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Are You an Old Soul

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Are You an Old Soul? Recognising Soulmates

You’ve probably wondered, Are you an Old Soul? It’s easy to confuse new and old souls, and their difference can be profound. New souls come into this life with an empty suitcase, eager to experience everything. Their perspective on life is fresh, but their baggage has accumulated through the years. They often struggle with peer relationships and adapting to new situations. Let’s look at types of souls to make sense of it all.

Introduction to Karma and Rebirth

If you have recently discovered the concept of rebirth, you may be wondering if it can help you understand your own karmic experiences. The Old soul is essentially in the process of withdrawing from the physical plane. It is not interested in accumulating material wealth or entangling itself in heavy drama. It prefers to be and feel than to act. For this reason, they are often referred to as Monads.

The old soul represents the last stage in the reincarnation process. There are five soul ages, and each soul age is associated with a different set of values and perceptions. The infant soul has a primitive conception of the world and focuses on survival. The young soul focuses on structure and achievement. The middle soul develops its understanding of relationships and the emotional world. The old soul understands context and the larger truth of life and is learning how to live within it.

Old souls rarely contribute to the culture or society. Their advanced perception means they are not interested in investing their energy in material things. Furthermore, their contributions will not be accepted by the Establishment. As such, they are not known for their political or cultural activities. However, they may appear in many different contexts, such as politics, religions, or social movements. They may also show up anywhere.

The process of reincarnation is a natural process, and, in most cases, an Old Soul will eventually come to a complete understanding of the concept of reincarnation. This concept is not taught as dogma in all countries, and anyone can appreciate it. Old souls also have a deep connection with the subconscious mind, which may seem intuitive. This is because they are in touch with their subconscious to grasp the concept of reincarnation.

Old souls rarely pursue a career. While some might have long-term occupations, it is not their primary interest. Instead, they take jobs that are not challenging or fulfilling. Instead, they use their energy to explore the truth of their karmic entanglements. This is the best way to make the most of your old soul’s energy. Once you have studied this concept, you will begin to understand how to use that energy to do good things.


Past Life Patterns

There are various ways to tell if you are an old soul. One of the most common methods is to visualise a long hallway with a massive door at the end. Visualisation requires you to use your imagination to build the image. If you find this difficult, it is recommended to keep your hands by your side. Visualising yourself in that hallway may help you understand what you were doing in that past life.

A common symptom of a past life is a soulmate. Soulmates maybe your soulmate in this lifetime. Soulmates meet in a new life to complete business from a past life. You might even have feelings of attachment to certain people from your past life. These feelings are signs of a past life. You might have feelings and traits that indicate a previous life regardless of age.

Some old souls tend to observe rather than participate in society. They may avoid group participation or excessive emotional noise and instead spend their time alone, daydreaming or engaging in creative pursuits. Some are big readers, and stories of distant times and places may appeal to them. Although they may seem remote and out of touch with reality to others, they often have deep empathy for others. So, you should not be surprised if you encounter an old soul regularly.

Many people with old souls have an affinity for certain cultures or times. For example, they might be attracted to Asian artifacts, Celtic culture, or the 19th century. If you are an old soul, your past lives may have left some evidence behind for future generations. If this is true, it is time to take steps to change. If you are an old soul, you may want to take some time alone.

Many people with old souls find distant periods fascinating. They are drawn to one time period, such as Medieval France or the 1920s, and they often have old-fashioned values and morals. They find it hard to adapt to new environments. They tend to avoid crowded places and spend more time alone. This can be an excellent way to reconnect with yourself. You can also explore your past lives by reading books or listening to audio recordings.

Recognising Soulmates

soulconnectorSoulmates are a rare find but can bring you great happiness and fulfilment. Many people have a hard time identifying their soulmates. They can be very different and can even seem very distant. Soulmates are often best friends and not romantic partners. They are the most likely to meet when you are yourself and true to yourself. Here are some ways to spot soulmates.

The most common way to recognise your soulmate is to look for the same qualities in them. They must have some similarities. For example, if you were born in different eras, you would be attracted to someone who has similar characteristics. If you were born on the same day as your soulmate, you would share the same basic DNA. In the same way, if you were born simultaneously, they would be your soulmate.

You’ll know a soulmate when you meet them. You’ll feel instantly connected to them. You’ll have a similar moral code and perspectives on life, and your chemistry with them is as if you’ve known each other your entire life. You’ll have an instant connection and feel like you’ve known each other for ages. Your soulmate is like a mirror for you and will have similar beliefs.

Soulmates can meet anywhere. They’ll find each other when their Destiny has led them there. Once you’ve met your soulmate, you’ll notice how your eyes finally open, as if your soulmates have been waiting for you. You’ll also experience profound feelings and profound thoughts. Whether you meet your soulmate in a new place or find your soulmate in another life, you’ll know that you have completed the journey with your soulmate.

You can recognise your soulmates when you see them for who they are. They’ll accept you for you, no matter how different they are from you. They’ll even recognise you when you make eye contact from across the room. When you feel their energy, you’ve found your soulmate. So, what are you waiting for? Don’t miss it! And make sure you’re being true to yourself.

Wrapping it Up

There are many indications that you are an “old soul.” If you find yourself drifting away from your daily life, you may be experiencing a deep emptiness. You may also feel deeply connected to others and have a higher sense of emotional awareness. Often, they find themselves seeking love, enlightenment, and peace. If you’re one of these people, you probably feel that there’s much to be learned from their perspective.

If you have experienced a past life, you probably have leftover goals, draws, and purposes. These characteristics are common in old souls. If you’ve experienced all these things, you may be an “old soul.” However, if you haven’t, don’t worry! Old souls are not necessarily lost and can live a fuller life. If you’re experiencing any of these signs in yourself, you can use these traits to live a fulfilling and more prosperous life.

An old soul can have a hard time fitting in with the rest of us. They often think of themselves as “unsocial,” despite their apparent lack of friends. But they usually have a critical mission to fulfil on Earth, and they don’t care about the opinions of others. Old souls enjoy spending time in nature, and they like to disconnect from the world and rejuvenate their energy in the process. You may have noticed that these people don’t seem like you, but they’re just the opposite!

You may also feel drawn to old things. For example, if you are an “old soul,” you might enjoy 1920s jazz, 1950s clothing, or an 18th-century buggy. You may be able to discern great friends in a crowd. Old souls also tend to think more than the average person. They may not be socially comfortable with their peers and may have suffered teasing and social awkwardness.

There are many signs that you are an old soul. For example, you might be sensitive to flowers, strangers, or plants. You might even cry whenever you hear the news or see a sad story. As an old soul, you understand people and have a high sense of self-awareness. Ultimately, you are a creator of your reality, and you want to make the world a better place.

About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

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Which planet represents the subconscious mind according to astrology, and why?

Which planet represents the subconscious mind according to astrology, and why?

PLANET MERCURYThe planet that represents the subconscious mind according to Astrology is Mercury. This decision was made early in history because of the symbolism found in Mercury’s mythology. For instance, Hermes, the god Mercury, patrols between heaven and earth, delivering messages between humans and deities. It only makes sense that this planet would be associated with our deeply rooted thoughts which are often difficult to access or change.

While many people have different ideas about what astrology is, at its core, it involves drawing from celestial events to learn more about ourselves and our place in the world. Understanding why Mercury is linked to the subconscious mind may help to know a bit about astrology’s history.

Astrology has been around since the beginning of man to understand our environment and its impact on each other. In fact, some anthropologists date its existence back to 30,000 BCE! This means that we’ve had millennia upon millennia for it to develop into what we know today. However, this makes pinning down exactly how far back astrology goes difficult because, much like language and culture itself, it evolved with the addition of new information.

Astrology has always been intertwined with other spiritual practices such as alchemy, numerology, and tarot readings. In fact, there are numerous examples of these practices being used together, including the use of astrology to determine when a person would have been buried to reanimate them for a tarot reading! We can see how important it is by looking at the development of this practice throughout history.

How can you use this information to understand yourself and your life path better?

Understanding how to work with your subconscious mind is a powerful tool and something well worth exploring if you feel like you’ve hit a wall in life. It can be challenging to decipher what our inner voice might be saying, but we all know it comes up with the most random thoughts at the weirdest times. For example, consider this: you’re driving down the street and thinking about what you want for lunch. At that moment, off to your left, just out of sight, someone gets injured in a car accident! Maybe this was just bad timing or your unconscious reminding you that there’s more going on in life than just what’s going on in your own head. How could you have prevented being so distracted from the world around you? By becoming more aware of how our subconscious works, we can achieve more excellent balance in life.

One way to work with the subconscious mind is Astro-emotional alchemy which combines astrology with emotional awareness. A practitioner of this type of medicine would work with both the conscious and subconscious to see what needs to change to live a happier, healthier life. For example, if the planet Saturn rules you, some feelings or behaviours may need to be dealt with before you can move forward in your life. In ancient times, the only way for us to look into our lives in such a profound way was through these practices.

One final thing we should mention is that each person has a different level of intuition. While it’s entirely normal for people’s abilities to differ, learning how you can tap into your inner voice will help you understand yourself more. For example, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your current situation in life, astrology can help you understand why or what needs to change. Plus, it’s always good for you to take some time to slow down and get in touch with your inner voice rather than pushing away these feelings of distress, which can lead to anxiety or other forms of mental illness. 

Are there any other planets that represent different aspects of the subconscious mind, and if so, what are they?

PLANET NEPTUNEYes! Although it’s not as common, planets like the Moon and Neptune are representative of the subconscious mind. The planet Neptune is exciting because its purpose was unknown for a long time. Astronomers found that it didn’t revolve around the sun like other planets do, which led them to believe that there must be something different about it! It wasn’t until they discovered Uranus’ moon Trinculo, that people realised another planet influenced Neptune’s orbit. This information helped open up new possibilities for understanding how our minds work!

For many people, Saturn tends to represent structure which can be helpful in some cases, but not always. For example, someone with ADHD may feel like they need that structure to function correctly. Others may find that this rigidness gets in the way of creative impulses! If you’re someone who Neptune rules, on the other hand , it might be easier for you to let go of these structured behaviours and live a more carefree life! One helpful way to look at this is to think of your conscious self as being ruled by Saturn while Neptune rules your subconscious mind.

How can astrology help us understand ourselves better?

As we mentioned earlier, each person is different, so there isn’t one specific way of understanding yourself. Instead, think about what makes sense to you personally. For example, do you identify closely with your zodiac sign? Do you only want to know how the planets relate to your personality ?”

What are some tips for working with the subconscious mind to achieve your goals and live a happier life?

First things first, you should always talk to a trusted friend or family member about what’s going on in your life. You never know when you might need someone else’s help, so it’s always good to have an emotional support system! In addition to this, it can be helpful to journal as another way of processing those deep emotions. This will allow you to go back and look at what was happening before, which may give you clues as to why certain things happened. After that, it may be a good idea for you to start looking into Astro-emotional alchemy to work with yourself further! This is a great way to tap into your subconscious mind to make stronger, healthier connections with yourself and your environment.

"Can you change or control the planets in astrology, or do our birth charts predetermine them?"

The planets do not influence us because of where we were born in this universe. Instead, they represent different parts of ourselves that then control us! It’s beneficial for everyone to take some time to work with their Astro-emotional alchemist system so that you can better understand how these energies relate to you. It’ll help you gain greater insight into who you are, which is never a bad thing! Feel free to check out Astrostyle if you’d like to learn more about astrology.

Of course, it’s up to you whether or not the planets influence your life, and you should never forget that everyone is different! With this in mind, we hope that these tips for working with the subconscious mind will set some people on a path towards more excellent health and happiness!

About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here


What is the effect of Mars in the 7th house in a female horoscope?

What is the effect of Mars in the 7th house in a female horoscope?

In a woman’s horoscope, Mars in the 7th house shows the influence of other people on her relationships. With Mars on the 7th, you are likely to be independent and possessive. Issues may arise because of your need for freedom – often, you will want it your way.

You can stand up for yourself (at least verbally) when needed; however, you tend to act out with anger or frustration rather than calmly talk about what is bothering you. You are not afraid of confrontation if it means getting your point across. Some would say there is a streak of stubbornness in your personality, but this is probably due to past events (or the perception thereof). As an adult, though, you have learned how to channel these emotions into something more productive. You may even excel at sports or activities that require aggression or direct action towards a goal. As an example, take Venus in Aries.

How will this placement affect your relationships?

A woman with Mars in the 7th house has a lot of energy and zest for life. She is an active partner in relationships and tends to take the lead, initiating projects and activities together as a team. However, she can be dominating about these pursuits and expect others to follow along without question – sometimes even forcing them into situations they wouldn’t choose if given a choice. In personal or professional partnerships, this may create obstacles or

difficulties where none existed before. It indeed calls for awareness of the motivations of others around you so that any conflicts can be avoided from the start.

There is also some possessiveness in the Mars-in-7th woman that can interfere with harmony. You do not like to share your time or yourself with others unless you are given priority. If there is any room for doubt about this, it will be an issue. Your partner needs to feel special and appreciated – otherwise, they will look elsewhere for what is missing at home. This placement does not mean an open relationship. Still, if others come along who seem intriguing or exciting by comparison, you may experience some temptation yourself (as well as jealousy if they act on it). When love interests appear on the scene, there can be competition issues rather than cooperation. An initial attraction may lead to physical intimacy quickly without much emotional intimacy in between.

What should you watch out for?

Mars in the 7th tends to take over in relationships and often disappears when a problem arises. If you do not take an active role in the relationship, your partner will tend to lead without your input. This means they may make decisions that affect you or lead down paths that aren’t compatible. What’s best for both of you is something to be aware of when Mars is in the 7th house since it can take an influential person to stand up to your domineering energy. We all need some time alone and unencumbered, but if these times become more frequent than they should, it may indicate that you don’t put enough effort into the relationship as a whole. In this case, your partner will feel neglected and may not hope for more from you.

If your partner is at odds with others or resists involvement somehow, they may need to be reminded of what can happen if their desires do not align with the tribe’s expectations. If too many opposing forces come into play, this could create a lot of stress and unhappiness all around – especially if there is no compromise possible.

The 7th house rules marriage, so it can also show how we relate to our spouse or significant other. It describes the kind of person you marry and the level of commitment involved. Compare Venus in Aries & Mars in Aries – these two would make a great team and bring out the best in each other. However, Venus in Taurus & Mars in Aries may be very volatile together since both partners are stubborn with their own needs, which could cause problems with getting along. Analyzing your primary relationship (or even trying to find one) can help you understand how you might act in future relationships – especially when it comes to marriage.

What are some possible outcomes?

Mars is the planet of action, so there is a lot of initiative taken here. You will always have a project going that requires or allows for a lot of activity on your part. If this energy is misdirected, it can lead to trouble down the road. Instead of looking at others as objects or obstacles in your path, you should see them as opportunities to learn more about yourself. Only when you know yourself can you begin to understand others and what makes them tick. You will benefit by taking the long-term view of things instead of rushing in for quick gratification.

Working with others is an essential skill that can help avoid conflicts that might arise otherwise. If there are planets in Libra or Aquarius in your chart, you may find it easier to cooperate with others than if they were not present. However, this placement shows that talking out the problem is not the best course of action – although sharing information freely about your plans is undoubtedly possible since action speaks louder than words! There could be a tendency towards rash actions or thoughtless words that can damage a relationship before it’s even had a chance to get started.

When in love, the male side of this energy is very persistent and rarely takes no for an answer – which can be annoying if you’re just not feeling it! The female side of Mars in the 7th house has difficulty being honest about her feelings or letting go once she’s attached herself to a lover. If there are planets in Libra in your chart, you could better know when enough is enough and when to step back from something that isn’t working out for either party involved.

If any planet is located between 17-24 degrees of Aries, they will definitely bring lots of spark into your life but may also cause problems with someone else. If there are no other planets in that range, this placement alone could be challenging. The energy is intense, and the need for freedom can feel suffocating to others who are not used to dealing with it regularly.

If you have planets between 6-12 degrees of Aries, the only problem will arise when another planet or angle activates them. This energy is very impulsive so try to find ways to release some of this energy through exercise, walking in nature, or writing in a journal – anything that will help burn off some steam without causing damage to yourself or anyone else! At that time, you may start acting impulsively without thinking about the consequences.

How can you make the most of this placement?

To make the most of this placement, both partners should try and communicate as soon as a problem arises. If you’re the one with Mars in the 7th house, you could be so afraid that your lover will leave you that every minor disagreement feels like the end. You may even think you have a better chance of winning if they don’t know what’s bothering you since they might not fight back. This kind of passive-aggressive behaviour will wear a person down over time until it comes crashing down on your head! Even if your lover doesn’t know how to fix things, at least acknowledge their concerns or fears instead of ignoring them completely.

For those looking for someone special, remember that no matter how many people you meet, there is probably one person out there who will suit you better than all the others. This placement shows that it’s best to stay positive and keep meeting new people instead of getting discouraged or waiting around for something that may never come your way. Everything happens in its own time so stick with the process!

Suppose both partners can communicate their needs openly and honestly. In that case, they stand a much greater chance of finding happiness together because each person has enough tools at their disposal (yourself included) to make any relationship work! Once you find someone who can match your intensity, your mind will come up with ideas about what you’re going to do with all that extra time you have on your hands now that you don’t have to spend chasing after the other! It takes two hands to clap – why should this energy be any different?


About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here


How Can I Make Saturn Strong In My Astrology?

How Can I Make Saturn Strong In My Astrology?

Saturn is the planet of karma and the past. To make Saturn strong in your astrology there are certain rules of life which we must follow. Saturn relates to issues such as structure, order, discipline. It influences what is often difficult but necessary for us to face, like challenges, a responsibility that we must take upon ourselves, testing times when we have to put maximum effort into something. If Saturn is well-aspected in a horoscope, it brings success and happiness through hard work and dedication.

In ancient times, Saturn was identified with the god Chronus – the Roman god of time – who devoured his children because he thought they would overthrow him. The Romans saw this as a symbol of how strict their society was – all new generations had to be cut down so that the fittest survived – so Saturn became a symbol of limitations, restrictions, and death.

Saturn is associated with things that are often outside our comfort zone, including hard work, discipline, time management. If Saturn influences your life, it means you have to step up to the plate and take responsibility for something that lies within your control or influence even though you don’t want to or might find it difficult.

Saturn is also where we build our stamina because he represents how long we can endure something before giving up – this could be physical endurance as much as mental endurance. We need Saturn to know how far to push ourselves before stopping from exhaustion. Saturn teaches us about our boundaries because these are the limits beyond which he cannot go himself.

Saturn often grants us opportunities to show our emotional toughness, the planet of tough love. If you want to know how strong you are emotionally, look at your Saturn aspects in your chart to find out what situations have faced in life and what kinds of things push the boundaries of your patience.

Saturn also relates to fears that keep us from getting what we want or need because they keep us locked into old patterns or behaviours. These include the fear of failure, which limits our growth. This fear of not being able to cope makes everything seem too hard. Fear of success leads us down a path with no time for enjoyment.

The fear of taking responsibility for something it’s easier just to let someone else deal with; the fear of change that stops us from growing and moving forward; and even the fear of intimacy. Saturn is our fear because we don’t want to face them, but they’re always outside our comfort zone if we find them uncomfortable. That’s Saturn.

All these issues and areas where Saturn is at work in your life, whether you like it or not, can be overcome by using knowledge as a tool for self-empowerment. Knowledge gives us awareness which gives us a choice – knowing why something makes us feel bad or how it undercuts our sense of well-being allows us to make different choices instead.

10 Ways To Make Saturn Strong In My Astrology:

1: Meet a good astrologer

Meeting a good astrologer can give you a strong Saturn. The astrologer’s understanding can help you learn how to use the wisdom of Saturn in a way that benefits you and allows you to grow as a person.

2: Gain knowledge of Saturn

Gain knowledge by researching his attributes, where he represents restrictions and limitations, etc. You will start to understand why some things might be challenging or challenging for you as an individual, as these are the boundaries that Saturn has set up as obstacles for those who want to cross them. Allow yourself to the challenge of these limitations.

3: Increase Saturn power

The best way to increase Saturn power is through gaining knowledge about the planet- not only astrology knowledge but also worldly wisdom. The more you read, learn and understand, the more you’ll increase his power. This could include exploring the sciences or philosophy, reading books about your specific interests, learning new skills. The idea behind increasing Saturn’s power is that he’ll have less hold on you as a ruler if you educate yourself. This is not about denying your feelings but healthily dealing with them.

4: Use Saturn energy to change yourself for the better

The critical thing here is that it doesn’t matter what you do, where you start, or how long it takes – it’s about setting yourself goals, making plans, and seeing them through. This means being self-disciplined enough to practice every day even if you don’t feel like it; getting up early instead of sleeping in; taking care of business on time rather than putting things off; not wasting time when you could be learning something new; etc. Saturn teaches us how far we can push ourselves before giving in. You’ll know when you’ve reached this point because the consequence will be frustration and anger at yourself.

5: Be aware of Saturn’s effects on you

Saturn is a teacher, and as such, he will test you to see how willing you are to accept his lessons. Many people resist Saturn- they don’t like feeling inadequate or uncomfortable. They ignore this planet, which only makes things worse. Slowing down, taking responsibility for your actions and learning from them is one of the essential keys.

Also, being less materialistic is a harsh lesson, but if we embrace it, we’ll grow as individuals. We can’t always control what happens to us or around us, but we can take steps to deal with whatever life throws our way, whether it be Saturn himself or something else entirely. The more we push against this part of ourselves that wants to give in, the stronger we get.

6: Read about Saturn power and its rulership

What is it about Saturn that doesn’t sit well with you? Is it related to restriction and limitation? Slowing down? Denying yourself pleasure or giving something up to be more responsible? We’ll be better equipped when the planet starts acting up if we can understand what’s going on.

7: Stop resisting Saturn’s lessons

Nonresistance is the most important of the seven points. It’s similar to #6- if we can understand why we’re resisting specific life lessons, it becomes easier to change them around. The critical thing here is that Saturn will wait for you to get serious about your growth before he starts pushing things forward in your life. Don’t be surprised when nothing improves if you keep ignoring what he says! Remember, Saturn rules time, which means you only have so much of it, so make sure you spend it wisely.

8: Connect with others who are interested in Saturn

When people start learning more about Saturn, they’ll often find themselves drawn towards like-minded souls who also value his wisdom and power. This could mean joining a group of others who use Saturn’s energy to gain power over their lives, attending lectures or workshops on the planet, visiting forums where people discuss Saturn-related issues, etc. The more you can connect with others who understand what you’re going through, the easier it becomes to deal with relationships generally.

9: Remember that happiness comes from within

Your mental attitude makes all the difference in how easy or difficult your Saturn lessons are. If you find yourself letting the planet get to you, then remind yourself that this is a necessary part of life and that everything will be okay if you hang in there long enough! This doesn’t mean ignoring your feelings but respecting them rather than acting on them instantly, which often leads to regret.

10: Deal with the consequences of your actions

Saturn is not always nice about it, but in the end, he usually makes things turn out okay in some way, shape, or form. The trick is to deal with whatever happens in the best way possible rather than getting angry or upset because you didn’t get what you wanted immediately. That’s how life works sometimes- if we want something done right, we have to do it ourselves!


Saturn is a harsh planet, but it also provides us with tremendous opportunities for growth. If we give in to him, we’ll only set ourselves up for failure later on, so it’s essential to deal with his lessons responsibly and appropriately if we want life to improve. Saturn can be your best friend when you get things right or, it can be your worst nightmare when you continue to get it wrong! The choice is yours- what do you say?


About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here