher and Yasmin LeBon.


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