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Astrological Profile for Those Born on October 9

Your Star Sign is Libra

Libra Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Mars.

The passionate energy of Mars rules your life path. As such you have no hesitation in speaking your mind and going for what you feel has value.

Because Mars rules your 2nd and 7th Solar Houses, you will aggressively seek love and money. Usually, the two will be interlinked. In other words, you may meet and marry someone from within a work environment or earn money as a result of your marriage.

It is a tricky vibration. You speak harshly at times and without consideration for your words and may invite severe competition and rivalry. Being the winner that you are though, you'll more than likely come out on top!

People born on this day are usually artistic, thoughtful, and Libran in nature. They're also honest and kind. They are also honest and kind. They're also idealistic and easily disappointed, and may be prone to moodiness.

People born on October 9 tend to place a premium on romantic relationships. They crave the intimacy of a partner that provides them with meaning and purpose. They can also be very impulsive and are prone to having distant or shady relationships. People born this day are susceptible to intimacy, although they can be flexible enough to handle aggression. They aren't the most compatible partners but they can cope with many problems provided they have a safe environment.

The October 9th birthday is a day that gives birth to a wide range of talent. They represent different facets of nature. Many times they are able to achieve success in multiple fields. In love and romance, they're likely to put their emotions on the line and compromise their integrity. They may also choose to sign contracts and give up their independence. They'll regret it soon.

October 9th-born people value independence and freedom. They also have an exceptional sense of style. They take pride in their appearance and generally treat others fairly. They're also highly creative and can bring new ideas to society. If you were born on October 9, you may find it hard to connect with new ideas or personalities.

Librans who were born in October 9 have a sentimental and expressive side. They seek a partner who can merge their mind and body. This person's desire to spend lots of time with the one he loves is probably a source of conflict in their relationship. Libras can be idealistic but they are also gregarious and might have a great sense of humor. Libras tend to be more ironic than sarcastic. Libras expect much from their friends.

Your lucky colors are red, maroon and scarlet and autumn tones.

Your lucky gems are red coral and garnet.

Your lucky days of the week are Monday, Tuesday and Thursday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 9, 18, 27, 36. 45, 54, 63, 72.

Famous people born on your birthday include Cerbantes, Charles A. Jayne, John Lennon, PJHarvey and Alex Greenwald.


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