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Capricorn Daily Horoscope | Dec 22 - Jan 19

Ruling Planets: Saturn

13 September 2024

Right now, you may be out of step with the way others do things. Occasionally, you may even be out of step with the way others think. This challenge raises the question of whether or not to align yourself with others to become more accepted or to hold your ground, be different, think apart from the group, and run the risk of being judged harshly. These choices can only be made by you but rest assured if you choose to go it alone, you may have to confront those who fear change and differences.

Daily Meditation:

The flower is the poetry of reproduction. It is an example of the eternal seductiveness of life. - Jean Giraudoux

Incredible But True:

The leg bones of a bat are so thin that no bat can walk.

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Please note: Your daily horoscope is a study of planetary transits based upon the Sun sign position at the time you were born. Every moment the heavens are changing and the positions of the planets in reference to your Sun sign indicate what is happening in your life. These movements are called transits and are used by astrologers to determine all the variations in different departments of your life.


Your horoscope is a blueprint of what is promised in your destiny at the time you were born and therefore when the planets move around the Sun in their never-ending cycles, we can gain an accurate assessment of the events outwardly and also the feelings inwardly that you are likely to experience.

For the long-term cycles, we take the planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune and Pluto. Jupiter and Saturn are usually used to tell us on a yearly and to a three-year basis what the background events and experiences will be. The trigger planets of the faster moving bodies such as Mercury, Venus and Mars and for the day to day experiences the Moon’s two-day transit through each star sign is a very good yardstick by which to measure what is going to happen.

To ascertain such things as communication, short travels, contracts and other business agreements the planet Mercury and its aspect to your star sign are looked at carefully. The favourable aspects such as the 120° trine, 60° sextile, 72° quintile and even the semisextile of 30° I considered favourable and bring positive outcomes for the day, week or month in question.

The hard aspects which include the 90° square, 135° sesquiquadrate, 150° quincunx and 180° opposition indicate when challenging times are likely to occur. The 0° or conjunction is often a mixed effect and naturally, these affect both positive and negative relate to the nature of the planets that are involved in these aspects or celestial relationships.

When we look at Venus this takes into account your social life and also relationships as well as in some cases, the financial circumstances that you are in currently. Mars is a more passionate planet and indicates how you may approach your more carnal appetites, sexuality, competitions and those physical parts of your being.

destiny decision forecast for everydayJupiter is the luck planet and indicates not only when but how one in which areas of your life you are likely to expand your current circumstances and achieve greater satisfaction in your life. In particular, the favourable aspects associated with Jupiter will be fortuitous and last considerably longer than the shorter-term aspects of Mercury, Venus and Saturn.

Some people don’t like to receive bad news so they get concerned when they start reading about the transit of Saturn which is the planet of limitation, suffering and privation. This is truly the karmic planet indicating those areas of your life that you need to work on that you may be frustrated in but even that has its lessons for you and you should pay careful attention to welcoming challenging times out of which great things can develop.