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Scorpio 2024 Yearly Horoscope Forecast


Scorpio 2024 Overview


Here’s your Scorpio 2024 Yearly Horoscope Forecast

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Libra 2024 Yearly Horoscope Forecast

LIBRA 2024

Libra 2024 Overview

Libra 2021 Yearly Horoscope Forecast

Here’s your Libra 2024 Yearly Horoscope Forecast



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Virgo 2024 Yearly Horoscope Forecast

VIRGO 2024

Virgo 2024 Overview

Virgo 2021 Yearly Horoscope Forecast

Here’s your Virgo 2024 Yearly Horoscope Forecast

Love and Romance for Virgo in 2022

Romance-and-friendship-2019What’s happening in your love life, marriage and social arena?

The solar and lunar eclipses are important in determining the trend of your social life and friendships. This is because the Moon governs your 11th house of friendships. The solar eclipse of May 1 takes place in your ninth house of philosophy and legal matters. It will be very near explosive and unpredictable Uranus. This has an important repercussion on your friendships and emotional ties to your ‘tribe ‘.

Friendships are suddenly impacted by this solar eclipse which, incidentally relates to your 12th house of secrets and hidden enemies. The 12th house also relates to additional expenses and so your social interactions could embroil you in losses financially. At the very least emotional losses are indicated as the Sun and Moon are involved.

The lunar eclipse takes place almost immediately after the solar eclipse. That occurs on May 16. This eclipse occurs in the sign of Scorpio. This is your third house and is related to communication, short travels and also siblings. When we talk about the explosive nature of Uranus, its impact will be felt not only on your friends but also, quite likely on your siblings, particularly younger ones.

In this instance, eclipses reveal something about the way you communicate with others. In the introduction, it was mentioned that this is a year of significant self-transformation. Communication underpins any sort of self-development. You’ll be measuring your improvement by how it impacts others. This is primarily done through communication, how you convey ideas and most importantly how well you listen.

Saturn is the principal planet of love and romance, ruling your fifth house of love affairs and creativity. The full Moon conjunction with Venus at the outset of the year, informs us that there is a tug-of-war with controlling Saturn finding it difficult to contain all of this abundant loving and creative energy.

Jupiter is also described in the overview of your year gone as expanding your horizons in terms of your relationships and love life. If you’ve married Ms every possibility you will be looking to enhance the relationship. Notwithstanding the troublesome square aspect on January 3 to the node, the positive aspects will take place throughout 2022.

Jupiter is opposing your Sun sign throughout this period that you may be overly generous for perhaps even wasteful with your time and emotions. You must become more emotionally economical that makes any sense. Better. The opposition picks around 15 March also shows that your idealism is possibly becoming too impractical.

What you want and what you can have in your relationships may be at odds with each other. This will be more pronounced as Jupiter makes a conjunction to Neptune on April 13. Soon after, on May 11 it transits out of your seventh house and into Aries. Is your eighth house of intimate connections.

There may be areas in this subtle part of your life and relationships that you haven’t easily dealt with. That’s why on July 29 Jupiter will make a retrograde or reverse move back into your seventh house on October 28. What this means is that you have very clear ideas of how you want to improve your love life throughout the coming year. You may need to go back and consult with your partner and ensure you are both converging along the same lines rather than diverging.

In this period reappraisals and discussions continue throughout the retrograde cycle of Jupiter. On November 24 Jupiter once again prepares to move forward on December 21 and re-enters Aries. You are more willing and able to confront those deeper emotional issues of intimacy and eventually resolve them through meaningful communication.

It’s important to look at the key transit of Venus, the natural planet of love. You and the year with Venus retrograde in your fifth house which continues until March 6. Venus goes direct on January 29 and whatever matters have been held up in a romantic sense move forward at that time. The conjunction of Mars on February 17, and again on March 6 reveal your passionate impulses. This is a very physical transit. If those desires aren’t met fully, it could be an explosive and frustrating time.

On April 6 Venus moves to your seventh house of love and marriage. This is one of the better periods to connect with your partner, notwithstanding some of the earlier problems mentioned. The opposition aspect to your Sun sign throughout April is problematic especially with the conjunction of Venus to Neptune on April 28.

Astrologer’s Note

Idealism due to the frailties of being human needs to be addressed. It encompasses all relationships. Don’t be obsessive about love especially if you’ve met someone new.

This is likely with the square aspect of Venus to Pluto on May 27. Friendship is stronger when Venus transits your 11th house after July 18. It remains there until August 12 during which time a beautiful trine aspect takes place on July 25. This is the time when your dreams come true romantically.

The transit of Venus to your 12th house reflects a period where you are spending time and perhaps even money on luxurious items or gifts to please your lover. Those excesses can spiral out of control especially around August 18 when Venus trines Jupiter up until the 25th with the square of Venus to the node on the 27th the square of Uranus. Try to be realistic about what you can afford and remember that it’s the thought that counts.

Just before leaving the 12th house, Venus makes an opposition aspect to Saturn. A cooling-off of your emotions is to be expected. That won’t harm you too much as Venus transits your Sun sign up until September 29. Your cool, calm and charming vibrations will still attract many friends as well leading to several social opportunities.

During the latter part of the year, Venus transits your fourth house. That happens after November 16 ensuring your love of family and home take precedence over other areas of your life. You’ll feel comfortable in your own space but may also want to make some radical changes domestically. This is shown by the opposition aspect of Venus to Mars on December 1, the square to Jupiter on December 9 and the conjunction to your creative fifth house on December 10.

Venus completes its 2022 cycle in the same place it began at the beginning of the year reflecting on some important love and romance is going to be.

Personalized Compatiblity Report

Find out more in detailed about your romantic prospects, check out your astrology love and compatibility

Career and Finance for Virgo in 2022


Slow and steady wins the race seems to be the key phrase so you, Virgo in 2022. The astrological reasoning behind this is Saturn impacts your workplace throughout the coming months. The primary keywords for this planet are concentration, resolve, discipline and conservative activity.

A slow and steady pace is what’s needed this year. This applies equally to your style in dealing with co-workers or employees as much as it does to how you execute your tasks. You want to avoid any sort of error especially if the project you’re working on is of primary importance to your business and your reputation.

The type and hard aspect between Saturn and Uranus, the two principal rulers of your sixth house of work indicate tension between this conservative and progressive approach to work. On the one hand, you want to prove that you’re capable of generating new methods in using your ingenuity by being a step ahead of your competitors. On the other, you realise that you can’t wander too far from established practices or you risk alienating co-workers and possibly your employer. You are walking a tightrope this year in this regard.

Mercury governs your 10th house of profession and reputation as well as self-esteem. In the overview, you were introduced to the idea that Mercury’s contact with Pluto promises a revolutionary year especially with the trine aspect to the 10th house of your profession itself.

Mercury starts the year in your sixth house so that you can anticipate much planning and interaction along with copious emails as Mercury moves retrograde on January 14. It proceeds to go backwards after entering Aquarius and then backtracks back into your fifth house. It moves direct on February 4. Re-entering your fifth house quickly makes its way into your sixth house of workplace connections on February 15.

At that time, it squares Uranus and this will be a frenetic time for you. A little time later, on March 3 it makes a conjunction with solemn Saturn. These transits indicate many changes in the plan if not cancellations which may happen suddenly as a result of the impact of Uranus.

On March 10 Mercury moves to your seventh house of business partnerships and makes a conjunction to fortunate Jupiter on March 21. This is a green light to further your professional objectives through a careful selection of business partners and clients.

Mercury remains in your seventh house and on March 27 makes conjunctions and oppositions to Jupiter and Neptune as well as the Sun sign respectively. Idealism could get the better of you if you could rush headlong into ventures not been properly thought out. Take a deep breath and get all your facts and figures right.

Shared resources are important throughout the transit of Mercury in your eighth house up until April 11. After this, some legal matters or at least red tape issues can be problematic. You could be high strung around April 18 with Mercury making a conjunction to Uranus.

Mercury’s transit in your 10th house of professional esteem affects this area of your life when it goes retrograde on May 10. This continues up until June 3 but after this it hits the ground running on 14 June re-entering your 10th house and trines steady Saturn. You are challenged with the square of Neptune on July 3 so keep your professional vision practical. Saturn’s trine aspect will help you do exactly that.

Careful, steady and methodical activities bring success. Your success is notable when Mercury trines Neptune while transiting your 11th house in mid-July. Please be careful not to spend your hard-earned cash too easily, especially during Mercury’s transit in your 12th house after July 19. This may be unavoidable particularly if you own a business and realise that you have to spend money to make it. Don’t let impulse dictate your actions around July 27. Mercury squares Mars and Uranus.

The transit of Mercury through your second house brings quick profits and greater earnings but you may continue to be wasteful even up until September 3 with Mercury opposite Jupiter. At that time Mercury again goes retrograde until its forward motion on October 2.

The period of Mercury, your career ruler, is doing its direct transit in your second house from October 11 to October 30. Its trine aspects on the 23rd and 27th to Jupiter and Saturn respectively are also augmented by the trine aspect to Mars. This is all about making money but being shrewd in the process. Contracts are uppermost in your mind when after October 30, Mercury transits your third house until November 17. Some partnership deal is fulfilled around November 13 with Mercury trine Neptune on the 17th with a trine to Jupiter as well.

Property issues take precedence at the close of the year when Mercury transits your fourth house after November 17. You may be looking at real estate or other investments at this time. Especially in the last month of the year with Mercury transiting your fifth house in trying to Uranus and the Sun some sudden investment opportunity may arise.

The year closes another retrograde movement of Mercury on 29 December which leads you into 2023. It’s best to have a holiday and not make rash decisions at that time either.

Karma, Luck and Spiritual Insights for Virgo in 2022

The transit of Venus this year is important in determining the lucky phases of your life. Its retrograde action in your fifth house as the year starts is a testimony to the fact that 2022 will be a year where you reap the benefits of your past life actions.

Venus is your ninth ruler of the future and the fifth house governs your past life as well as actions earlier in this life. Some of the important transits which punctuate the year and highlight when to expect good fortune include the trine aspect to the North Node on March 1. This brings benefits via work and personal reputation.

The seventh house transit of Venus makes contact with both Jupiter and Neptune. This is a lucky cycle of transits that take place between May 1 and again after May 29 when Venus enters your ninth house of good fortune and spirituality. Relying on your faith acts in concert with good planning and solid business practices.

Venus transiting your 10th house brings further good fortune particularly with the trine aspect to Saturn on July 13. Saturn rules your fifth house and therefore a connection between the rulers of the ninth and fifth are indeed auspicious. This is a time when you may be the recipient of some winnings by way of investment. Even taking a punt on some gambling scenario isn’t out of the question.


Don’t be foolish. It’s best to just gamble small amounts if just to be safe.

Good luck can also be acquired through friends during the transit of Venus in your 11th house after July 18. Then again financial benefits through these friends are accentuated after October 13. The repeated trine aspect to Saturn and Mars underpins this. There may be some opportunity in connection with someone from your past life during this period of your life.

One of the most important treasures is peace of mind. That’s usually found to arise with the transit of Venus in your fourth house. That transit occurs after November 16 until the end of the year. 2022 wines down with some satisfaction through work and a well-deserved break.


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Leo 2024 Yearly Horoscope Forecast

LEO 2024

Leo 2022 Overview

Leo 2021 Yearly Horoscope Forecast

Here’s your Leo 2022 Yearly Horoscope Forecast


The focus this year is clearly on your work and how you perform it. As 2022 commences the Sun, retrograde Venus, Pluto and Mercury jointly associate in your sixth house. Planning effectively and reworking your work methodology is going to set the pace not only for your career but for every aspect of life. How you manage your time and resources is shown by this part of your horoscope.

Because Mercury and Pluto are in proximity these are the keys to your success this year. This relates to how you use your speech. Pluto’s power is related to transformation. Finding new ways to communicate your ideas will hold you in good stead.

Meanwhile, Venus is retrograde and you’ll be doing a lot of soul-searching figuring out the best way to achieve your professional ambitions. That’s because Venus rules your 10th house of career. Dedicate time to working out your plan until the 29th when Venus goes direct. You may already have that plan in place in your bottom drawer but the immediate way of achieving your objectives is to implement it.

Saturn is transiting your seventh house of relationships and this isn’t easy. Furthermore, the opposition aspect it makes to the sun, your ruler on February 16  shows greater responsibility is much needed in the area of love and romance. This is is even more significant for your committed relationships.

Saturn moves into its retrograde phase on June 5 and remains in this backward trajectory until October 23. Many born under the sign of the lion have to reappraise their relationships. If you’ve had a challenging romance you may find your partner a little emotionally distant for some time.

Saturn is a cool planet according to astrologers, and this sometimes disconnects lovers from each other. That doesn’t necessarily mean this is a permanent feature of your relationship, just one that requires careful management. Egos should be left at the front door if you’re truly serious about improving the quality of your love life and repairing those broken bridges.

Throughout 2022 three important eclipses punctuate the year and highlight your domestic and career areas. The solar eclipse on May 1 takes place in your 10th house of career. You will seesaw between domestic and professional responsibilities. Divided loyalties surface and this can be a very demanding time indeed. On the one hand, you want to fulfil your professional obligations yet on the other you realise this is eroding the quality of time you need for relationships on the home front. This is certainly going to require a delicate balancing act.

The second occurs on May 16 and this is the lunar eclipse taking place in your domestic sphere. This is a time to lay your cards on the table with those you love most. Tensions may have been running high over the past couple of years especially with the social and political mandates for lockdown.

If you’ve been locked down with someone too long, nerves will have become frayed. Because the Moon rules your emotions gay tempers are likely running hot and emotional reactions have got the better of you. This during these times you need to bring your inner self under control of the bigger picture.

2022 commences with the Moon and Mars coming together in your fifth house of competition and investment. The fifth house is a speculative house and these two planets often express themselves as impulsive desires not necessarily based on any clear reasoning. If you’re looking at spending money you should do so cautiously especially as Jupiter, which rules this area of your horoscope has only just entered your eighth house of shared resources. This happened at the tail end of 2021.

Jupiter moving through the eighth house results in contradictory effects. On the one hand, speculative ventures often end up a disaster if you haven’t done your homework. On the other, the eighth house is a house of legacies, insurance, and other banking matters. It also shows the money you receive from investors. If you’re at a later stage in life the loss of all the parents or relatives may be on the cards. This may be a time when gifts or large sums of money are bequeathed to you. The eighth house is one of wills and legacies. Those at retirement age find themselves recipients of lump-sum payouts and will not have to work so much.

Jupiter is not alone in your eighth house this year. Neptune joins Jupiter to hit you up with a dynamic duo of spiritual power. This is about working on your inner self. The eighth house is a house of self-transformation and Jupiter expands your interest in these matters. Jupiter is also ruling this place along with Neptune. Therefore, both planets are comfortable and allow you to work through those psychological complexes that have been undermining your efforts for years.

You’re worth mentioning that the eighth house is also, along with the 12th house, the zone relating to your sexual intimacy. This will act as a perfect counterbalance to the cool and aloof Saturn transiting your seventh house of marriage and significant relationships. As an opportunity for you to bond and grow your love and particular to share some of your deeper secrets with your partner.

Finally, the North and South Node, the two bodies responsible for the distribution of your past and future karma are readying themselves to move out of the 11th and 5th houses respectively. Your 11th house is a house of gains and fulfilment. It also shows that desires can overpower you.

Astrologer’s Advice

You must learn to control this and direct that energy into areas that offer you the best return for the investment in terms of time, money and love and passion.

As these planets shift position on January 19 you feel an immense change of direction. The North Node moves to your 10th house of career while the South Node and to your fourth house of domestic activities. This reiterates the eclipse effects mentioned earlier. Balancing work and personal affairs will be a key theme this year.

Love and Romance for Leo in 2022

Romance-and-friendship-2019What’s happening in your love life, marriage and social arena?

Jupiter, Uranus, Saturn and Venus are the principal planets of love for those born under the sign of Leo. This year, as mentioned at the outset of your reading, the significant transit of Saturn in the foreground of your horoscope is very powerful. You find Saturn transiting your seventh house of marriage and primary relationships. This is going to underpin all the other transits of your horoscope in 2022.

The opposition to your Sun sign causes you to rethink your position with the one you love. You may now be at a point in your relationship where some of the human frailties you have overlooked previously in the early part of your life are now starting to irritate you. This becomes more pronounced when Saturn makes a square aspect to the North Node in your 10th house.

It was mentioned that throughout this year the recurrent theme of work versus domestic obligations will be paramount. You’ll feel the pressure up to April. This reflects ideological, social or cultural differences between you and your partner.

On January 3 Jupiter also makes a square aspect to the North Node and therefore these ideological differences will start to rear their ugly head as early as January. This causes you to seek the comfort and company of friends as a backdoor exit. The North Node transits your 11th house throughout the latter part of January and also mirrors this.

Your idealism is at a high point this year. As Jupiter moves quickly to your eighth house of intimate connections, it makes conjunction with Neptune. This indicates either a spiritual epiphany of sorts or on the other hand, some terrible confusion about where you stand relationship-wise.

When Jupiter transits to your ninth house on May 11, you start to experience greater clarity. This area of your horoscope is ruled by the fire sign of Aries and offers a great deal more initiative, religious and philosophical conviction. The ninth house has to do with your belief systems. If you’ve compromised these for the sake of keeping your partner happy you at last start to realise you must be true to yourself if you’re going to be happy in the long run.

The transit of Venus through the sectors of love is important. Therefore when Venus makes its move to your seventh house of marital affairs on March 6 you feel a significant upliftment or desire to reconnect with your lover. This transit coincides with the conjunction of Mars making you feel passionate and loving. You want to demonstrate your love and also feel that it is being reciprocated.

The square of Venus to Uranus on March 19 triggers problems relating to shifts in their work schedule which impact relationships generally. On March 29 when Venus makes conjunction with Saturn. This creates a cooling-off effect on your relationships. You’ll feel distant from the one you love. You need to make a greater effort.

Friendships are likely to take on a more important role in your life after June 23 with Venus moving to the 11th house. This is socially solidifying. Venus makes a trine aspect to Saturn on July 13 although the square aspect to Neptune on the following day. This means you must scrutinise any new acquaintances. There are elements of deception on the part of others and overconfidence on your part.

Venus has a marked impact on your relationships and also on you. This is more pronounced after August 12 when it re-enters your Sun sign. An excellent trine aspect to Jupiter, the planet of love takes place on August 18. This is a time of being in love. It’s also a period in your life when you could well be the recipient of unexpected gifts or favours. You’ll enjoy this timeframe not just because of what you are receiving but because you exude a lot more self-confidence, magnetism and sex appeal.

Expect unusual and perhaps unexpected romantic activity after September 20 when Venus makes a trine to Uranus. As Uranus is transiting your 10th house this may be the perfect opportunity to meet new acquaintances or others through your work.

The opposition to Jupiter on October 2 indicates that you’re possibly giving too much to others. You need to establish the worthiness of others before offering your heart 100%. There’s no rush, so take your time and evaluate everyone you come in contact with.

As Venus makes its transit through Scorpio on October 23, it’s preceded by a very tough square aspect to Pluto on the 20th. This is one in which you’ll be dealing with baser human emotions. Envy, jealousy, spite and aggression are going to be part of this astrological mix. You must keep your wits about you and sidestep confrontations with those who are trying to undermine you. This is the classic stalker aspect so be careful you don’t invite these types into your circle of influence.

The latter part of the year excellent time to foster your relationships. Venus transits your fifth house of love on November 16 and by November 30 is in a wonderful trine aspect to the Sun, your ruler. You feel confident and comfortable with the new people you meet. If you’re already in an established relationship it’s time to turn up the heat and index sizzle India love life. Put aside some time to experience more excitement with your lover or spouse.

More challenging aspects in the first week or so of December mean time out. That’s because Venus makes an opposition to Mars on December 1, a square to Neptune on December 4 and a square to Jupiter on December 9.

Astrologer’s  Note

Spend time doing your own thing so that you can come back to the relationship in a more positive and reciprocal frame of mind.

Personalized Compatiblity Report

Find out more in detailed about your romantic prospects, check out your astrology love and compatibility

Career and Finance for Leo in 2022


Stability is one of your main keywords this year. Professionally your horoscope continues to undergo the rather zany and erratic influence of Uranus. Furthermore, its retrograde motion increases its volatility and throws numerous spanners in the work in there and everywhere. What’s more, Venus, ruler of your profession is also retrograde in the sixth house of your workplace environment and co-worker agreements! Pretty much all these areas are under the hammer particularly when the year starts. That’s the reason you must have a solid game plan in place.

The game plan as mentioned this year isn’t only related to your timeline of schedules and deadlines. It’s about how you’ll fulfil your necessary responsibilities. This is much to do with how you manage the people you work with as well. Human workplace relationships will be a very important component of your year.

With Mercury and Pluto also transiting your sixth house, you’ll be dealing with power trippers who carry hidden agendas in the back pocket.

Astrologer’s Advice

You must remain alert to red flags when they’re being waved in your face otherwise, you’ll find yourself mired in all sorts of complications. This will ultimately divert your attention professionally.

The Sun is an important body. It relates to your general professional activities each year. While transiting your sixth house right at the get-go of 2022 it strongly influences you up until January 20. Mostly, the aspects are to Uranus, Venus, Pluto and the North Node. They’re quite favourable during this timeframe. The only exception relates to enemies who may be out to get you. That’s more prevalent on or about January 17 when the Sun makes conjunction with Pluto. Mark it in your diary. If you’re dealing with people in meetings read between the lines to understand the true motives.

Between January 20 and February 19, you’re able to connect with the general public. This will be important if you happen to be in sales, marketing or any sort of telemarketing field. You’ll be able to entice more customers into your business. In particular, leading up to January 23 the Sun makes conjunction with Mercury which is ideal. Accountability may be thrown out the window around February 5 when the Sun transits Saturn. This is further complicated by the Sun’s opposition to your Sun sign.

Banking matters are highlighted between February 19 and March 21 as the Sun transits your eighth house of shared resources. A great opportunity occurs when the Sun makes conjunction with Jupiter. This is the time to talk to your bank manager about getting those loans you’ve needed at the best possible interest rate. This is also a time for inviting venture capitalists to help if you’ve been considering a new business enterprise.

At the introduction of your reading, it was said that the solar and lunar eclipse of May 1 and 16 respectively, would be significant milestones in 2022. New insights are gained through the experiences you’ve gained. This is a spring cleaning of sorts and heralds a noteworthy change of direction especially if you haven’t been happy with what you’re doing in your career.

By far one of the better periods is the transit eclipse in your 10th house. This is the beginning of some new opportunities. It may not necessarily mean a change of company or location but quite likely stepping up the ladder of success through a promotion, at least temporarily. In any case, around May 5 the Sun hits Uranus, makes a conjunction to the North node on May 13. It squares Saturn on the 16th, a sudden sense of duty will arise. With that, there should be an improvement in your finances, albeit rather slowly.

Speaking of finances, the transit of the Sun through your 11th house from May 21 to June 21 is an excellent time to look forward to a pay rise and increased profitability in your business. Throughout August and September, it’s also a time with the Sun transiting your finance sector, the second house, which also brings good luck and greater cash potential.

September is improved with the trine of the Sun to the Node especially on September 11 with its trine to Uranus, indicating a sudden and unexpected inflow of money. When the Sun transits your third house makes contact with Mercury on September 23. This is an ideal period to renegotiate a contract be particularly happy with the deal that you’ve had.

The solar eclipse on October 25 relates to real estate transactions and issues around the home. This transit and the Sun through your fourth house of property and bigger tangible assets indicates a chance to earn money. This will be through the acquisition or sale of real estate especially with the conjunction of Mercury on November 9.

The trine aspect to Neptune on November 15 and the trine aspect to Jupiter on November 21 shows your aspirations for work.

Astrologer’s Note

Improving your position in life will be underpinned by a soaring imagination and ingenious ideas. You should continue to pursue your goals and feel confident that all that is more than possible in 2022.



Karma, Luck and Spiritual Insights for Leo in 2022

New opportunities will continue to come your way throughout January 2022. You should capitalise on these occasions. In particular, use the favourable aspect of Pluto the North Node to dig deeply into your inner self and find those parts of your being that will make you happy. Because transformative Pluto regulates elimination, part of the process is to be ruthless in discarding those elements of your personality which no longer serve you anymore. Those negative traits must be eliminated permanently.

The North Node transiting your 10th house starts its 18-month cycle on January 19. Much of your luck comes via professional opportunities. It reflects a period of stepping up the ladder of success and the North Node’s transit amplifies these opportunities. This means promotions can be big ones when they arise.

Astrologer’s Advice

You mustn’t falter or be indecisive. The North Node is notorious for gifting you great opportunities but equally, snatching them away. You don’t want to lose out by wavering in your resolve.

Mars is the principal planet governing your ninth house of higher spiritual activities, belief systems and morals. Its initial 2022 connection with your fifth house and the Moon means you actively take an interest in meditation and other yogic practices. Interestingly the fifth house is also related to sport and competitive activities as well. You can easily get into the zone in any way that suits your personality.

Running, surfing, playing tennis or group sports are ways you elevate your spiritual awareness this is done primarily by getting yourself out of the way. Sport is a great way to do this Capitalise on spiritual opportunities throughout January up until the 24th at which time Mars makes its way out of this fifth house.

When Mars moves through your ninth house, you’re empowered spiritually. What happens after May 29 is particularly important because it makes a conjunction with Jupiter. You feel your powers of perception, intuition and luck increasing. Mars blesses you with good fortune, increased health and vitality when on June 17 that makes a trine to the Sun.

Astrologer’s Advice

Be careful not to burn yourself out because the square aspect to Pluto on July 2 could undo all of the good work you’ve accomplished.

Throughout the rest of the year, Mars transits to one of your best houses-the 10th. This is the area of career and so between July 5 and 11 profitability can be expected. Your life ambitions can be fulfilled after August 20. Mars continues to transit these areas of your horoscope for the rest of the year as it goes retrograde. It is imbued with even greater power after October 30.

Astrologer’s Note

Much can be achieved not only in the spiritual realm and in the material as well. Friends will be of great assistance as the year comes to a close.


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Cancer 2023 Yearly Horoscope Forecast


Cancer 2022 Overview

Cancer 2021 Yearly Horoscope Forecast

Here’s your Cancer 2022 Yearly Horoscope Forecast

When a planetary traffic jam takes place, you can be pretty certain that the location in your horoscope is going to signify some important developments in that area of your life. As 2022 commences no less than four planets connect in your seventh house of relationships. The Sun, retrograde Venus, Pluto and Mercury occupy this important space and reflect your focus on love during the coming months.

Venus is an important part of friendship and lifelong aspirations. Being retrograde in your seventh house shows an important reappraisal of your relationships but in particular the level of friendship and camaraderie that needs to be obtained for you to feel satisfied in your relationships.

Much of what’s going on in your relationships can be distilled all down to a shift in values. That shift in values and/or belief systems is perfectly reflected in the transit of Jupiter in your ninth house of higher mind, philosophy and general values.

On January 3 Jupiter makes a square aspect to the North node which represents the culture and prevailing trends in society. For some time, your North node has been moving through your 12th house of spiritual ideals. There’s no doubt you’ve been reconsidering your position culturally and, in the world, generally.

You could feel at odds with the way others are thinking and feeling as you’ve now reached a new plateau in your life through your many different past experiences. You don’t necessarily subscribe to what everyone believes just because they say so. Unfortunately, some of this thinking may have spilled over into your relationships. If there are religious or philosophical differences, for example, that can be a difficult position to navigate. You need to be patient and compassionate to find some common meeting ground.

Jupiter is a trine aspect to your Sun sign and relates to finance. It’s a very lucky development. New opportunities open up and in particular your financial status improves as a result. The location of the Sun in your seventh house shows that you’re more easily able to negotiate with others for mutually beneficial financial outcomes.

On April 13 Jupiter makes its conjunction with Neptune, again in your ninth house. Jupiter’s transit in this area of your horoscope also has an impact on your belief systems. Your feelings will intensify. It’s important to note, however, that Neptune is such an idealistic planet that you may lose your way.

You can’t assume those theoretical ideas will necessarily work in your practical everyday life. You need to test new philosophies and test which ones work and which ones don’t. In particular, this must be juxtaposed against the relationships you’re in so that you don’t find yourself at opposite ends of the philosophical spectrum.

On May 11, Jupiter swiftly moves to your career sector indicating a very important new phase really in your life. The 10th house is related to your career, self-esteem and overall success. Perhaps the conjunction with Neptune causes you to dream big dreams and to go for those dreams. In any case your note the new phase of like commencing for you.

On May 1 the Sun enters its eclipse stage in your 11th house of friendships and lifelong goals and aspirations. This eclipse triggers a fresh approach and behaviour relating to your social activities and friends. There may be some new revelations as well which cause you to change your peer group and look further afield for friends.

Lunar Eclipse

Coincidentally, a lunar eclipse on May 16 in the sign of Scorpio signifies important developments in your fifth house of creativity, love and children. You may have been suppressing your feelings and creative expression in these areas of your life. Now with this eclipse, that energy may finally be released. You need to find adequate outlets to direct those energies so that you can feel productive and fulfilled in yourself.

On July 29 Jupiter moves into its retrograde phase. This means you may not have completed your study or research into the value shift we’ve been talking about earlier in your forecast. The decisions you make in your work may be in for a dramatic change as well. Employers could change their opinion and this will lead to unsettling events happening within the company structure you work for. Jupiter moves back into the sign of Pisces on November 24 thereby activating your 10th house of career once again.

On November 24 Jupiter re-enters its direct phase and again kickstarts your career. It’s bringing the year to a promising professional high point. Saturn, a slow-moving planet also makes an important square aspect to the cultural North node. That occurs on April 12 and this reiterates the square aspect of Jupiter which happened earlier in the year on the same point.

On June 5 Saturn and has its retrograde phase until October 23. This is a period of re-evaluation of your finances and also, to some extent the nature of your intimate relationships. The eighth house has to do with regeneration. For that regeneration to take place you must first die in some way or kill off elements of your personality or circumstances which been inhibiting your growth. Once that death takes place, rebirth is indeed possible but may not be easy. It’s much like the caterpillar in its cocoon, finally getting ready to break out, one wing at a time before it can finally fly in full freedom.

Love and Romance for Cancer in 2022

Romance-and-friendship-2019What’s happening in your love life, marriage and social arena?

Pluto, Mars, Saturn and Venus dominate romance, love and marital affairs. These planets have a very strong influence on your emotional affairs. Pluto continues to make its way through your seventh house of relationships. As mentioned in the overview of your coming year, the proximity to Mercury and retrograde Venus is significant as this area of your horoscope relates specifically to marital and long-term committed relationships.

Pluto is transformative, sometimes destructive by nature. Its connection to Mercury means that communication in 2022 is going to be deep and hopefully meaningful. With the right approach and open reciprocal communication, you can take your love life to a whole new level.

Astrologer’s Advice

The retrograde motion of Venus and its connection to the Sun means you need to work on making more time for the one you love. Don’t just take your relationship for granted.

Venus is the planet of friendship and being in the zone of marriage shows that there can indeed be an enhancement of your relationships. You must regain that level of friendship you had at the outset of the relationship.

Pluto enters a trine aspect to your karma point, the North node of February 15. The North node is currently transiting your 12th house of secrets and also compassionate activities. Could it be that transformation can only take place by setting aside your own needs for a while? It’s about really putting yourself in your partner’s shoes to see exactly what they need. There may be a stark contrast in your aspirations which can affect a relationship.

Pluto moves into its retrograde phase on April 30 indicating an intensification of your relationships. Pluto is passionate, transformative and destructive and its aspects are getting stronger. This will increase until October 9 when it goes direct again.

Astrologer’s Advice

Throughout this phase, you must address those issues which have been undermining your relationships. You must confront those problems to make some meaningful sense of where you are and how you feel now.

The Moon and Mars are in exact conjunction as the year starts. You find them transiting your sixth house of service, work and health. This transit augments the Pluto trine North Node element just mentioned. You may have made an enemy of your partner. The sixth house relates to adversarial encounters. It’s not great having Mars transiting this area but through that element but through selfless service, you can counteract these energies. It’s about building your partner up as well as not being argumentative or reactive in your approach. You can smooth things over. This is best done early in the year while the Moon and Mars remain in this position.

Within the retrograde period of Pluto, Saturn, your principal planet of marriage also goes retrograde. That takes place on June 5 and continues longer than retrograde Pluto. It makes a direct turnaround on October 23. Saturn is in your eighth house of intimacy. Being constrictive indicates that you may indeed have to work through issues that have caused you to cool off emotionally, so to speak.

There may be aspects of your relationship that aren’t up to par. Work, health (Mars in the sixth house as the year starts), social distractions etc may have been taking their toll on your relationship. With Saturn in retrograde motion, you can think about these things and work out solutions that can bring you and your partner closer together.

Of course, lockdowns across the planet and a sense of isolation or perhaps even too much closeness with the one you love may also be contributing factors to this distancing and an undermining of intimacy. Saturn is responsible for these things.

Astrologer’s Advice

Mars is your planet of love and romance but also has its natural and inherent aggressive quality. For that reason, you must be careful after January 24 when it enters your seventh house which governs your closest relationships. It remains there up until March 6. It’s probably not a good idea to vent your spleen which might lead to an all-out war.

In matters of intimacy, Mars enters your eighth house and makes its conjunction with Saturn on April 5. This is the classic frustration transit. Unless you’re able to talk about your feelings there may be deepening passive aggression creeping into your love life. Don’t let it get to that.

Mars functions well in the 11th house in its transit. It hits that position after July 5 and is an excellent omen for improvement in your relationships, not only of an intimate nature but socially as well. Let’s not forget that there are also some important eclipses influencing the 11th house as well. That includes the solar eclipse on May 1 in the lunar eclipse on May 16. With Mars transiting this part of your horoscope you will be more dynamic and active in seeking friendship. You must be careful not to allow social distractions to erode any long-term relationship.

Venus is the natural planet of love but also signifies your friendship and lifelong desires. As 2021 has been a theme in your reading for 2022 important to look at this impact on your love life. Its retrograde phase finishes on January 29. With it going direct, you can introduce that energy of love, attention and intimacy back into the picture.

Around February 18 Venus makes contact with Mars and this is the traditional astrological connection relating to passion love and excitement. You should use this astrological power wisely and capitalise upon the positive energies to spice up your relationship.

The transit of Venus in your eighth house after March 6 is excellent. It softens the intimate chilliness mentioned previously. You have to be the hero in your relationship and step up to the plate and express love.


love is a verb.

There may be some significant breakthroughs after the eclipse. When Venus enters your 11th house on May 29 some unusual and sudden experiences take place. With its conjunction of Uranus around May 29 things may grind to a halt and with the square aspect of Saturn again on June 16.

Romance intensifies with the trine aspect to Pluto on June 19. You should express those intense feelings of love to make your partner feel worthy.

Periods of the year which are positive for you are the transit of Venus through your Sun sign from 18th July until August 12. You feel good about yourself and will project that onto the world around you. Others will find you attractive at this time. If you are single, it’s about time you put on your best outfit and mingled a little more with others.

The fifth house transit of Venus is also an excellent one. Showing off your emotional and physical strengths will make a positive impact on the people around you. It’s fortunate for the start of new relationships as well. This takes place and continues up until November 16.

Personalized Compatiblity Report

Find out more in detailed about your romantic prospects, check out your astrology love and compatibility

Career and Finance for Cancer in 2022


To find out what’s happening professionally and financially in 2022 let’s take a look at the transits of Mars and the Sun. These planets primarily give us an insight into what sorts of effects to expect in the coming months.

Confusion may paralyse your efforts by January 12 as Mars makes a square to Neptune. Mars commences the year in your sixth house of workplace activities. Any workplace agreements or relationships with co-workers may be under a cloud. You have to work systematically to get to the truth. Fortunately, the transit is short-lived and Mars moves to its exaltation sign of Capricorn on January 24.

Mars remains in your seventh house of partnerships and public relations until March 6 and up until the 15th, there may be a focus on banking, insurance, retirement plans and money tied up with third parties. It’s best to avoid disputes even if you feel as if you’ve been hard done by. Mars, the combative planet is a hair-trigger character and so you’ll be shooting from the hip.

By far one of the better periods of the year is the transit of Mars through your 10th house. Mars transits your 10th house after May 25. Furthermore, your career sector is Aries and Mars feels comfortable returning to his sign. You have the power to make things happen during this phase. You’ll be dynamic and relentless in the pursuit of your objectives. Mars continues its transit here until the first week of July.

Mars in this transit does so in the best area of your horoscope. There are some key dates that you need to watch out for. Mars will be squaring your Sun sign up until June 18 and indicates disputes with employers and other authority figures.

There are compliance issues or niggling problems with government departments as the Sun regulates governmental areas. It’s important to not let your ego get on the road of your ambitions. You may have to eat humble pie for expediency and to bringing about peace.

Important Eclipses

While these transits are taking place mustn’t forget the important eclipses in May as well. The solar eclipse on May 1 and the lunar eclipse on May 16. These eclipses point to the fact that from April 20 until May 21, the Sun will be transiting your 11th house. This is great for improving your connections, expanding your circle of influence and making new friends who can benefit you financially and professionally.

Later, Mars also transits the 11th house and gives you additional drive and good fortune. That happens from July 5 until August 20. Thereafter you find yourself languishing, lacking in energy and simply wanting to be alone. It’s important to do that so. You’ll regroup your energies and come back to the tasks at hand far more refreshed.

Mars transiting your 10th and 11th house will be in a square aspect to Pluto on July 2. You’ll be dealing with underhanded people who try to take advantage of you.

Astrologer’s Note

Power plays and politics are best sidestepped if you know what’s good for you. There is a better understanding of your professional role and how that fits with the culture you’ve been be working in.

Mars makes its conjunction with the North Node on August 2. The explosive transit of Mars with Uranus on the same date shows that events are out of your control. You could lose control of your own emotions under these transits. Fortunately, by August 8, the square aspect to Saturn will bring that under control. This doesn’t mean you still won’t feel frustrated. Mars square Saturn certainly does make you feel frustrated but you’re not as likely to be explosive verbally which is the worst-case scenario.

Before Mars leaves your 11th house expect a positive trine aspect to Pluto. This is constructive and gives you immense willpower to achieve your goals. You may also meet high-powered individuals who can assist you in achieving your ends. Power will be attractive to you during this phase.

The Sun’s transit of your third house is important. The third house relates to contractual issues. This happens after August 23 and by August 27 there may be some acceleration in the process. The trine aspect to Rahu on September 8 and the unexpected but fortuitous trine aspect to Uranus on September 11 are positive indicators that the green light will be given.



Karma, Luck and Spiritual Insights for Cancer in 2022

Jupiter has edged into your ninth house of spiritual matters this year, expect this part of your life to become a dominant feature. Neptune, already transiting this area welcome the conjunction of Jupiter on April 13 and this provides a significant lift to your intuitive, spiritual and humanitarian aspirations.

Jupiter is an educational planet and the ninth house, as well as being spiritual relates to an opening up of your heart and mind. Many born under Cancer will be developing their intuitive and spiritual skills. To do this involves studying these topics in greater depth.

The ninth house and Jupiter being connected indicate an upswing in luck. Jupiter aspects your Sun sign, the third house of communication and short travels. It also influences your fifth house which relates to romance, children and creative endeavours. All of these areas of your life will be triggered positively.

The only drawback is Jupiter’s influence on your Sun sign which may indicate a little too much fine living and excessive wining and dining. You need to discipline yourself so you don’t end up putting on too much weight.

The North node is currently transiting your 12th house. It’s been there for around 18 months. This planet isn’t a planet but an astronomical powerpoint. It relates to hidden and mysterious things. You’ve been contemplating spiritual matters for some time but as this planet moves into your 11th house on January 19, it will improve your luck, friendships and also earning potential. If you’re in business, it’s particularly lucky and increases profitability.


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Gemini 2023 Yearly Horoscope Forecast


Gemini 2022 Overview

Gemini 2021 Yearly Horoscope Forecast

Here’s your Gemini 2022 Yearly Horoscope Forecast

2022 looks set to be one of the most significant years of your life Gemini.

The reason for this is the recent transit of Jupiter to the apex of your horoscope. This is the 10th house. This zone of your horoscope represents the culmination of karma and in particular your work and professional achievements. Jupiter’s move through this area of your horoscope will slowly but surely bring good fortune which will help you expand your professional horizons over the coming year or so.

For some time, you’ve been doing things a little differently as shown by the North node or karmic point transiting your Sun sign. Leading up to January 3, Jupiter makes a square aspect to your Node. This shows that although you’re capable of achieving a great many things this year, be careful not to let your progressive attitudes undermine some of those windows of opportunity that are now opening up to you.

Astrologer’s Advice

Try to balance your need for change with some stability in your life. Leading up to April 12 Jupiter makes another hard aspect to your Sun sign and this means you may be a little too overconfident in your efforts. During this period you should try to have a good plan in place so that you’re not taken unaware when things change. As you know life is only a series of changes.

Your ideals will start to be realised when Jupiter makes its conjunction with Neptune a day after, on April 13 and this causes you to also balance your dreams with the practical reality of the situation you find yourself in. Jupiter will remain in your career sector until December 21 at which point it will move to your 11th house of life fulfilment.

To gain further insight into the overall pattern of your life throughout 2022, it’s important to look at the planet Saturn. Saturn transits your ninth house throughout this year and this relates to your value system, legal matters and educational opportunities.

There may be some challenges in these areas of your life particularly leading up to April 12. Saturn makes a square aspect to your North node. There may be hidden forces or unexpected events that cause you to change plans. The ninth house also has to do with travel, particularly long journeys. At the outset of the year, Saturn will have just passed the square of Uranus, well-known for upsetting plans. It’s not a bad idea to have Plan B in your back pocket.

Things can settle a little when Saturn makes a trine aspect to the Sun around April 24. There may be greater responsibilities weighing on your shoulders but you have more clarity and know that you’re up to the task of anything that is put before you.

On June 5, Saturn moves into its retrograde motion attesting to the fact that all of the above issues may need to be reconsidered. You have doubts about the direction you’ve been pursuing. Saturn is a very sobering planet and allows you to look more carefully at the whys and wherefores.

While Saturn is retrograde it makes a second trine aspect to the Sun and shows you are even more committed to taking your responsibilities seriously. You will find yourself taking on additional work. At least temporarily, you may also be placed in a position of authority taking on the role of team leader. Saturn eventually goes direct on October 23 and hopefully, a reappraisal of many of these different areas of your life will lead you to some clarity. You’ll be in a much better position to make important decisions after this point.

Neptune is the principal planet for your career and professional aspirations. You must be cautious around April 8 when Neptune squares the Sun. This date may shift depending on your birthdate but for those of you born under the sign of the twins, this tells us clearly that your ideals and objectives professionally maybe blurred around this time. You may need to seek the advice of someone who can act as a guide through this rather nebulous period.

The new year in 2022 kicks off with a rather remarkable Moon and Mars conjunction with the past karma point also readying itself to leave. The Moon and Mars are in the exact degree and minute which means you’re emotional and physical energies are tightly amalgamated in your zone of relationships.

Astrologer’s Advice

This means you must be careful in intelligently directing your emotional energy. You may be shooting from the hip and also assuming things that just aren’t so.

Although the seventh house is generally considered the zone relating primarily to marriage and intimate relationships, it can indeed have ramifications for your business associations and how you deal with the general public. As the Moon and Mars leave their indelible print in this position, they will influence you throughout the year even though the transit doesn’t last that long. In your transactions be careful not to be impulsive or overly reactive. This transit calls for calm deliberation and patience on your part.

It would be remiss to not look at the incredible conjunction of four planets – the Sun, Venus, Pluto and Mercury in your eighth house as the year commences. At the same time, Venus is retrograde. This relates to your creative abilities and a large extent, the emotional and romantic appetites. The Moon and Mars conjunction already mentioned, along with retrograde Venus may have you on the back foot romantically as the year starts.

Astrologer’s Note

The eighth house of your horoscope relates primarily to shared resources and so the fundamental issues you’ll be dealing with in your relationships are money and the rules or guidelines surrounding how you and your partner will deal with that.

Love and Romance for Gemini in 2022


What’s happening in your love life, marriage and social arena?

Romance for Gemini in 2022 starts with energised Venus retrograde in your eighth house.

Venus is the principal planet of love but it is doubly so for Gemini because it rules your fifth house of love affairs, creativity and also your 12th house of bed pleasures. While it is retrograde it’s powerful and intensifies its influences.

As mentioned at the outset, it’s important to temper your reactions with the Moon and Mars in your seventh house. With retrograde Mercury, retrograde Venus in your eighth house along with the Sun, Pluto and Mercury, sexuality and important issues surrounding intimacy will no doubt come to the fore.

Karma and Relationships

Karma is also connected with your relationships this year as the North and South node axis transit across the first and seventh house of your chart. With the South Node relating (past karma point) transiting your seventh house, you’ll be analysing your relationships in the light of your previous experiences. You’re starting to understand the nature of your relationship based upon the decisions you and your partner individually and jointly have made in previous years.

Mars makes its move to Capricorn and meets retrograde Venus in your eighth house on February 17. This can be explosive. Venus is already empowered being retrograde but Mars is also a particularly powerful planet in its own right. Mars is also doubly empowered by transiting Capricorn, its exalted sign. For this reason, passion is the keyword throughout this period.

Venus also connects with Pluto on March 4 and this will intensify your feelings dramatically. It also shows some coercive or underhanded activities taking place. If you’re single and meeting new people you must be particularly careful to keep your wits about you. Venus goes direct and makes another contact with Mars on March 6. Throughout this passion dominates your interactions with others particularly your significant partner if you happen to be in a relationship.

When Venus makes contact with Saturn on March 29 your feelings may cool down. Your partner’s affections may also subside. It could be withdrawn at this time especially because Venus is making a square aspect to the North Node. This means you may be out of step with others and your feelings about relationships generally will start to change.

The 11th house position of Venus is particularly important. This transit takes place on May 3. As it’s transiting through this area of your horoscope many new friendships can be made but there is a repeat warning regarding underhanded tactics or the abuse of power in relationships. This is indicated as Venus makes a square aspect to Pluto on May 27.

There are some unexpected twists and turns in your relationship as Venus transits your 12th house. In particular, it makes a conjunction with Uranus on May 29.

Astrologer’s Note

You may be caught off guard with some pronouncement of a friend or lover. Brace yourself.

Your idyllic situation romantically may be far from the reality of your situation currently. This is shown in July and August with Venus makes a square to Jupiter, trines Neptune and makes an opposition to Pluto. You may find yourself looking at the world with rose coloured glasses. You’re encouraged to open up the lines of communication with your partner. That’s very possible when Venus transits into the sign of Leo, your third house of communications. On August 12, it makes a trine aspect to Jupiter indicating some important developments in your negotiations. This is a positive aspect.

Family affairs

Family affairs are spotlighted when Venus transits your fourth house from September 5 until September 29. Pay some attention to your domestic affairs and give time to developing your inner peace and happiness.


the most important relationship in life is the relationship you have with yourself.

At this time excessive sentimentality may be an emotional thread that’s interweaving your domestic relationships. This is predominantly related to the fact that time doesn’t stand still and things change. It would be lovely to keep things as they were but that’s not possible.

Astrologer’s Note

Adapting yourself to change and the positive possibilities that arise out of this acceptance is a wonderfully liberating thing.

Love and Marriage

The fifth house of your horoscope is one of the most important for generating creativity, love and amorous feelings. For singles, the transit of Venus through this area of your horoscope from September 29 to October 20 is most significant. Venus builds favourable aspects on October 14, 18 and 19. At this time it trines Saturn, the Sun and Mars. This is constructive energy and one which makes you popular. It also allows you to work through your problems in a mutual way for the benefit of all concerned. The aspect of Saturn solidifies your feelings and makes you feel a lot more loyal in whichever relationship you happen to be in.

Later in the year, Venus moves to your seventh house which is the angular house of love and marriage. With this transit, a more solid commitment can be given. Notwithstanding some of the hard aspects of December 4 and 5 the Mars, Neptune and the Sun, these challenges may simply be working through the differences of opinion and also possible idealistic adjustments. It’s important to communicate and that may happen more productively and intensely when Venus returns to be the same position it was when the year commences. That will happen on December 10.

Zone of Intimacy

Venus will again move into the sign of Capricorn which for you is a zone of intimacy. Getting closer to your partner and understanding their needs, as well as fulfilling them, is the basis of a truly reciprocal relationship. All in all, this should be a favourable year for working through differences, resolving them and taking your love life to a new high.

Personalized Compatiblity Report

Find out more in detailed about your romantic prospects, check out your astrology love and compatibility

Career and Finance for Gemini in 2022


In the introduction to your 2022 horoscope, there was a focus on Jupiter and its energising of your professional activities throughout the coming year. That can’t be emphasised enough as its expansive power will not only impact your work but its trine aspect to your finance sector will also lift your income potential tremendously.

Jupiter also has a couple of other additional aspects which are key. Firstly, it has a trine aspect to your sixth house which has to do with work relationships you have with co-workers and those who work for and under you. It’s important to note that if you have the support of those you work with your job will become much easier generally. If you have trouble with these people, it’s a good idea to bury the hatchet now. The more allies you have this year the greater your success.

Mars is also a very important planet and rules your sixth house. The sixth house is how you do your work and the effectiveness of your day-to-day scheduling. Mars makes a powerful entry into its exaltation sign of Capricorn on January 24. This is the eighth house of your horoscope and relates to the resources of other people.

Time, Emotional and Mental support

Generally, we look at this as meaning the money that others pump into your endeavours or the loans that you’re able to secure for different business purposes. The second house however also relate to the elegant currencies of time, emotional and mental support which can be invaluable aids to achieving success.

In the first part of the year, you may find some adversarial encounters as shown by the Moon and Mars being in close conjunction in your seventh house. The Moon is ruling your finances and so these head-on confrontations could well relate to financial disagreements. Fortunately, these transits are short-lived and you’ll get through them.

Important developments occur when the Sun, the natural significator of career and self-esteem moves through your 10th house. This takes place between February 19 and March 21. The conjunction of Jupiter on March 6 is an important milestone offering you greater opportunities and luck. You must be careful not to let the conjunction of Neptune around March 13 confuses issues. Ensure that you have a clear goal in mind and don’t deviate from your path.

Legal Issues

Legal issues occur during the transit of Mars through your ninth house after March 6. Clashes and problems occur around the square aspect of Uranus which is March 23. There is also the problem with the conjunction of Saturn around April 5. You will feel your energy reserves dwindling. This is a good time to give yourself a break and recharge those worn-out batteries.

Return with strength after April 7 when Mars makes a trine to the Sun which then fortuitously enters your 10th house. It gains directional strength around April 15. It remains in your 10th house until May 25. This is a time of the year that you should push as hard as you can to achieve your goals. You may not need to do too much pushing after all as Mars is a big positive wave of energy elevating you. During this period you will achieve a new position. It’s likely because of the conjunction to Jupiter leading up to May 29.

Lunar Eclipse

A lunar eclipse takes place on May 16 and this occurs in your sixth house of work. A deeper understanding of connectedness to your co-workers and the fact that no man is an island under themselves may arise. This wisdom helps you improve your skills at work. You’ll meet your deadlines in a much more timely fashion. You may also find that enemies or those who’ve been harbouring ill will towards you may come out of the woodwork. You will suddenly discover who these enemies are.

The 11th house relates to the fulfilment and fruition of your past efforts. Mars transits your 11th house from May 25 to July 5. Capitalise on any opportunities and demand you’re paid fairly for the work that you do. You know what you’re worth but you need to make that known.

Period of Loss or Attraction

The 12th house transits can indicate periods of loss or attrition. Mars transits this area of your horoscope between July 5 then August 15. You may spend a lot of money particularly between the 8th and 15th when Mars makes a square to Saturn and trines Pluto.

Astrologer’s Advice

Try to employ a little more wisdom in the way you purchase things during this period. You could find yourself in a financial ditch at the end of that transit if you aren’t prudent.

You are energised to achieve great things in the latter part of the year particularly when Mars moves into your Sun sign after August 20. It remains there until November 20. During this period move into its retrograde motion and remain in that position until the end of the year. Some of the aspects previously mentioned need to be re-experienced.

As an example, the hard aspect to Neptune which occurs on October 12 also takes place on November 20, the trine aspect of Saturn of September 28 again recurs on November 29. Mars in aspect to Neptune and Saturn is never easy and shows a devitalisation of energy. In some ways, it’s a type of paralysis in terms of your action and ability to move forward.

Astrologer’s Note

You should take stock of things rather than pushing them forward. Excessively trying to achieve impossible goals is a recipe for failure. Collect your energies and think your goals through more clearly to achieve greater success.



Karma, Luck and Spiritual Insights for Gemini in 2022

Everyone needs luck. That to a large extent is based upon your karma. The North Node is completing an 18-month cycle through your first house. This is the part of your horoscope governing your self-image and ego. The South Node of past karma point, as mentioned previously is doing its work on your relationships. With greater self-analysis and understanding of others, you’ll develop unique skills and core competencies of an emotional and spiritual nature.

Spirituality and higher Knowledge

Uranus is the governing planet of your ninth house and rules spirituality and higher knowledge. Its transit through your 12th house is significant and gives you the intuitive insights to crack open those past troubling experiences that have been undermining your efforts.

Uranus moves to its stationary direct phase on January 19. And by August 1 makes contact with your North Node. This is a powerful transit indicating an epiphany of sorts. This is a time when you break through some of these past life experiences that have caused you suffering and perhaps made it difficult for you to develop the sort of relationships you’ve dreamt of.

Positive Transformations

With the solar eclipse occurring in your 12th house on May 1, your personality will undergo important positive transformations. Changes are an important component of breaking free of past habits and patterns which have been holding you back. Working with this solar eclipse impacts your personality and also allows you to influence others greatly.

There is also a lunar eclipse on November 8 taking place in your 12th house. This is particularly important for spiritual matters and under this eclipse, any sort of meditation or self-analysis will yield very quick results.

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Aries 2023 Yearly Horoscope Forecast


Aries 2021 Yearly Horoscope Forecast

Aries 2022 Overview

READ your Aries 2022 Yearly Horoscope Forecast…

Welcome to 2022 Aries!

ARIESPowerful planetary forces converged on your career sector in 2022, particularly at the outset. The Sun, Venus, Pluto and Mercury transit your 10th house. This ensures you have enough energy to achieve your goals this year. Retrograde Venus moves to its forward motion on January 29. If you have some doubt about your business partnerships, spouse or romantic partners generally, because this side of your life may be opposed to your professional activities. That will quickly change as February commences.

On April 13 an important conjunction of Jupiter and Neptune takes place. Your principal spiritual planets connect, thereby resulting in a more fine-tuned intuition that gives you a subtle edge in your negotiations and general life affairs. You may also explore spiritual avenues of growth. This growth is accentuated when Jupiter moves to your Sun sign on May 11.

For the first coming 12 years, you will feel the power of one of your best planets as it expands your horizons, lift your spirits and gives you the confidence to go after your dreams. You have a strong sense of freedom and will want to explore many new possibilities over the coming months.

Lunar eclipses



A lunar eclipse on May 16 promises that this month will be a big turning point. That’s because the eclipse takes place in your eighth house of personal transformation, sexuality and shared financial resources. Any or all of these parts of your life will be up for review. It will be a cathartic period and one in which you will be privy to new insights and greater self-understanding. This in turn will flow onto your relationships.

The lunar eclipse on May 16 will find you dealing with the retrograde movement of unpredictable Uranus. This planet is also still making it slow and long transit through your second house of finance. You’ll have to stay on your toes and be a step ahead of what’s going on not only in your financial domain but in terms of the global markets and where the economy is heading generally. This period of reconsideration continues till August 21 when Uranus once again moves into its direct motion.

During this period, the lunar eclipse of November 8 hits your second house of income and material resources. But your life lesson now, and it will be a significant karmic one, is learning how to manage your finances in a much more structured way. The Moon is generally well-placed in Taurus but as it is eclipsed by the nodes there may be some stark financial revelation that isn’t to present. Rather than bemoaning the situation, it’s an opportunity to turn things around and capitalise on what at first seems an irretrievable circumstance.

There may be some unfinished business to attend to by the middle of the year and that’s shown by the retrograde movement of Jupiter on July 29. Jupiter will make its way back into your 12th house. At first, you may be annoyed that you have to retrace your steps and relearn some of the things you have been studying. This will guarantee that your wisdom remains intact particularly after Jupiter goes direct on November 24.

On December 21 Jupiter finally makes its way back into your Sun sign restoring the confidence you may have temporarily lost. Saturn, the planet of your career makes some important stations in its transit this year. The first is on June 5 when it moves into retrograde motion in your 11th house of social activities and lifelong dreams.

As with Jupiter, there may be a revisionary time interval where you question your place in the world, particularly in the context of your friendships and social obligations. There may be a shakeup in your social ‘tribe’.

Your ruling planet, Mars, lends support to your professional objectives by transiting your 10th house of career on January 24. It remains there until March 6 when it begins to accentuate your social life and power and influence amongst friends. It’s strong. The network and expand this circle of influence.

Between April 15 and May 25, you may need to recharge your worn out batteries due to the transit of Mars through your 12th house of retreat. The perfect opportunity to get away from everything and to think through some of the above retrograde implications of your life. Your spiritual activities may increase during this cycle as well.

You may have a flat period between May 1 and 18. That’s because Mars will enter into conjunction with nebulous Neptune. This planet is the ruler of your 12th house and so it intensifies your need to be alone, to seek out a deeper meaning in your life at to pull back from your relationships generally.

After July 5 Mars activates your propensity to industriousness. You want to make money and lots of it. You may become rather obsessed, a man or woman on a mission looking to achieve a better station in life, with more prestige and luxurious surroundings.

Astrologer’s Advice

To do that, you have to earn more money and that’s exactly what Mars does in this part of your horoscope. You have power, drive and a seemingly unstoppable ambition to achieve a better financial status during this period of the year.

One of the cycles is the transit of Mars through your third house of Gemini after August 20. It remains in this part of your horoscope for some time as it also enters into its retrograde phase after October 30. It will remain there for the rest of the year.

The retrograde energy on your ruling planet empowers you to be bold and to do things you may not have attempted before. There is also a strong travelling flavour associated with this transit. You may at least plan some new holiday and expand your horizons with greater hope for the future, generally.

Love and Romance for Aries in 2022

Romance-and-friendship-2019What’s happening in your love life, marriage and social arena?

The Sun uniting with Venus on January 9 promises a great deal of affection and reciprocal love. Your emotions are positive and you want to express yourself to the one you love. This aspect also prompts physical attraction and sexual activity. You feel attractive and will surround yourself with beauty.

Astrologer’s Note

You are primarily concerned with art, harmonious environments, being creative and involving the one you love in all of those activities.

Relationships are like a seesaw around February 17 as Mars and Venus make a conjunction aspect. You need to keep your balance if you are to understand your partner’s needs. You wish for something a little more unusual, more spice in your life and a variety that your partner may not be able to offer you just now.

After March 6, Mars activates your creative energies to its opposition aspect to your fifth house. This is the perfect time to investigate what sort of things you can do to bring yourself back to a level of expressive brilliance so that you can love more completely.

Zone of Secrets and Spiritual Activities

With Venus in your zone of secrets and spiritual activities after April 6, you’ll want to stay away from the world and rediscover those simple things in your life that once made you happy.

Astrologer’s Note

The trick is to experience happiness even amid the hustle and bustle of your daily grind. This means relationships may be low-key or you and your partner may prefer to spend time away from the social crowd for the first few weeks of the year.

After May 3, you’ll want relationships but also want your freedom. You can’t have it both ways. Perhaps you should be looking for freedom within the relationship itself because if the person you are with is open enough, they will allow you the freedom to be yourself and to conduct yourself in ways that are in keeping with your nature. That is what a true soul mate is about.

When Venus makes its trine aspect to Pluto, you are likely to feel intense, possibly even compulsive about your love life. Friendships prosper, groups come into being, and new contacts are made. Compulsive or obsessive behaviour may erupt within a social context, however. It’s advisable to keep notes and see what you can make of things when the dust settles. Even if you don’t fully understand the implications right now, wait and see.

The general public could be annoying at this time as well. This is a signal having more to do with your emotional connection to others than anything else. He, who is fixed in wisdom, discards both good and evil works.

Discussions centre upon love and relationships as Mercury enters your fifth zone of love affairs on July 19. You are ready to open up and explore the possibilities of your romantic nature. This may be difficult given that you’re feeling private and even perhaps at times a little suspicious given the past and some of the things that happened to you in love. I always say that the most fragrant rose has the thorniest stem and the prick of the thorn is the price you must pay to enjoy the rapturous heights of love.

The Sun also kicks in to help the above transit after July 23 adding vibrantly healthy and optimistic energy to your relationships. Venus and Mars give you a romantic jolt after July 27 when they form a square aspect. Your heart may be telling you one thing at your head will be challenging you and telling you to hold back before decisively acting.

You may be relying on much of your good karma to get you through this period but


you’re only as good as your last hit. Travel is high on your agenda and this should also trigger an interest in spiritual destinations.

The cherry on top astrologically is the Andrea Venus into your fifth house after August 12.

Relationships get more serious when Mercury moves to your seventh house on August 26. The Sun and Venus follow suit on September 23 and September 29 respectively. This points to a more cohesive structure to your relationships. For some discussions could revolve around a more permanent state of affairs emotionally. The transit of Venus through your seventh house is generally one which lifts your confidence emotionally and romantically and, in some cases, leads to proposals of engagement and marriage.

Your emotional intensity isn’t met with the same passion by your partner after August 29. This is because Venus moves to the opposition of Saturn. You will not understand why they’re not as excited about a topic or lifestyle that you are dreaming about. How can you possibly bridge the gap between your vision and theirs? That is a significant question. Astrologically, Mars may be the solution as it moves into a trine aspect of Saturn same time. This means you can constructively work through these romantic issues and divert your attention to more productive activities.

October is a sexy month given that Venus, the Sun and Mercury transit your eighth house of deeper intimacy. It’s time to talk about your needs rather than just wishing your partner would fulfil them. Sometimes there is an air of to move around these issues in the eighth house perfectly describes these ‘no-go’ zones.

By November 11 when the square aspect of the Sun and Saturn take place, the wilder side of your nature is likely to be more subdued. You’ll feel frustrated at this time You can’t be all things to all people. You still need to respect convention under certain circumstances.

Astrologer’s Advice

Don’t allow your needs to overwhelm you. You may be excessive in your demands to have your emotional requirements fulfilled.


This may be more pronounced when Venus squares Jupiter on December 9. This follows the trail of Mercury is also squares Jupiter on December 6, just a few days earlier. You must be balanced in your attitudes. Be patient as Venus makes an incredibly exciting trine aspect to Uranus on December 22, just before Christmas. Your festive season may be sexually and emotionally charged and in a very positive way.

Personalized Compatiblity Report

Find out more in detailed about your romantic prospects, check out your astrology love and compatibility

Career and Finance for Aries in 2022


You may see early gains in 2022 as no less than five planets transit your zone of profits and income through various means. The transit of Mercury on January 2 and then the Sun on January 20 bring your focus clearly to financial matters. This is more so the case if you happen to be independently employed.

Mercury is retrograde after January 14 and is a cautionary transit to not rush headlong into any business transaction until you’re fully conversant with the terms and conditions on offer. Mercury will remain in this retrograde situation until it goes direct on February 15. You get the green light on your projects at this time. On March 6 a double whammy transit of Venus and Mars hits your 11th house as well. This is a potent transit giving you leadership qualities.

Your professional appetites bite hard at the commencement of the year as Mars transits your professional sphere on January 24. Your hunger for success must be dealt with responsibly and systematically. You have strong ambitions, and maybe domineering if threatened by rivals. Mars remains in this area of your horoscope until March 6.

In April contracts may dominate your thinking. Discussions are intense after Mercury’s transit to your third house on April 30. The Sun’s transit on May 21 brings you to interact with government officials or those in the business. Those of you looking for a break professionally, make sure your resume is spick-and-span. It’s a competitive marketplace and you need to be one step ahead of your competitors. In any case, you can make some inroads professionally and create a good impression if you are invited to interviews to further your career.

Between June 21 and July 19 pay attention to your fixed assets like property, vehicles and other housing-related investments. It’s a good time to consider how you can maximise the return on these investments. If you are not yet invested in property this could be the time where your attention gravitates towards these things.

Beautify your home is also on the cards after July 18 and Venus, the artistic and suave planet sweep through your fourth house as well. You may want new furnishings, a makeover to freshen up your environment. Getting creatively involved in this process also bring you a lot of emotional satisfaction at the same time.

Your sixth house is triggered with Mercury’s transit between August 4 and August 26. The Sun joins the party on August 23 with Venus creating some opportune business moment for you after September 5. The quality of your service and people skills will be under the microscope at this time. The sixth house is concerned with how you do your work. This has a lot to do with managing your time and your internal energies as well.

Astrologer’s Advice

Clean up your schedule and make sure your diary is up-to-date.

You may be financially lucky with the planetary triplets of Mercury, Venus and the Sun transiting your eighth house of inheritances and shared resources. This is the time to be careful not only with your own money but with the money of others. There may be an opportunity to receive some capital injection if you are a business person. Some creative ideas may also attract financial investment.

Unfortunately, this part of your horoscope also points to deaths, wills and legacies. You may be the recipient of some money through this process as well. These three planets, Venus, the Sun and Mercury transit through your eighth house after October 23 and remain there until November 16, 17 and 22 respectively.

There can be a distinct uplift in your good fortune, luck or karma, whatever you wish to call it after December 21. This is because Jupiter, the natural planet of like transit your Sun sign. This not only impacts your business and financial life but your overall popularity. This can only be construed as a great conclusion to 2022.



Karma, Luck and Spiritual Insights for Aries in 2022

The 12th house of your horoscope is the most potent spiritual segment of the zodiac. When planets transit this sector of your horoscope you are drawn to charitable acts, self-reflection, yoga, meditation and other spiritual and self-help modalities. The Sun is the natural significator of spirituality along with Jupiter and transits your 12th house from February 19 until March 21. This activates your intuitive and spiritual interests.

The Sun’s transit of your eighth house after October 23 also points to a period of self-transformation. These transits aren’t always easy because they involve the process of elimination, removing habits and conditioning which have held you back in life, sometimes for years. The good news is that if you work with these energies, you can most certainly remove those obstructions from your life.

You are also in a period where the South Node has been transiting your ninth house. This means that your positive past karma is coming to fruition. Because the Moon and Mars are associated with this karmic point at the outset of the year you will feel luckier than usual. This is a cycle to capitalise on all your past good works. To reap the benefits, you may find that additional travel and a lot of physical movement will be required this year.

Quicklinks to the individual profile of each zodiac signs:

How an astrologer can help you


Unless you’ve been referred to a psychic practitioner or astrologer by a friend or someone you trust, you’ll never quite know if you’re not throwing money away. It’s not easy discerning the genuine from the fake. That’s particularly so when it comes to psychics, clairvoyants and astrologers.

 Dadhichi Toth is the founder and CEO of and has over 40 years of experience in Vedic, spiritual and Western astrology. After 40 years and thousands of readings , here’s what some of his clients and visitors have to say about his work, technical expertise and intuitive skill –

I wanted to let you know that I’ve been working full-time since February 21 and you were right about the food industry. Dadhichi, how did you get so accurate? I did have a problem with my father when I was around 15 years old but I still live at home – JC

I’m sometimes amazed and struck by the singular accuracy of your readings in the daily horoscope – truly amazing – how do you do it? – RC

My face-to-face meeting with you was amazing, and everything you said was extremely accurate. It touched on a deceased friend of mine who passed many years ago and that was unbelievable; knowing that she is still around me gives me a sense of what our friendship meant to her. I’m leaving my sitting with you I found that a great weight had been lifted off my shoulders, and I now have a better understanding of where my life is headed – SW

Hey Dadhichi, Last week you said I needed to be careful and asked me if I’d had any recent accidents etc. Well,  I was travelling home at about 6 PM. A car coming towards me towing a trailer didn’t take the corner cleanly and his trailer fishtailed all over the place. If I’d been 500 m closer he would have collected me – LK

Sorry to sound so shell-shocked Dadhichi, but I literally was discussing you and your readings not 30 minutes before you rang.! All the best – CS

Dadhichi, in my first reading with you, it was predicted that I would be going to South America. I could not fathom it at the time, but life has transpired, and I’m going for a month to immerse in Spanish. I think I should have another reading before I leave – D

Hello Dadhichi, when we met last, the first thing you asked me “Is BRW (Business Review Weekly) writing about you?” And I said no. Lo and behold Wednesday last week, I got a call from the Business Review Weekly. As they say, this is spooky – MW

Hi Dadhichi, just to drop you a line to thank you for the awe-inspiring session I had with you last Friday. I can say that we were totally overwhelmed and rejuvenated, which has given me my second wind. You’re a guiding light for me giving me the encouragement and confidence to pursue and develop my true self  –  HK

Just a thank you note to Dadhichi. Everything you said has come true! – PL

Hi Dadhichi; your accuracy is amazing. My health did improve in November and December as you predicted it would, and I don’t believe it was a subliminal message you planted in my psyche. Cheers, ZD

During July and August, Dadhichi has decided to discount his 30 and 60-minute readings by 10% and 20%, respectively. Please secure your face-to-face booking with a truly dedicated and gifted astrologer to resolve your problems, gain clarity and see exactly what karma and the coming months and years have in  store for you.

 Do it now, here!

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About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here


What Is Non-Verbal Communication?

face reading

You may be wondering what is non-verbal communication? This skill is essential and can be used in many situations. Children, for example, use non-verbal communication from the moment they are born. They rely on non-verbal communication because they can’t speak or use language. Crying is a typical example of this type of communication, and it is a sign that something is wrong.

Linguistic and non-linguistic communication

Communication and Working to Find New Methods to Solve Old ProblemsIt is well-established that linguistic and non-linguistic communication have different cognitive and neural processes. While language has rules that determine the correct articulation and meaning of a sentence, non-linguistic communication does not. It uses signs with different meanings. This means that non-linguistic communication is a more general term, capturing several meanings of the word meaning. Understanding the difference between them is therefore crucial.

The difference between linguistic and non-linguistic communication can be noticeable when interpreting signs. the signs that are not linguistically communicated, also known as non-language, can be seen by many senses, such as sound, sight and touch. Signs are analysed using the scientific discipline of semiotics. Then the signs in traffic systems illustrate non-linguistic communication. Signs in traffic are designated by the car driving the vehicle, while the driver is the one behind the flag. The interpreter is on the opposite side.

A cognitive process that enables language processing to be performed is crucial for the use of language. But linguistics and other communication are very closely linked. Many mental processes are involved in non-linguistic touch, which does not require language. Mirror neurons, for example, are thought to play a role in language processing. They were discovered in the prefrontal cortex of rhesus macaques and are fired when the monkeys perform actions. These neurons help study non-linguistic communication.

Studying facial cues in communication

9.-Face-Reading-and-HealthHuman face has long been the focus of research in non-verbal communication. Psychologists have created sophisticated techniques to code facial expressions. Humans can express many emotions using facial muscles. Numerous studies show that facial expressions can convey a variety of emotions, including sadness and happiness. Here, we will explore how facial expressions influence our emotions. Below are some of the most important facial expressions and their corresponding emotions.

Facial expressions are the most direct and immediate cues humans use to communicate. Here, we discuss how facial expressions influence interpersonal communication. A significant part of facial communication involves eye contact. This trait may have evolved in early childhood, and humans are one of the only mammals that maintain regular eye contact with their mothers while nursing. The use of eye contact can be used to control a conversation and show interest. It also helps establish a relationship with others.

One study, conducted by Righart and de Gelder, incorporated two kinds of stimulus into their experimental paradigm. Participants were presented with a face and a scene simultaneously. The faces were introduced in the centre of a screen. The screen was then used to display the faces. Participants were required to classify the expressions using the scenes that they experienced. They did not undergo the same emotion when the faces and scenes were dissimilar.

Body language and communication

Social workers will likely observe subtle signals in people’s moods and emotions. These signs can be a sign of stress, anxiety, anger, and insecurity. Other non-verbal cues may indicate fear or boredom. Your non-verbal communication can reflect your mood, whether you are a businessperson. Here are some examples. The first time you meet someone new, make an effort to observe how they hold their body.

A person’s body language can dramatically influence what they say or feel. If a person taps their feet or crosses their arms, they communicate their displeasure. The most effective way to communicate with someone is to maintain an open stance and consider the other person’s point of view. Learning to read their non-verbal cues early in life is vital for personal growth, confidence, and career success.

Then a person’s mood can be expressed through body movements and facial expressions. Research has shown that body language is inherited, but it is more likely learned than taught. Breathing, shoulders, and chest movement can also convey a person’s mood. The same is true for attitude. Whether you’re happy or sad, your non-verbal communication can help you convey the message you want to convey.

How to better read others in negotiation

Even though you are on the same side with your partner during negotiations, how do you interpret your partner’s body language? Understanding how body language can communicate various emotions is the first step. Positive body language is a sign of agreement. Negative body language can indicate disinterest and disagreement. Your partner will likely be able to nod or look toward you when you are having a conversation.

Successful negotiators strive to get to know their counterparts and meet their needs. They seek to understand the other side’s perspective to maximize their chances of reaching an agreement that benefits both parties. These are other ways to help you understand others when you negotiate. Once you understand the other party’s perspective, you can effectively approach negotiation from that perspective.

You can only improve by practising, so make sure to read books about negotiation. Some people are naturally gifted at negotiating. Others need to be taught the skills that can help them win. Negotiation books can teach you to read others better, empathize with the other party, and present your case persuasively. These books also teach you how to maintain relationships while achieving a compromise. The books offer tips and observations that can be used to build skills and examples from real-world situations.

Facial tells to detect lying

When it comes to non-verbal communication, there are several ways to tell if someone is lying. These behaviours are linked to various emotions, intentions, and situations. Since the person controls them, they can also be used to identify deception. Researchers are still examining these behaviours to discover the best ways to spot a potential lie. Observers can use these signs to detect deception in people and help them identify lies.

One of the best ways to identify a lie is watching their eye movements. Eye movements toward the mouth and forehead are common indicators of lies. A liar may look up more or to the right more than an honest person would. When they lie, their eyes can shift in any direction. These signs may be false or true, depending on who they are. For instance, a person lying may move their gaze away from their mouth while they are smirking or laughing.

Other than eye movements, deception can also be detected by nonverbal cues. The most common facial tells of seeing lying in non-verbally communicated communications are saccadic eye movements and contraction of the eye muscles. This characteristic is consistent with “Duping Delight”, a combination of saccadic eye movements and contractions of the eye muscles. In addition to facial muscles, people may also contract their eyelids to recall information.

Summing up non-verbal communication

Non-verbal communication can be a potent tool in our daily interactions with others. Our body language often communicates more than our words. A smile or a tense jaw can convey more about our emotions than we can ever share with terms. Your nonverbal communication can influence your daily success or failure. Luckily, there are some ways to recognize when we’re saying the wrong thing, and what we don’t say can be as important as what we say.

We don’t always need to communicate our thoughts verbally when using nonverbal communication. Many people do this automatically, and the way they do it can vary based on the situation. Non-verbal communication is often unconsciously reinforced, as we don’t necessarily express our true feelings. Even if it isn’t intended, our body language can communicate a range of messages about our intentions.

The importance of non-verbal communication is undeniable. It can help us meet our needs, better understand others and form stronger connections with others. Although some people may seem to have a natural gift for it, everyone can improve their non-verbal communication skills. You’d be amazed at how much it makes a difference in the way you interact with others, no matter what your nonverbal communication abilities may seem.

About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here


Renewed Interest in Astrology

Here’s the Renewed Interest in Astrology…

Astrology has seen a renewed interest since the new election cycle. Western Astrology was experiencing a revival before the Pandemic. With the help of Instagram meme accounts, venture capital-funded astrology apps and destabilising events such as the Trump presidency and Brexit, the popularity of Western astrology has soared. This trend seems to be being fuelled by 2020.

Astrology in the 21st century

LIFE PROGRESSIONSome people think that astrology is a quaint superstition. They believe it’s a waste and others believe it is useless. However, astrology can be a useful analytical tool that helps people map their lives. It also allows them to identify patterns or trends that could affect their lives. You probably use Google Maps or your smartphone’s weather app to check the forecast before you go. But astrology has evolved beyond its ‘prediction’ roots, and you can use it to help you make the most of your life.

People today are sick of the internet and want more privacy. We are overwhelmed by digital media, and in a quantified world, we need something more. Astrology in the 21st Century by David Cochrane is a holistic approach to astrology. It integrates many ideas and creates one coherent framework. The result is a clearer understanding of birth charts. Cochrane was sceptical at first of astrology’s benefits. However, after many years of research and personal study, he became a believer in astrology.

Many apologists believe that astrology has lost its relevance as a science. However, a new approach has been emerging that incorporates astrology and philosophy. And many astrologers are beginning to understand the role of the divine in predicting future events. One of the most prominent scholars of medieval astrology, Dr Benjamin Dykes, earned his PhD in philosophy from the University of Illinois and received his horary qualification from Robert Zoller. After his PhD, Dykes taught philosophy courses at universities in Illinois. In 2011, he published his three horary books and Traditional Astrology for the 21st century. He also offers lectures on his philosophy of Logos and Light. His talks are available to all astrological groups around the globe.

The New Astrology Renaissance

Astrology is thriving in a world where politics and nuclear threats dominate the news. The paradox of astrology, both genuine and fake, is enticing. The digital natives are obsessed with themselves, selfish, and lack self-awareness and astrology provides them with order and organisation.

Modern astrologers often reference the work of Jung, a prominent figure of the late 19th century. Jung was a well-known psychologist who believed there wasn’t a causal link between stars and Earth and that everything is in our minds. The new age movement reduced astrology’s value to pop psychology and sugary breakfast cereals. And since these modern astrologers did not have access to the classical astrological texts, they could not fully explore their subject.

The New Astrology Renaissance traces the evolution of astrology from its origins in the Middle Ages. Astrology was an essential pillar of educated and shared belief in the early modern era. Humanism was a significant influence in early modern times. However, astrology declined over the past two centuries and lost ground to science, religion and astronomy. After the First World War, however, astrology gained its footing again.

In the 15th century, Europe saw a revival in classical thought. This was when Renaissance started. The translation into Latin of Greek texts was also part of this revival. In contrast, alchemy, banned by the Catholic Church, was now accepted in the West. It is still in its early stages, despite the New Astrology Renaissance. This is because discoveries from antiquity take time to integrate into existing knowledge. For example, computers are not taboo anymore, as opposed to astrology.

Astrology is a religion

community_and_culturalAstrology’s ancient roots dating back to approximately five thousand years, is a fascinating feature. While astrology has its roots in natural-philosophical practices, the practice is also connected to a deeply-held belief in the heavenly bodies and their divinatory intentions. Moreover, all peoples on Earth are familiar with the astronomical observation of the heavenly bodies, which is crucial for the development of calendars and time divisions.

In the nineteenth century, astrology began to break with scientific principles and draw conclusions. While most astrologers still insist on the undiscovered science behind astrology, it has been considered a question of correlations since Paracelsus broke with causal science. However, since the rise of the scientific method, some quantum concepts have entered the astrological discourse. For example, string theory, which is far removed from the scientific process and is not a testable scientific theory, has recently been declared a science by several esteemed scientists.

While the Bible mentions astrology indirectly, it does not go into the nitty-gritty details. But many Christians know of the story of the “star of Bethlehem” in the Gospel of Matthew. The Magi, as they were called, understood the star to be the sign of a Jewish king and, in turn, found him in the baby Jesus. However, these Magi were probably Persian astrology priests who were widely known throughout the Roman Empire at the time of Jesus.

Astrology is a personal decision. Although it’s a person-to-person decision, many find the truth actual. But what is the scientific method? This is the answer in the astrological and esoteric branches of this field. Then astrology is a branch of the magical universe that was developed from Hinduism. Astrology also included Hinduism. Buddha was the central figure of theosophy. His doctrines had rebirths and karma, which are about the person’s character.

Using astrology to plan your life

You can use astrological energy to help plan your life. Using astrology to plan your life can be a powerful tool to help you find fulfilment in your work and love lives or find a new passion project. It can also help you create a strong foundation for your home life. Here are a few tips for using astrology to plan your life.

To make realistic plans for your life, you can use the sun and moon signs. Your Sun sign is the foundation of your personality. Your chart should include influences from Scorpio, the fixed water element. It will help you determine the right time to take on different endeavours. Astrology can also help you understand the best times to spend with your partner.

A study showed that those who use social media to read astrology are less likely than others to feel high-stress levels. The results of this study were not statistically significant. However, it did show a statistical association between astrology and the presence of stress. Social media astrology was more popular with women than it was with men. This is not to say that astrology should be disregarded, and it should not replace a healthy relationship with other forms of therapy or self-help.

Astrology can help you plan the stages of your life. Although it isn’t a perfect science, it will help you make better decisions. When combined with The Law of Attraction, you can create powerful manifestations of what you want in life. And since the Law of Attraction is such a complex philosophy, this article can only touch on a few of the most vital aspects.

The new millennials and astrology

The Millennials represent a new generation of ‘postreligious’ youth. They are more open to alternative ideas and have less faith than previous generations. Numerous millennials find comfort in traditional astrology. This changes as more millennials turn towards this spiritual practice, making it an excellent fit for their upbeat, self-expressive lifestyles.

The millennial generation shuns traditional organised religions, and astrology is a popular alternative. Astrology can help millennials find meaning and purpose in life, even though conventional beliefs are long gone. Although it may seem counter-intuitive for millennials, the science of astrology has remained relatively unchanged since thousands of years ago. Interpreting a person’s astrological signs were thought to give people a deeper understanding of the universe and themselves. As technology has advanced and spiritualism has increased, astrology has enjoyed a resurgence.

Recent research suggests that the millennial generation is increasingly interested in astrology. While many young people say they do not believe in it, the Gen Z generation has a keen eye for research. Millennials are resourceful and have a keen eye for research. Astrology is an attractive alternative. Astrology similarly predicts many people’s lives to the “Dumbo” feather or the potion Ron uses in Harry Potter and The Half-Blood Prince.

Mainstream astrology articles tend to discredit astrology. However, many millennials turn to this site for help. According to the National Science Foundation, astrology is considered a science by a third of millennials. Despite this, many young adults still view it as mere light entertainment. They see astrology as a language or tool that is more symbolic than literal.


Dadhichi Toth

the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here