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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 4

Your Star Sign is Libra

Libra Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Uranus.

You're a social dynamo with a grand expression of love, warmth and vitality, wherever you go.

In your social and love life you may find it just a little difficult at times to find partners that can keep up with your lively nature. As well, you have a most erratic and spontaneous know..."Let's go to Niagara!!"

Your progressive ideas will be noticed early in life and these talents can be put to great use if you could only proceed a step at a time. Don't scare people away with your radical ideas and demands for immediate support.

Sudden rises and falls in your destiny require you to even out the peaks and troughs a little. 40th year appears magnificent.

October 4th-born people have a strong social conscience. They will seek out careers that directly assist the poor. Money is also important to them, though they may be inclined to extreme politics. Whatever they do, they are dedicated and serious about the end goal. They believe they can change the world. They are therefore attracted to radical diets and exercise regimens.

People born on October 4 are likely to be kind and sweet. They are also highly organized and have a keen sense of humor. They will thrive in careers that require a strong sense of responsibility, but do not expect immediate results. They will be respected and celebrated by their peers for their unique perspective. Their heightened sense of humor will help them to cope with any challenges they face. People born after October 4, will be more attracted to challenging careers that demand a lot of dedication and commitment.

Although people born October 4th are generally happy, they can feel anxious and stressed. As Libras, they may experience back strains. They should also make a commitment to exercise in order to maintain good physical health and to meet their social needs.

The Libras born on October 4 are highly sensitive when it comes to matters of the heart. Although they are playful in love, it may be difficult to find love. They tend to like people who reflect their own personality. They may be arrogant and tactless, but they are very attractive. They are good friends.

Libras can be funny and observant. They are also hardworking. Libras score home runs in the workplace and on the love front. This sign reflects independence and helps them to be helpful. A Libras are also prone to romantic relationships, though they may be incorrigible in making them work.

Your lucky colors are electric blue, electric white and multi-colors.

Your lucky gems are Hessonite garnet and agate.

Your lucky days of the week Sunday and Tuesday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 4, 13, 22, 31, 40, 49, 58, 67, 76.

Famous people born on your birthday include Rutherford B. Hayes, Buster Keaton, Charlton Heston, Susan Sarandon, Alicia Silverstone and Liev Schreiber.


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