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Astrological Profile for Those Born on September 10

Your Star Sign is Virgo

Virgo Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Mercury and Sun.

The Sun's warmth vitality have taken shelter in your nature. You radiate a very attractive aura which makes you popular, independent and full of excitement and joy. Learn to direct your energies with poise lest you trip yourself up.

The Sun will endow you as well with radiant health and excellent physical vitality. Use this energy creatively and don't forget to share your successes.

People born on the 10th of September are responsible, charming and independent. While shyness may be present in their youth, this usually disappears as they grow up. They are independent, social and pragmatic. Generally, they are also very reliable. Their birthdays are also favorable for beginning new businesses and investing in property and jewelry.

People born on this day seek to define themselves in a practical way. These people don't have any personal goals but are determined to live comfortably. They are also very fashionable and do not seek attention. They will not spend too much time with family or friends. They try to find a good balance between personal and professional responsibilities. However, they are not prone to having too many friends or having a chaotic life.

You will always be reliable if you're a native September 10th. You will find that most people you surround yourself are loyal and supportive. You should avoid being in a relationship with someone who was born September 10. This is because your partner may be more loyal to your spouse.

Your lucky colors are copper and gold.

Your lucky gem is Ruby.

Your lucky days of the week are Sunday, Monday and Thursday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 1, 10, 19, 28, 37,46,55,64,73 and 82.

Famous people born on your birthday include Arnold Palmer, Jose Feliciano, Amy Irving, Johnathon Schaech and Ryan Phillippe.


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