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Dealing with Relationships That End

As Venus enters its opposition aspect to Saturn, the issue of relationships and the difficulties that arise in them will be an important theme. Sometimes relationships and important to know how to deal with a partnership that has now exceeded its use by date.

It’s important to be able to communicate and understand what to say when you are dealing with the end of a relationship. In most cases, the decision to break up is a complete shock to both partners. It’s natural for one side of the connection to feel rejected and to question their self-worth. It would help if you did not let your emotions influence your partner’s decisions. Instead, respect them and move on.

Don't lie about the reasons you want to end a relationship

Star-Signs-in-Relationship-The-Brutal-Honest-TruthConsider whether it’s fair to tell your partner the truth about your reasons for ending your relationship before you talk to them about your feelings. Although it may seem difficult to complete a connection immediately, you do not have to wait for the circumstances to improve before sharing your feelings. Instead, pick a time when both of you can give full attention to a serious conversation.

Many people lie about why they break up because they aren’t feeling good or want to avoid an argument. If you’re lying to your ex, you’re most likely hiding the real reason for the breakup, which may lead to fights and more questions from your partner. You don’t want to get hurt again, so you shouldn’t lie about why you end up with your partner.

Try to avoid lying about your reasons for the breakup, even if it means saying something negative about your ex. You don’t have to lie about why you are ending the relationship. Say it is over. You may want to leave these comments for private conversations.

People who lied to their partners about their reasons for a breakup usually have deep-rooted issues that need to be addressed. A therapist or couples counselling session can help you identify these issues and help you heal. The information on this page should not be taken as medical or therapeutic advice.

Communicate deal-breakers early in the relationship

Communicating your disagreements early in a relationship is a key step to a happy relationship. While some compromises are necessary to keep a relationship running smoothly, some compromises are unhealthy and may end the relationship. These compromises are usually made by compromising core beliefs or principles.

You should be aware of the values and beliefs of your potential partner before you go on a date. For example, if you are a Christian, you should ensure your future partner shares those values. You should tell your partner if you are a parent. It is important to know who you are and what kind of people you have in common. You might want to stay away from someone who is too dramatic. This behaviour could be draining for you both and cause distrust between you.

You may wonder what to do if your partner does not share these values. While the final decision is ultimately up to you, remember that the longer you’re together, the harder it will be to break up. You should end the relationship if your partner does not want to change their ways.

One of the most common relationship deal-breakers is lying. If you doubt your partner, ask yourself if the stress is worth it. Consider whether you are right to be sceptical if your partner lies. It’s time to get on with your life.

Expecting someone else to be different is another relationship-breaker. The best way to avoid this problem is to be yourself. It’s impossible to pretend you are like someone who does not share your beliefs. Instead, you should find someone who can embrace you in your entirety.

Do not get into emotional knots with your ex-partner

One of the most important steps to take when dealing with relationships is to avoid emotional entanglements with your ex. It’s easy to feel enmeshed with an ex-partner, even though this is an instinct. But it is important to keep your distance and wait until your ex has moved on to form a new relationship before trying to get back together.

Although attempting to communicate with your ex-partner may be tempting, you must know that this can have serious consequences. While it’s tempting to want to share with your ex, the worst thing that can happen is that they may turn hostile or inconsiderate. Approaching your ex can lead to more aggravated feelings and worsen the situation.

After a split, let go of your guilt

It is unhealthy to feel guilty about a split. This is a sign that you have done wrong and can make you feel guilty. Although sadness, anger and guilt are normal emotions, they can prevent you from taking the right decision. It can also keep you stuck in your thoughts.

Sometimes a relationship ends because one partner is losing hope. These cases can bring on heavy guilt. In these cases, it can be helpful to remember that the relationship was not meant to last. You can let go of guilt after a split by understanding its reasons.

Recalling all the great things about the relationship may not be easy. However, looking at the positives in the breakup is possible and keeping your head up. You can also look for the good things in the relationship and move on. It is better to see the past as an opportunity for growth than to dwell on the pain.

Breaking up is a difficult decision. It may be tempting to remain in a relationship. However, it’s in your best interests to end the relationship. If the connection is not helping you, it is best to end the relationship. You’ve already given it your best shot and now realise it’s time to move on.

Your ex may be guilty of a bad relationship. This is not a reason to remain in an unhealthy relationship. It’s better to move on and find someone new – it’s much healthier than being in a relationship you’re unhappy with.


Find out more in detailed about your romantic prospects, check out your astrology love and compatibility.

After a split, get mental health support

It is crucial to get mental health treatment after a breakup. Counselling sessions can help you process your relationship, evaluate your habits, and identify what makes a relationship healthy. This will help you to process the feelings and allow you to move forward with your life. When looking for a therapist, choose one with the right skills and experience. Your therapist should be able to listen, empathise, and care about your well-being. Being open about your intimate relationships is difficult. It would be best if you worked with someone you feel safe with.

Although breakup depression is not a medical condition, it is a common symptom of a relationship breakdown. If you’re suffering from this affliction, you should visit a medical professional to ensure that you don’t have an anxiety disorder. Those who suffer from breakup depression should seek professional help right away.

Stop worrying about the ex. This is the first step to healing after a split. You may feel tempted to get into a new relationship, but you must stop worrying about your ex. Instead, use the time to focus on yourself and discover your strengths. If you are suffering from depression or anxiety, it is important to seek mental health care immediately after the breakup. It’s essential to remember that therapy is not affordable for everyone. That’s why some therapists offer sliding scale fees.

You should seek medical attention and also support groups. Isolation after a breakup can increase stress levels and impair concentration. It can also affect your relationships and work as well as your health. Moreover, you should not be ashamed of seeking help from a therapist. The breakup of a partner is a significant loss to make a person feel vulnerable and insecure.

About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

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