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Astrological Profile for Those Born on September 16

Your Star Sign is Virgo

Virgo Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Mercury and Neptune.

Though you will have an intense desire to achieve financial independence and success you have an innate nervousness and worry over all things monetary. As a result, you may be over cautious and the very holding back and preoccupation you have may be the cause of delay in achieving financial satisfaction.

You may be at a crossroads in choosing between an artistic and financial career. The decision rests in always choosing that which you love.

They are highly intelligent and mobile. They are interested in work. They place a high value on health. The 6th house, Mercury, is about efficiency and health. This sign makes a great choice for lovers. September 16th's are very encouraging and empowering, so you can be sure to find a lover who appreciates these traits in you.

People born September 16th are highly creative. They are quick-witted, enthusiastic, and infectiously joyful. They can be impatient but they are able to stay calm and overcome obstacles. They will succeed because of their drive and determination. These people can make great matchmakers and are excellent partners if they're flexible. Their insecurities could be related to their reliance on technology.

You were born September 16th. This means you are a determined, independent person who excels in any field they choose. Discipline someone who was born September 16 is futile. Instead, you should try to teach them through personal example, and a respectful attitude. You must strive to strike a balance between advice and leadership. If you want to motivate them, you should aim to be their mentor.

Your lucky colors are the darker green shades.

Your lucky gems are turquoise, cats eye chrysoberyl, tigers eye.

Your lucky days of the week are Mondays and Thursdays.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 7, 16, 25, 34, 43, 52, 61, 70, 79.

Famous people born on your birthday include Lauren Bacall, Charlie Byrd, B.B.King, John Knowles, Peter Falk, George Chakiris, Micky Rourke and David Copperfield.


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