The Moon’s orbit around the Earth is not the same as the ecliptic. It could be visualized as two hula hoops inside each other held at an angle. The Moon’s orbit crosses the ecliptic in two places, called the Moon’s Nodes. The North Node is where the Moon crosses the ecliptic going toward the northern hemisphere, and the South Node is where she crosses the ecliptic headed south.
The South Node reflects what we are comfortable with, challenges we have overcome and lessons that we have learnt. It is through this that the South Node further indicates the way in which we are able to deal with future problems that we face. Ketu is the shadow planet in astrology that represents the South Node in astronomy.
Ketu is seen as having a profound influence on our lives and also the creation process. Ketu is representative of liberation and plays a significant role in attaining self-actualization. Ketu is often depicted with a gem or star on his head signifying a mystery light. Ketu is considered as the headless half planet with neutral sex.
Ketu is believed to represent the tail of a demon or dragon, seen as a point of difficult karma but also able to develop strong concentration skills. The position of the Dragon’s tail normally indicates past life connections or commitments within a relationship analysis. If a relationship seems fated, a strong South Node connection is responsible. It marks relationships with a strong and genuine karmic quality, often seeing the emergence of commitments from the past.
The South Node influences results in extreme ways, either unexpectedly good or bad. People ruled by Ketu are seen as secret adversaries, acting mysteriously and relating to people within pharmaceutical fields, doctors and astrologers. Those influenced by Ketu are able to reach particularly great success, most of this being spiritual.
Ketu rules the number seven in Indian numerology, further exemplifying its importance as the number seven is viewed as particularly sacred. The seventh state of Consciousness in Transcendental Meditation is the Unified state of Cosmic Consciousness or Unity Consciousness.
The Beatitudes are Seven. The Seven Octaves of Music, the seven colours of the spectrum, the seven major planets, and the seven days of the week all reflect the importance of the number seven.
Ketu is representative of wisdom and knowledge, and though it does not rule any zodiac signs Pisces is considered Ketu’s strongest sign. Ketu is also exalted in Scorpio, Taurus and Libra. The zodiac signs Gemini, Virgo, Libra, Sagittarius, and Pisces are friendly to Ketu while Cancer and Leo are the enemy signs
The positive influence of Ketu often helps you to acquire healing powers. Ketu is associated with health issues such as poor circulation, anemia, leprosy, cancer and paralysis.
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SUN - Read HERE!
At the centre of our solar system is the Sun, in which the Earth and all the other planets revolve around. The Sun is considered an integral part of astrology, representing our conscious mind, will to live and creativity.
The nearest planet to the sun, and thereby seen as most in tune with it. Mercury is seen as the “spokesperson” for the Sun, feeding the Sun messages how he interprets and perceives it. A tranquil sun is likely to be upset by negative messages from a shaky Mercury.
Second closest planet to the sun, and the brightest natural object in the night sky (after the moon). Venus has dual rulership over Libra and Taurus, representing two significant areas of our life – money and love.
Astrologers consider the Moon to be just as important as the sun through its different phases, waxing and waning in appearance in an unchanging cycle. The moon is said to represent the feeling nature of individuals, associated with their memories, moods, subconscious habits and emotional make-up.
As the fourth planet in the Solar system, being personal in its sign, house and aspects reflecting basic psychological functions in the personality. Red is seen as the symbolic color for Mars – the color of blood, fire, action and passion.
In Roman Mythology, Jupiter is the King of the Gods, a guardian and protector and is mainly connected with the day Thursday. Jupiter is also commonly referred to as the Planet of royalty, culture and philosophy.
Seen as the “Jewel of the Solar System”, being the outermost planet that can be seen with the naked eye. Saturn is the last of the personal planets, marking a considerable gap in the time sequences involved with the trans-Saturnine planets and their tenure in signs that makes this appropriate.
The discovery and subsequent acceptance by the scientific community coincided with an incredible revolution in technology and science. Having an aerial as its glyph or symbol is a testimony to the progressive things Uranus stands for.
If you were to be told that this Universe, your physical existence, your birth and death itself and in fact everything around you is an illusion and completely insubstantial you’d more than likely shake your head in disbelief at such a proposition.
In the scheme of Eternity, we consider Earth and human history, we may liken our current stage of development to that of an embryo. It is within this framework of our planetary ‘gestation’ and progress that the study of the outer planets Uranus, Neptune and Pluto are of particular interest.
The North Node is an indicator of the challenges that we will face in our life, and the lessons these challenges will teach us. It is associated with the experiences we must work on in order to grow spiritually.
Ketu is the shadow planet in astrology that represents the South Node in astronomy. South Node is seen as having a profound influence on our lives and also the creation process.
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