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How to Shed Victim Mentality

One of the most important steps to lasting change is shedding victim mentality. A victim mentality is destructive and does not promote healthy relationships. Getting rid of the victim mentality can help you become more productive and optimistic in your daily life. You can achieve better self-esteem, a more positive outlook, and a more successful relationship. These are just a few ways to start getting rid of the victim mentality.

There are two types of victims: ‘Good’ and Bad.’

It may prove difficult to discern the difference between “good” and “bad”, given all of the victims’ characteristics. In the case of crimes, victims often have little control over what they experience. This is a problem. It can lead to victims ignoring or minimizing the crimes. Particularly for victims of sexual assault, this is true. However, there are ways that you can identify “good” victims.

The first difference between ‘good’ and ‘bad’ crime victims is how they attribute the outcomes of their behaviour. Victims often attribute their behaviour to external forces and dispositional forces. Victims often experience low self-esteem and feelings of guilt or shame. They also experience feelings of hopelessness and helplessness. Typically, victims experience short-term, long-term, and transient impacts of crime.

A new study by Niemi and Young has suggested that victims of sexual crimes have higher levels of guilt than non-sexual victims. These findings suggest that victim blaming behavior differences may be linked to moral values. Research also examined the difference between victim perceptions of ‘good’ or ‘bad. The researchers identified two types of moral values: individualizing values and binding values. People with higher critical values tend to view victims as blameworthy, while people with higher individualizing values are more sympathetic.

Good victims are more likely to resist the crime than those who have been a victim of sexual violence. Their judgment and ability to read situations more clearly could have been improved. They could have avoided suffering if they had only been more prepared. They may have chosen to get drunk, and are therefore completely dependent on others. Other cases may show that ‘bad’ victims are more likely to resist attacks and possess greater emotional intelligence. They are still victims.

Relations between political orientations and victim mentality

Complex relationships exist between the victim mentality and political orientation. Some studies show that people who feel victimized are less likely to trust their political leaders and participate in politics. Others show that people who feel oppressed are more likely to support political candidates who favour policies that promote victims. Another study found a similar pattern, though the direction of this relationship is not as clear. People who see themselves as victims tend to be less conservative politically. However, in the case of systemic victimhood, the association is inverse. For example, if a person feels like a victim but supports the government’s aid to minorities, they might become less politically conservative than someone who feels they are a victim.

Some studies suggest that victims are more likely to vote for conservative candidates. Some research shows a weak correlation, while others offer a strong one. Recent research found a correlation between Donald Trump’s support and right-wing support for policies to address systemic issues. But there’s one key difference between the two groups. While Trump is more popular among the former, Trump’s supporter base tends to be larger.

In the case of Trump, egocentric victims support the Republican candidate more than their less victimized counterparts. These individuals claim that the president will restore America to a pre-victim state. Systemic victims, however, are less inclined to vote for Trump since they oppose political correctness and favour policies that help Black Americans. As a result, it is important to understand the relationship between the victim mentality and political orientation.

The relationship between victim mentality and political orientation is complex. While most people can overcome social ambiguity, a minority of individuals see themselves as perpetual victims. In the case of interpersonal victimhood, these individuals’ identities become central to their lives. These individuals will exhibit defensive reactions that are unavoidable. They will also tend to exaggerate the possibility of adverse outcomes and create elaborate theories about their experience. As a result, they will not contribute to collective problem-solving and are unlikely to be politically active.

Cognitive biases associated with the victim mentality

The victim mentality is characterized by a collective sense of a social group as victims of a violent act. This mindset makes people less inclined to forgive others and more likely to take revenge. A variety of factors has cultivated this mindset. These include the anxious attachment style and a high sense of victimhood. The mindset can be replicated in many contexts, including at work.

Studies have examined the impact of victim mentality on police investigators’ decisions. They have found that police officers often base their decision-making on a victim’s history. Cognitive biases can influence their decisions. These biases can lead to wrongful convictions. The Innocence Project has analyzed existing social science studies on cognitive biases in criminal case evaluations.

Victim blaming is usually triggered by the hindsight effect. This makes it more likely that an event will occur. In three experiments, researchers showed that the hindsight effect influenced the outcomes of the stories subjects read. One experiment saw participants reading accounts that included information on the outcomes, and half were given a neutral account. The subjects could not ignore the hindsight effect, regardless of the outcome.

Fundamental attribution errors are the second form of cognitive bias. This is when people assign the actions of others to aspects of their personality, character, or circumstances. This error can be harmless under certain circumstances but can prove dangerous in others, such as the legal system. For instance, a detective may try to collect evidence that supports his theory of the case and downplay proof that contradicts it. Research from the 1960s titled the actor-observer phenomenon shows that victims are likelier to link their actions with others.

Another bias is the self-serving bias. In this case, we blame external forces when something negative happens and give ourselves credit when things go right. The sunk costs effect (also known as the “sunk cost fallacy”) causes us to continue to invest in non-productive items even when we realize their shortcomings. Another is the surviving bias, which is the tendency to view events as positive instead of negative.

The victim mentality can have negative consequences

Having a victim mentality has several negative consequences. Initially, you may feel relief from others’ sympathy and validation. This feeling can prevent you from taking chances, like taking on a job or compromising relationships. To overcome this, you must learn to confront negative emotions and practice self-compassion. A trained professional can help you develop a positive mindset and explore the causes of your behaviour. One technique is CBT therapy. It can help you overcome your victim mentality and find new ways to be.

A victim mentality can be caused by a life-threatening event or other stressful situation. Sophisticated explanations of their circumstances often accompany victim mentality. They are also likely to avoid anger to protect themselves. This type of thinking can also cause them to become hypervigilant in social situations, leading to decreased empathy and sympathy. It can also reduce your chances of finding a good relationship.

The victim mentality has also been linked to decreased empathy. People who lack empathy for others tend to ignore others’ suffering and behave selfishly. People who adopt a victim mentality have lower compassion for others and are less likely to accept responsibility for the harm they do. So, the negative consequences of a victim mentality are numerous. It is important to be aware of these dangers and not fall prey to the victim mentality.

Another major problem with the victim mentality is that it conceals unhealthy behaviour. A victim mentality is often a result of a trauma experience. If you’ve experienced a traumatic event and believe you have a victim mentality, seek professional help and get help processing the underlying trauma. Understanding your history will help you understand the root causes of your problems. That’s a good start.

About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

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