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Astrological Profile for Those Born on September 30

Your Star Sign is Libra

Libra Zodiac Sign

Your personal ruling planets are Venus and Jupiter.

You have pure and generous aspirations - thanks to the influence of Jupiter. Being spiritual by nature you don't see success in the material world as the be all and end all.

Your mind is firm and your heart magnanimous. Things don't ordinarily get you down too much and so you are capable of handling large affairs, Corporate business and projects that others may cringe at! You have healing powers and make people and animals feel at ease in your presence.

Spend some time at the theatre or develop an interest in drama. It will soothe your soul. 30th year on proves lucky.

Librans are generally healthy, and rarely gain weight. Librans should have regular health checks and be sure to take vitamin supplements in order to remain healthy. You are romantic if you were born September 30th. However, Libras do not like violence or drama. They are usually kind, but can become overly dramatic when angry. Although they are friendly and charming, they are also known for taking their time to build relationships and trust.

This day is charming and appealing for people born. People are drawn to them by their appearances and their ability to speak clearly. They need to keep their personal lives hygienic and clean, and engage in regular physical activity. It is important to watch what they consume. Sugary drinks and foods should be avoided for those born after September 30, It is recommended that you visit the dentist. They should avoid excessive drinking and smoking, and they should also make sure their teeth are healthy.

They also have a keen sense of life. However, they may find it difficult to choose a career due to their high level of ambition. Because of their strong will and tact, they will usually go after a job that they love and make their friends happy. If you were born on that date, this can make it very challenging.

Your lucky colors are yellow, lemon and sandy shades.

Your lucky gems are yellow sapphire, citrine quartz and golden topaz.

Your lucky days of the week Thursday, Sunday, Tuesday.

Your lucky numbers and years of important change are 3, 12, 21, 30, 39, 48, 57, 66, 75.

Famous people born on your birthday include Lester Maddox, Deborah Kerr, Truman Capote, Fran Drescher, Martina Hingis and Jenna Elfman.


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