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What are the benefits of believing in astrology?

What are the benefits of believing in astrology?


Many benefits come with believing in astrology. For one, it can help give you a greater understanding of yourself and your place in the world. It can also provide guidance and direction when making important life decisions. Additionally, the online horoscope can give a sense of comfort and security during uncertainty or upheaval. Ultimately

Overall, there are many benefits to believing in astrology.

Insight into your personality

Having a belief in astrology can help people gain a better understanding of themselves and the world around them. This can include gaining insight into their personality traits or understanding how to improve relationships with others by learning more about how different signs interact.

Connect to the cosmos

Additionally, many people find that their belief in astrology helps them feel more connected to the cosmos and the natural rhythms of the universe. This can provide a sense of peace and calm during challenging times.

Improve the quality of life

Another benefit of believing in astrology is that it can help improve the quality of life. This is because when people can understand and use astrological guidance, they can often make better decisions that lead to more positive outcomes.

Greater self-understanding

SELF ESTEEM INVENTORY TESTUltimately, the most significant benefit of believing in online astrology today is that it can help people gain a deeper and more meaningful sense of self-understanding. Whether we are trying to improve our relationships with others or navigate through complex life events, having a belief in astrology can provide the insight and guidance we need to make the right choices.

Improved decision making

One of the benefits of astrology is that it can help you make better decisions. This is because astrology can provide guidance and understanding to help you see different aspects of a situation more clearly. Additionally, astrology can help you understand the potential consequences of your actions before you take them, ultimately leading to more positive outcomes.

Recognition of talents and potential

Believing in astrology can also help you recognize and embrace your talents and potential. This is because astrology can provide insight into the natural inclinations, motivations, and strengths that make you who you are. By understanding these things more deeply, you can learn to tap into your unique gifts and use them to their fullest potential.

Emotional and spiritual maturation

Weekly HoroscopesUltimately, believing in astrology can help you to develop emotionally and spiritually. Your belief in astrology can provide a sense of meaning that helps guide you through life’s ups and downs. By learning more about yourself and the world around you, you can become more grounded and present, which is ultimately what allows us to mature as human beings.

Improved relationships

Another benefit of believing in astrology is that it can help you to improve your relationships with others. This is because love compatibility online astrology services can provide insights into how different signs interact and the challenges they might face together. By understanding these things, you can learn to work through conflict more effectively and develop more profound. And meaningful connections with those around you.

Insight into the future

Believing in astrology can also provide insight into the future, helping you better prepare for and navigate life’s uncertainties. This is because astrology can provide guidance and direction when making important decisions. And help you recognize your talents and potential.

Relationship compatibility

Free Online Psychic ReadingsFurthermore, one of the main benefits of believing in astrology is that it can help you understand and improve your relationships. This is because astrology can provide insights into how different signs interact and whether they may be compatible with each other. For example, some signs may struggle to find common ground or experience frequent conflict. While others are more likely to complement and experience harmony.

A deeper understanding of yourself

At its core, believing in astrology can provide you with a deeper understanding of yourself. This is because astrology can offer insights into your personality, motivations, and emotions you may not have been aware of before. Additionally, astrology can help you understand your choices and why you make them. By gaining this self-awareness, you can learn to make better decisions, navigate difficult times, and develop deeper relationships.

Overall, there are many benefits to believing in online astrology today. Whether you’re looking for guidance on important life decisions, understanding your personality better. Or simply wanting to feel more connected to the universe around you, astrology has something to offer everyone. So why not give it a try? You never know what you might discover about yourself

About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here


What is the History Behind Horoscopes, and are Zodiac Signs Real?

What is the History Behind Horoscopes, and are Zodiac Signs Real?

Horoscopes are a form of divination that originated in Babylonian culture. The Babylonians divided the sky into 12 sections, each represented by a different animal. This zodiac was later incorporated into Greek divination. The zodiac signs we use today are based on the constellations corresponding to those animals. Some argue that the alignment of the stars and planets can influence our lives. While others believe that horoscopes allow us to reflect on our personalities.

Horoscopes and zodiac signs have been a part of our culture for thousands of years, but what is their history? It’s easy to dismiss horoscopes as silly or pointless, but that doesn’t tell the whole story. In fact, there are many different stories about how horoscopes came to be and how they work.

Daily Star Sign HoroscopesThe word “horoscope” comes from the Greek words for “time” and “observer.” The first horoscopes were created by ancient Babylonian astronomers, who used them to predict the future. These early horoscopes were based on the position of the sun and the planets in the sky.

The position of every planet in the sky can be determined by looking at the zodiac. The zodiac is a circle that represents the path of the sun through the sky. There are 12 zodiac signs, each named after a different constellation. The position of the sun in the sky determines your sign. The total zodiac signs are named as follows: Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn, Aquarius, and Pisces.

Astrologers use these positions to make online horoscope 2022 predictions about your personality and life path. Some argue that our personalities are influenced by the planet’s alignment, while others believe that horoscopes allow us to reflect on our inner selves. Whatever you believe,

It has been suggested that the earliest Babylonian astrologers were also aware of Venus’s rotation cycle. It is not clear when this was discovered because the Venus tablets of Ammisaduqa, which record the first appearance and disappearance of Venus in the morning sky, dating back to 1659 BC, but these observations could have been made much earlier.

The Babylonians also divided the day into 24 hours, each hour ruled by a different planet. They believed that your future could be determined by the position of these planets concerning your zodiac sign.

Whatever you believe about horoscopes and zodiac signs, one thing is clear: they have been an essential part of our culture for thousands of years. Horoscopes and zodiac signs have played a fascinating role in our history, whether as a form of divination or simply a way to reflect on our inner selves.

Most horoscopes you see today are based on the tropical zodiac, aligned with the seasons. This system was developed by Greek astronomer Ptolemy in the 2nd century CE.

The tropical zodiac begins with the Aries Point, the vernal equinox. This is when the sun crosses the celestial equator and day and night are of equal length. It falls on March 20 or 21 in most years but can fall on any date between March 20 and April 21, depending on the leap year.

Ptolemy’s system was adopted by the Roman empire and spread throughout Europe. In the Middle Ages, astrology was used to predict events such as plagues and wars. It wasn’t until the Renaissance that astrology began to be used for more personal purposes, such as predicting love matches and career paths.

The use of astrology for divination purposes continues today, though it is not as popular as it once was. Many people still regularly consult their online horoscope 2022, whether out of curiosity or belief in its powers.

Whether you believe in the power of horoscopes or not, there’s no denying that they have played an essential role in our history and culture. Horoscopes have fascinated people for millennia, whether as a means of divination or simply a way to reflect on our inner selves.

So, are zodiac signs real? It depends on how you define “real.” If you believe that the position of the stars and planets can influence your life, then yes, horoscopes and zodiac signs are accurate. So the next time you see your daily reading, take a moment to appreciate its rich history and significance!

About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here


What are the Interesting facts about Lunar New Year?

What are the Interesting facts about Lunar New Year?

Lunar New Year is the first day of the lunar calendar. It is also known as the Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year. As per the astrologer online, the lunar calendar is based on the moon’s cycles. So the date of the Lunar New Year changes every year. Usually, it falls between late January and early February.

Lunar New Year is a significant holiday in many Asian cultures. It is celebrated with family gatherings, special foods and traditions, and lots of fireworks. One of the most well-known Lunar New Year traditions is the lion dance. A performance that features dancers dressed as lions who symbolize luck and prosperity.

What is the history behind the Lunar New Year?

The history of the Lunar New Year is closely tied to the agricultural cycles of China and many other Asian cultures. It has been celebrated for thousands of years, and each year’s celebrations are based on ancient traditions passed down through generations.

One common myth about the origins of Lunar New Year is that the festival began as a way to celebrate the defeat of a mythical beast called the Nian. According to an astrologer online, the Nian would come out on New Year’s Eve every year and terrorize villages. The villagers would hang red lanterns and put up red banners to protect themselves. They also set off loud firecrackers to scare away the Nian.

Today, Lunar New Year is celebrated all over the world. Many people who celebrate this holiday make special trips to their ancestral hometowns. And also host large family gatherings with traditional foods like dumplings and sticky rice cakes. Some people also wear new clothes or buy unique decorations for their homes.

What are some common traditions of the Lunar New Year?

Here are some common traditions and exciting facts about Lunar New Year:

-Lunar New Year is the first day of the lunar calendar: which is based on the moon’s cycles. The date changes every year, typically falling between late January and early February.

-Lunar New Year is a major holiday in many Asian cultures: Lunar New Year is an important cultural celebration in many Asian countries. Including China, Vietnam, and South Korea. The holiday is typically celebrated with family gatherings, special foods, and fireworks.

-One of the most well-known traditions is the lion dance: The lion dance is a performance that features dancers dressed as lions. This tradition is meant to symbolize luck and prosperity. This dance is often performed during Lunar New Year celebrations.

-Lunar New Year is a time to start afresh with hopes for good luck: Many zodiac signs see Lunar New Year as a time to start fresh and hope for good luck in the year ahead. This holiday is typically a happy and festive occasion. Whether you celebrate Lunar New Year, it is an excellent opportunity to learn more about Asian culture and traditions.

-It is also known as the Spring Festival or the Lunar New Year. This name comes from the fact that it typically falls during the spring season.

-The lunar calendar is based on the moon’s cycles: The lunar calendar is different from the Gregorian calendar that is most commonly used in the West. Which is why the date of the Lunar New Year changes every year.

-Lunar New Year is celebrated with family gatherings, special foods and traditions, and lots of fireworks. Family is a big part of the Lunar New Year celebration. Then people often gather together to enjoy special foods and traditions. Fireworks are also a common sight during this holiday, as they are believed to bring good luck and prosperity.

Despite being based on the lunar calendar, Lunar New Year is a significant holiday celebrated by many people worldwide. So if you’re looking for something fun to do, why not check out a local Lunar New Year celebration? You might just have a blast! Whether you are familiar with Asian culture or not, the astrologer online suggests that it is a great opportunity to learn more about this fascinating and important tradition.


Dadhichi Toth

the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here


The validity of astrological predictions on marriage and divorce

The validity of astrological predictions on marriage and divorce

The validity of astrological predictions on marriage and divorce depends on several factors. However, by analyzing past events and drawing conclusions, it is possible to get. And how accurate astrology can predict these life-changing events.

For example, in a study of over 1,000 marriages that ended in divorce, it was found that love compatibility astrology was one of the strongest predictors of marital success or failure. In particular, couples with compatible Sun signs were significantly more likely to stay together than those who did not.

Similarly, another study found that couples who had compatible Mars signs were more likely to stay together than those who did not. This suggests that astrology can be a helpful tool in predicting whether a marriage is expected to last or not.

How do astrological predictions on love compatibility astrology?

Do you believe in astrology? Many people do, and they use it to make all sorts of decisions in their lives, from what job to take to when to get married. Some even consult astrologers about whether or not their marriage is doomed to fail.

Can astrology really tell us anything about our future marital prospects?

Let’s look at how astrological predictions on marriage and divorce work.

When it comes to making predictions about marriage, astrologers take a few things into account. One is the position of the planets at the time of your birth. Another is the relative position of the planets in your natal chart. These factors can give astrologers clues about your personality, temperament, and compatibility with a potential spouse.

In addition to these factors, some astrologers also draw upon aspects of numerology or tarot readings to predict a marriage’s outcome. Others look at your sun sign or moon sign and compare it to the position of the planets at the time of your birth.

Many people turn to marriage and love compatibility astrology service when making important life decisions, including whether or not to get married. Whether you believe in it or not, astrology can undoubtedly provide some interesting insights into your relationships and your future


Find out more in detailed about your romantic prospects, check out your astrology love and compatibility.

How do astrologers predict marriage and divorce?

marriage is good for one yearThere are several ways that an astrologer can predict marriage and divorce. One way is to look at the Seventh House, which represents relationships. If there are planets in the Seventh House, or if the planet Venus is strong in a person’s chart, this indicates a strong chance of marriage. However, if there are planets in the Eighth House, especially Mars or Saturn, there may be a divorce.

Another way that an astrologer can predict marriage and divorce is by looking at the Fifth House, which represents romantic relationships and children. If the fifth house has strong planets like Venus or Jupiter, this indicates a strong chance of marriage. However, if the Fifth House is empty, or if there are malefic planets like Saturn or Mars, this can indicate a rocky marriage with many problems.

Marriage and love compatibility astrology services also typically use other factors such as the moon and sun signs to predict marriage and divorce. Your moon sign represents your emotions, while your sun sign represents your personality. By analyzing these signs concerning the position of the planets, astrologer can gain valuable insights into how your marriage is likely to unfold.

Whether or not you believe in astrology, it is undeniable that many people turn to this practice when making important life decisions, such as whether or not to get married. If you are considering marriage, it may be worth consulting an astrologer to see what they say about your prospects. While no prediction tool can guarantee a successful relationship. An astrologer can provide you with interesting insights into your compatibility with a potential spouse.

How accurate are predictions?

The accuracy of love match astrology predictions is often a matter of debate. Some people believe that astrology can provide valuable insights into our relationships and the likelihood of a successful marriage. In contrast, others argue that it is simply a pseudoscience with little or no predictive power.

Of course, it is essential to remember that astrology is not an exact science. And there will always be exceptions to any general rule. However, the evidence does suggest that love compatibility astrology can be a helpful tool in predicting whether a marriage is likely to succeed or fail.


Dadhichi Toth

the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here


What are the indications of no marriage in Astrology?

What are the indications of no marriage in Astrology?

Astrology is a powerful tool that can help indicate whether someone is likely to get married or not. Several different factors can be looked at to make this determination, including the position of the planets, the strength of the Seventh House, and the aspects formed in the Seventh House.

“No marriage indications” in astrology are typically associated with a weaker Seventh House or a Seventh House afflicted by challenging planetary aspects. For example, if Saturn is located in the Seventh House, this could indicate that marriage may be delayed or may not occur at all. Additionally, if there are challenging aspects formed to the Seventh House from planets like Mars or Pluto, this could also suggest that marriage may not be in the cards.

How to know if you won't get married?

10 Factors that tell  you won't get married

Certain things can be looked at in a person’s chart to see if they’re likely to get married or not. Here are five factors that may suggest someone is less likely to tie the knot:

  1. A weak Seventh House: The Seventh House is the house of marriage and committed relationships, so a weak or afflicted Seventh House suggests that these areas of life may be challenging.
  2. Difficult aspects to the Seventh House: If there are problematic aspects (such as squares or oppositions) from planets like Mars or Pluto to the Seventh House, marriage may not be easy or may not happen at all.
  3. Saturn in the Seventh House: Saturn is often referred to as the “great malefic”, and its placement in the Seventh House can indicate delays or difficulties in marriage.
  4. A lack of planets in the Seventh House: If there are no planets located in the Seventh House, this could suggest that marriage is not a priority for the person or that they may be less interested in committed relationships.
  5. An afflicted Seventh House Lord: If the planet that rules the Seventh House is weak or afflicted, this could also suggest difficulties in marriage.
  6. A difficult Moon: The Moon is the planet that represents the public, so a difficult Moon could suggest that marriage may not be something that is of interest to the person or that they may not be able to find a partner who is willing to marry them.
  7. A difficult Venus: Venus is the planet of love and relationships, so a difficult Venus could suggest challenges when finding love or forming lasting relationships.
  8. An afflicted Fifth House: The Fifth House is the house of romance and creativity, so an afflicted Fifth House could suggest difficulties when it comes to matters of the heart.
  9. A challenging Solar Return chart: If a person’s Solar Return chart for the year ahead is challenging, this could suggest that marriage may not be likely during that time.
  10. A difficult transiting Saturn: If Saturn is going through a problematic transit (such as square or opposition), this could also suggest delays or difficulties in marriage.


Find out more in detailed about your romantic prospects, check out your astrology love and compatibility.

What Astrology can tell you about your married life?

Astrology can give insights into all aspects of life, including marriage. Several different factors are studied to get an idea of what someone’s married life will be like, such as the position of Venus, the Seventh House, and the aspects formed in the Seventh House.

For example, Venus’s location in the Seventh House indicates a happy and harmonious marriage. Alternatively, if there are challenging aspects formed to the Seventh House from planets like Mars or Pluto, this could suggest that marriage may be more difficult.

What is the impact of no marriage on Astrology?

No marriage indications in astrology can often be associated with a weaker Seventh House, which can suggest difficulties in matters of marriage and committed relationships. Additionally, if there are challenging aspects formed to the Seventh House from planets like Mars or Pluto, this could also suggest that marriage may not be easy or may not happen at all.

Is there any remedy for no marriage indication in Astrology?

If your planets are not in a good position, take the help of an excellent astrologer to find a spouse who will be compatible with you. They will help you better understand your planets and their positioning to find a spouse who will be a good match for you.

Some possible remedies may help to improve the chances of marriage, such as:

  1. Doing charitable work related to marriage or relationships, such as working at a wedding venue or volunteering for a dating service.
  2. Wearing gemstones associated with planets that rule the Seventh House, such as diamonds (ruled by Venus) or rubies (ruled by Mars).
  3. Performing rituals dedicated to the planet Venus, such as offering prayers or doing puja (worship).
  4. Color therapy is also one of the best remedies for changing the energy around you. You can wear an orange colour dress on Fridays to please planet Venus.
  5. Fasting on Fridays will also help reduce the malefic effects of planet Venus.


If you are facing difficulties finding a spouse or your marriage is not going well, consider seeking help from an experienced astrologer. They will be able to analyze your birth chart and offer guidance on how to improve your chances of finding a compatible partner or having a happy marriage.

Several possible remedies may help improve the situation, such as wearing gemstones associated with planets that rule the Seventh House, performing rituals dedicated to Venus, or doing charitable work related to marriage.

About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here


Planning what business to choose?

Planning what business to choose?

Planning what business to choose?


Astrology is a solid guide to help you find the best business for you. Every sign has its own unique strengths, weaknesses, and tendencies. By taking your astrological sign into account, you can better understand what type of business will suit you best.

There are a few things to consider when picking a business. The first is profitability. Will the business make enough money to sustain itself? Second, think about whether or not you have the skills and knowledge necessary to run the business. If not, are you willing to learn? Third, consider your work/life balance. How much time are you willing to dedicate to the business? Lastly, passion is essential! Choose something you’ll enjoy working on day in and day out.

What business is best for your astrological sign?


Aries are natural leaders and are often drawn to businesses that allow them to be in charge. They enjoy being the boss and having control over their destiny. A business that is fast-paced and constantly changing is perfect for an Aries. They like to be challenged and are always up for good competition.


Taurus are hard workers and are often drawn to businesses that offer stability and security. They prefer a slow and steady pace, and they like to know what to expect. They want to see results for their hard work, so a business with potential for growth is also appealing. A business with a solid foundation is ideal for a Taurus.


Gemini born individuals are social creatures and often do best in businesses that allow them to interact with others. They like to be kept busy and enjoy having a variety of tasks to keep them occupied. They are also excellent at multitasking, so a business that requires them to wear many hats is ideal. A business that is fast-paced and ever-changing is perfect for a Gemini.


Cancer is compassionate and nurturing souls who often do best in businesses that involve taking care of others. They have a natural gift for caretaking and often excel in service-oriented industries. They want to feel like they are making a difference in the world and are often drawn to businesses with a philanthropic bent. A business with a lot of heart is ideal for Cancer.


Leo is a natural-born leader and is attracted to businesses that put them in the spotlight. They enjoy being the centre of attention and love to be surrounded by people who admire them. They also like to feel like they are making a difference, so a business with a humanitarian focus is also appealing. A business that is glamorous and exciting is perfect for a Leo.


Virgo is detail-oriented and often does best in businesses that allow them to use their keen eye for detail. They prefer a slow and steady pace, and they like to have all their ducks in a row before moving forward. A well-organised business with a clear plan is ideal for a Virgo. They also want to feel useful and needed, so a business where they can use their skills to help others is also appealing.


Libra are social creatures who often do best in businesses that interact with others. They enjoy being surrounded by people and love to be in the company of those they admire. They also like to feel like they are making a difference, so a business with a humanitarian focus is also appealing. A business that is glamorous and exciting is perfect for Libra.


Scorpios are passionate and intense souls who often do best in businesses that allow them to pour their heart and soul into their work. They are often drawn to businesses that are fast-paced and constantly changing. A business that is exciting and challenging is perfect for a Scorpio. They also like to feel like they are making a difference, so a business with a philanthropic bent is also appealing.


Sagittarius are natural adventurers who often do best in businesses that allow them to travel and explore. They are often drawn to businesses that are fast-paced and constantly changing. A business that is exciting and challenging is perfect for a Sagittarius. They also like to feel like they are making a difference, so a business with a philanthropic bent is also appealing.


Capricorns are ambitious and hardworking individuals who often do their best in businesses, offering them a chance to succeed. They are often drawn to well-organised businesses and have a clear plan. A business that is stable and secure is perfect for a Capricorn. They also like to feel like they are making a difference, so a humanitarian focus is also appealing.


Aquarius is an independent and unique individual who often does best in businesses that allow them to use their creativity. They are drawn to businesses that are fast-paced and constantly changing. A business that is exciting and challenging is perfect for an Aquarius. They also like to feel like they are making a difference, so a business with a philanthropic bent is also appealing.


Pisces are compassionate and nurturing souls who often do best in businesses that involve taking care of others. They have a natural gift for caretaking and often excel in service-oriented industries. A business with a lot of heart is ideal for Pisces. They want to feel like they are making a difference in the world and are a natural fit with businesses with a humanitarian focus.

What to consider Astrologically when starting your own business:

Astrologically, it is essential to consider your strengths and weaknesses when starting your own business. It would help if you chose a business that plays to your strengths and is passionate about. Consider what you want to achieve with your business, and make sure that the business goals align with your values. It is also essential to be aware of the astrological energies at play globally and how they may impact your business. Start planning and taking action when the planets align in your favour and are prepared for obstacles when they are not. Trust your intuition, and don’t be afraid to follow your heart when choosing a business venture.


Each sign has certain qualities that can make them successful in certain businesses. Consider your strengths and weaknesses, and choose a business that plays to your strengths. Your planets can also give you clues about the best time to start your business and how to navigate the challenges that will inevitably come up. Follow your heart, and let the stars guide you to success!



Which Astro Sign Will Become Rich In 2022?

Which Astro Sign Will Become Rich In 2022?

The Astro sign that will become rich in 2022 is Scorpio. Scorpio is a water sign, and its strengths are determination, intensity, passion, and power. Its weaknesses are jealousy, possessiveness, secrecy, and stubbornness.

Scorpio is known for its passion and power, and these traits will serve it well in 2022. Scorpio is determined and intense and will stop at nothing to achieve its goals. It is also very secretive, which will help it to accumulate wealth without others knowing about it.

10 reasons How this Astro sign became rich?

  1. Planetary position

The planets in Scorpio’s solar chart are well-positioned to help it make money. Pluto, the planet of power and transformation, is in a favourable position. This indicates that Scorpio has the ability and determination to make money. Neptune, the planet of intuition and imagination, is also well-positioned, meaning Scorpio can see opportunities that others do not.

  1. Natural Resources

Scorpio is a water sign, and water is a natural resource. Scorpio’s natural ability to find and use water will help it become rich in 2022.

  1. Business Acumen

Scorpio has a natural talent for business. It can see opportunities that others do not and is quick to take advantage of them. This will help Scorpio to make money in 2022.

  1. Investing Skills

Scorpio has a talent for investing. It can see the potential in investments that others do not and is quick to take advantage of them. This will help Scorpio to make money in 2022.

  1. Luck

Scorpio is a lucky Astro sign. In 2022, Scorpio’s luck will help it to make money.

  1. Hard Work

Scorpio is a hard worker. It is determined and willing to do whatever it takes to achieve its goals. This work ethic will help Scorpio to make money in 2022.

  1. Persistence

Scorpio is a persistent sign. It does not give up easily and is willing to keep trying until it succeeds. This persistence will help Scorpio to make money in 2022.

  1. Creativity

Scorpio is a creative sign. It can see things in new and innovative ways. This creativity will help Scorpio to make money in 2022.

  1. Intuition

Scorpio has strong intuition. It can sense opportunities that others do not and is quick to take advantage of them. This intuition will help Scorpio to make money in 2022.

  1. Power

Scorpio is a powerful sign. It can influence and persuade others.

Who else stands to benefit from this Astro sign of wealth?

Those close to Scorpio, such as family and friends, will benefit from its wealth. Scorpio’s business associates will also benefit from its success. Finally, anyone who has investments with Scorpio will benefit from its wealth.

How can other signs become rich in 2022?


Aries Birthday HoroscopeAries is a fire sign, and its strengths are courage, ambition, and determination. Its weaknesses are impulsiveness and impatience.

Aries is known for its courage and ambition, and these traits will serve it well in 2022. Aries is determined and will stop at nothing to achieve its goals. It is also impulsive, which will help it take advantage of opportunities that others do not.


Taurus Birthday HoroscopeTaurus is an earth sign, and its strengths are stability, practicality, and determination. Its weaknesses are stubbornness and possessiveness.

Taurus is known for its stability and practicality, and these traits will serve it well in 2022. Taurus is determined and will stop at nothing to achieve its goals. It is also stubborn, which will help it hold on to its wealth.


Gemini Birthday HoroscopeGemini is an air sign, and its strengths are adaptability, versatility, and intelligence. Its weaknesses are indecision and inconsistency.

Gemini is known for its adaptability and intelligence. Gemini can see opportunities that others do not and is quick to take advantage of them. It is also versatile, which will help it to make money in multiple ways.


Cancer Birthday HoroscopeCancer is a water sign, and its strengths are emotion, intuition, and imagination. Its weaknesses are moodiness and insecurity.

Cancer is known for its emotion and intuition. Cancer can sense opportunities that others do not and is quick to take advantage of them. It is also imaginative, which will help it develop new and innovative ways to make money.


Leo Birthday Horoscope0Leo is a fire sign whose strengths are courage, confidence, and enthusiasm. Its weaknesses are arrogance and inflexibility.

Leo is known for his courage and confidence. Leo can see opportunities that others do not and is quick to take advantage of them. It is also enthusiastic, which will help it put its wealth to good use.


Virgo Birthday HoroscopeVirgo is an earth sign, and its strengths are loyalty, hard work, and practicality. Its weaknesses are shyness and perfectionism.

Virgo is known for its loyalty and hard work. Virgo is determined and will stop at nothing to achieve its goals. It is also practical, which will help it to use its wealth wisely.



Libra Birthday HoroscopeLibra is an air sign, and its strengths are diplomacy, charm, and grace. Its weaknesses are indecision and gullibility.

Libra is known for its diplomacy and charm. Libra can see opportunities that others do not and is quick to take advantage of them. It is also graceful, which will help it to make money in an aesthetically pleasing way.


Sagittarius is a fire sign, and its strengths are optimism, independence, and honesty. Its weaknesses are restlessness and impulsiveness.

Sagittarius is known for its optimism and independence. Sagittarius will see opportunities that others do not and is quick to take advantage of them. It is also honest, which will help it use its wealth in a morally good way.


Capricorn Birthday HoroscopeCapricorn is an earth sign, and its strengths are discipline, responsibility, and perseverance. Its weaknesses are coldness and inflexibility.

Capricorn is known for its discipline and responsibility. Capricorn is determined and will stop at nothing to achieve its goals. It is also persevering, which will help it to hold on to its wealth.


Aquarius Birthday HoroscopeAquarius is an air sign, and its strengths are originality, humanitarianism, and detachment. Its weaknesses are eccentricity and aloofness.

Aquarius is known for its originality and humanitarianism. Aquarius will see opportunities that others do not and is quick to take advantage of them. It is also detached, which will help it use its wealth selflessly.


Pisces Birthday HoroscopePisces is a water sign, and its strengths are compassion, imagination, and sensitivity. Its weaknesses are escapism and insecurity.

Pisces is known for its compassion and imagination. Pisces senses opportunities that others do not and are quick to take advantage of them. It is also sensitive, which will help it make money in a way that benefits others.


Each astrological sign has its strengths and weaknesses. However, some general trends can be seen among the signs. The fire signs (Aries, Leo, and Sagittarius) are known for their courage and confidence. They can see opportunities that others do not and are quick to take advantage of them.

The earth signs (Taurus, Virgo, and Capricorn) are known for their discipline and responsibility. They are determined and will stop at nothing to achieve their goals.

The air signs (Gemini, Libra, and Aquarius) are known for their diplomacy and charm. They seize opportunities that others do not and are quick to take advantage of them.

The water signs (Cancer, Scorpio, and Pisces) are known for their compassion and imagination. They sense opportunities that others do not and are quick to take advantage of them.

If you want to know how you can become rich in 2022, contact Dadhichi and get your destiny reconstructed. 


About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here


All about Astrology and Health

All about Astrology and Health

By understanding the astrological factors in your life, you can gain insights into your health and wellbeing. Different zodiac signs are associated with various health problems, so you can be more aware of potential issues and take steps to prevent them by learning about your sign. There are also general tips that can be applied to all zodiac signs to improve health and wellbeing.

What are some of the most common health problems associated with different zodiac signs?


Common health problems for Aries include headaches, migraines, and eye strain. This is because Aries is always on the go and tends to put a lot of pressure on themselves. To stay healthy, Aries needs to get enough relaxation.


Taurus are prone to problems with their neck, throat, and ears. They tend to hold a lot of tension in these areas. Over the long term, this may result in thyroid or parathyroid issues. Taurus needs to learn how to relax and let go of stress to stay healthy.


Gemini tends to suffer from anxiety and stress-related health problems. To stay healthy, Gemini needs to learn to relax and take time for themselves. They are best advised to chill out since they are always on the go and overthink things.


Cancer is a sign that is associated with the Moon, so it’s no surprise that they are prone to mood swings and emotional problems. Cancer needs to learn how to deal with their emotions constructively to stay healthy.


Leo is a sign associated with the Sun, so it’s no surprise that they are prone to problems with their skin. To stay healthy, Leo needs to protect their skin from the Sun and stay hydrated.


Virgo is a sign connected with health and fitness, so it’s no surprise that they are usually pretty healthy. However, they can sometimes be prone to stress-related health problems. Virgo needs to learn how to relax and take time for themselves to stay healthy.


Libra is a sign that is associated with balance, so it’s no surprise that they are usually pretty healthy. However, they can sometimes be prone to problems with their skin. Libra needs to protect its skin from the Sun and stay hydrated to stay healthy.


Scorpio is a sign that is associated with transformation, so it’s no surprise that they are often able to overcome health problems. However, they can sometimes be prone to emotional issues. Scorpios need to learn to deal with their emotions constructively to stay healthy.


Sagittarius is a sign associated with travel and adventure, so it’s no surprise that they can often overcome health problems. However, they can sometimes be prone to stress-related health problems. Sagittarius needs to learn how to relax and take time for themselves to stay healthy.


Capricorn is a sign that is associated with responsibility and hard work, so it’s no surprise that they are usually pretty healthy. However, they can sometimes be prone to problems with their skin. To stay healthy, Capricorns need to protect their skin from the Sun and stay hydrated.


Aquarius is a sign that is associated with innovation and change, so it’s no surprise that they are often able to overcome health problems. However, they can sometimes be prone to stress-related health problems. Aquarius needs to learn how to relax and take time for themselves to stay healthy.


Pisces are a sign that is associated with empathy and compassion, so it’s no surprise that they are usually pretty healthy. However, they can sometimes be prone to emotional problems. Pisces need to learn how to deal with their emotions constructively to stay healthy.

Let's learn about Planets and health.

The Sun:

The Sun is the planet that represents vitality and health. You are usually pretty healthy when the Sun is strong in your chart. However, when the Sun is weak or afflicted, you may be prone to problems with your skin. To stay healthy, make sure to protect your skin from the Sun and stay hydrated.

The Moon:

The Moon is the planet that represents emotions and moods. You are usually pretty emotionally stable when the Moon is vital in your chart. However, when the Moon is weak or afflicted, you may be prone to mood swings and emotional problems. To stay healthy, learn how to deal with your emotions positively.


Mercury is the planet that represents the mind and communication. When Mercury is vital in your chart, you are usually pretty mentally healthy. However, when Mercury is weak or afflicted, you may be prone to stress-related health problems. To stay healthy, learn how to relax and take time for yourself.


Venus is the planet that represents love and beauty. When Venus is vital in your chart, you are usually pretty healthy. However, when Venus is weak or afflicted, you may be prone to problems with your skin. To stay healthy, make sure to protect your skin from the Sun and stay hydrated.


Mars is the planet that represents energy and assertiveness. When Mars is vital in your chart, you are usually pretty healthy. However, when Mars is weak or afflicted, you may be prone to stress-related health problems. To stay healthy, learn how to relax and take time for yourself.


Jupiter is the planet that represents expansion and abundance. When Jupiter is vital in your chart, you are usually pretty healthy. However, when Jupiter is weak or afflicted, you may be prone to problems with your weight. To stay healthy, make sure to eat a balanced diet and get enough exercise.


Saturn is the planet that represents discipline and structure. When Saturn is vital in your chart, you are usually pretty healthy. However, when Saturn is weak or afflicted, you may be prone to health problems caused by stress. To stay healthy, learn how to relax and take time for yourself.


Uranus is the planet that represents change and innovation. When Uranus is vital in your chart, you are usually pretty healthy. However, when Uranus is weak or afflicted, you may be prone to stress-related health problems. To stay healthy, learn how to relax and take time for yourself.


Neptune is the planet that represents spirituality and imagination. When Neptune is vital in your chart, you are usually pretty healthy. However, when Neptune is weak or afflicted, you may be prone to emotional problems. To stay healthy, learn how to deal with your emotions beneficially.


Pluto is the planet that represents transformation and power. When Pluto is potent in your chart, you are usually pretty healthy. However, when Pluto is weak or afflicted, you may be prone to health problems caused by stress. To stay healthy, learn how to relax and take time for yourself.

Here are a few tips for using astrology to improve your health and wellbeing:

  1. Check your transits: Transits are the movements of the planets through the sky. By checking your transits, you can see which planets affect you and how. This can give you a good idea of what areas of your life you need to focus on to improve your health.
  2. Look at your natal chart: Your natal chart is a map of the sky at your birth. This can give you insight into your health and wellbeing.
  3. Talk to an astrologer: An astrologer can help you understand your natal chart and transits to make the best choices for your health
  4. Follow your horoscope: Horoscopes can be a great way to get general advice about your health. However, it is essential to remember that they are only generalities and not specific to your situation.
  5. Pay attention to your body: Your body is an excellent indicator of your health. If you feel run down or out of balance, pay attention to what your body is telling you and make changes accordingly.


Astrology can be an excellent tool for improving your health and wellbeing. By understanding your chart, you can make informed choices about your health. Additionally, you can stay ahead of potential health problems by following your horoscope and paying attention to your transits. Finally, by talking to Dadhichi, you can get specific advice about your health.


About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here


Which planet represents the subconscious mind according to astrology, and why?

Which planet represents the subconscious mind according to astrology, and why?

PLANET MERCURYThe planet that represents the subconscious mind according to Astrology is Mercury. This decision was made early in history because of the symbolism found in Mercury’s mythology. For instance, Hermes, the god Mercury, patrols between heaven and earth, delivering messages between humans and deities. It only makes sense that this planet would be associated with our deeply rooted thoughts which are often difficult to access or change.

While many people have different ideas about what astrology is, at its core, it involves drawing from celestial events to learn more about ourselves and our place in the world. Understanding why Mercury is linked to the subconscious mind may help to know a bit about astrology’s history.

Astrology has been around since the beginning of man to understand our environment and its impact on each other. In fact, some anthropologists date its existence back to 30,000 BCE! This means that we’ve had millennia upon millennia for it to develop into what we know today. However, this makes pinning down exactly how far back astrology goes difficult because, much like language and culture itself, it evolved with the addition of new information.

Astrology has always been intertwined with other spiritual practices such as alchemy, numerology, and tarot readings. In fact, there are numerous examples of these practices being used together, including the use of astrology to determine when a person would have been buried to reanimate them for a tarot reading! We can see how important it is by looking at the development of this practice throughout history.

How can you use this information to understand yourself and your life path better?

Understanding how to work with your subconscious mind is a powerful tool and something well worth exploring if you feel like you’ve hit a wall in life. It can be challenging to decipher what our inner voice might be saying, but we all know it comes up with the most random thoughts at the weirdest times. For example, consider this: you’re driving down the street and thinking about what you want for lunch. At that moment, off to your left, just out of sight, someone gets injured in a car accident! Maybe this was just bad timing or your unconscious reminding you that there’s more going on in life than just what’s going on in your own head. How could you have prevented being so distracted from the world around you? By becoming more aware of how our subconscious works, we can achieve more excellent balance in life.

One way to work with the subconscious mind is Astro-emotional alchemy which combines astrology with emotional awareness. A practitioner of this type of medicine would work with both the conscious and subconscious to see what needs to change to live a happier, healthier life. For example, if the planet Saturn rules you, some feelings or behaviours may need to be dealt with before you can move forward in your life. In ancient times, the only way for us to look into our lives in such a profound way was through these practices.

One final thing we should mention is that each person has a different level of intuition. While it’s entirely normal for people’s abilities to differ, learning how you can tap into your inner voice will help you understand yourself more. For example, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by your current situation in life, astrology can help you understand why or what needs to change. Plus, it’s always good for you to take some time to slow down and get in touch with your inner voice rather than pushing away these feelings of distress, which can lead to anxiety or other forms of mental illness. 

Are there any other planets that represent different aspects of the subconscious mind, and if so, what are they?

PLANET NEPTUNEYes! Although it’s not as common, planets like the Moon and Neptune are representative of the subconscious mind. The planet Neptune is exciting because its purpose was unknown for a long time. Astronomers found that it didn’t revolve around the sun like other planets do, which led them to believe that there must be something different about it! It wasn’t until they discovered Uranus’ moon Trinculo, that people realised another planet influenced Neptune’s orbit. This information helped open up new possibilities for understanding how our minds work!

For many people, Saturn tends to represent structure which can be helpful in some cases, but not always. For example, someone with ADHD may feel like they need that structure to function correctly. Others may find that this rigidness gets in the way of creative impulses! If you’re someone who Neptune rules, on the other hand , it might be easier for you to let go of these structured behaviours and live a more carefree life! One helpful way to look at this is to think of your conscious self as being ruled by Saturn while Neptune rules your subconscious mind.

How can astrology help us understand ourselves better?

As we mentioned earlier, each person is different, so there isn’t one specific way of understanding yourself. Instead, think about what makes sense to you personally. For example, do you identify closely with your zodiac sign? Do you only want to know how the planets relate to your personality ?”

What are some tips for working with the subconscious mind to achieve your goals and live a happier life?

First things first, you should always talk to a trusted friend or family member about what’s going on in your life. You never know when you might need someone else’s help, so it’s always good to have an emotional support system! In addition to this, it can be helpful to journal as another way of processing those deep emotions. This will allow you to go back and look at what was happening before, which may give you clues as to why certain things happened. After that, it may be a good idea for you to start looking into Astro-emotional alchemy to work with yourself further! This is a great way to tap into your subconscious mind to make stronger, healthier connections with yourself and your environment.

"Can you change or control the planets in astrology, or do our birth charts predetermine them?"

The planets do not influence us because of where we were born in this universe. Instead, they represent different parts of ourselves that then control us! It’s beneficial for everyone to take some time to work with their Astro-emotional alchemist system so that you can better understand how these energies relate to you. It’ll help you gain greater insight into who you are, which is never a bad thing! Feel free to check out Astrostyle if you’d like to learn more about astrology.

Of course, it’s up to you whether or not the planets influence your life, and you should never forget that everyone is different! With this in mind, we hope that these tips for working with the subconscious mind will set some people on a path towards more excellent health and happiness!

About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here


What is the effect of Mars in the 7th house in a female horoscope?

What is the effect of Mars in the 7th house in a female horoscope?

In a woman’s horoscope, Mars in the 7th house shows the influence of other people on her relationships. With Mars on the 7th, you are likely to be independent and possessive. Issues may arise because of your need for freedom – often, you will want it your way.

You can stand up for yourself (at least verbally) when needed; however, you tend to act out with anger or frustration rather than calmly talk about what is bothering you. You are not afraid of confrontation if it means getting your point across. Some would say there is a streak of stubbornness in your personality, but this is probably due to past events (or the perception thereof). As an adult, though, you have learned how to channel these emotions into something more productive. You may even excel at sports or activities that require aggression or direct action towards a goal. As an example, take Venus in Aries.

How will this placement affect your relationships?

A woman with Mars in the 7th house has a lot of energy and zest for life. She is an active partner in relationships and tends to take the lead, initiating projects and activities together as a team. However, she can be dominating about these pursuits and expect others to follow along without question – sometimes even forcing them into situations they wouldn’t choose if given a choice. In personal or professional partnerships, this may create obstacles or

difficulties where none existed before. It indeed calls for awareness of the motivations of others around you so that any conflicts can be avoided from the start.

There is also some possessiveness in the Mars-in-7th woman that can interfere with harmony. You do not like to share your time or yourself with others unless you are given priority. If there is any room for doubt about this, it will be an issue. Your partner needs to feel special and appreciated – otherwise, they will look elsewhere for what is missing at home. This placement does not mean an open relationship. Still, if others come along who seem intriguing or exciting by comparison, you may experience some temptation yourself (as well as jealousy if they act on it). When love interests appear on the scene, there can be competition issues rather than cooperation. An initial attraction may lead to physical intimacy quickly without much emotional intimacy in between.

What should you watch out for?

Mars in the 7th tends to take over in relationships and often disappears when a problem arises. If you do not take an active role in the relationship, your partner will tend to lead without your input. This means they may make decisions that affect you or lead down paths that aren’t compatible. What’s best for both of you is something to be aware of when Mars is in the 7th house since it can take an influential person to stand up to your domineering energy. We all need some time alone and unencumbered, but if these times become more frequent than they should, it may indicate that you don’t put enough effort into the relationship as a whole. In this case, your partner will feel neglected and may not hope for more from you.

If your partner is at odds with others or resists involvement somehow, they may need to be reminded of what can happen if their desires do not align with the tribe’s expectations. If too many opposing forces come into play, this could create a lot of stress and unhappiness all around – especially if there is no compromise possible.

The 7th house rules marriage, so it can also show how we relate to our spouse or significant other. It describes the kind of person you marry and the level of commitment involved. Compare Venus in Aries & Mars in Aries – these two would make a great team and bring out the best in each other. However, Venus in Taurus & Mars in Aries may be very volatile together since both partners are stubborn with their own needs, which could cause problems with getting along. Analyzing your primary relationship (or even trying to find one) can help you understand how you might act in future relationships – especially when it comes to marriage.

What are some possible outcomes?

Mars is the planet of action, so there is a lot of initiative taken here. You will always have a project going that requires or allows for a lot of activity on your part. If this energy is misdirected, it can lead to trouble down the road. Instead of looking at others as objects or obstacles in your path, you should see them as opportunities to learn more about yourself. Only when you know yourself can you begin to understand others and what makes them tick. You will benefit by taking the long-term view of things instead of rushing in for quick gratification.

Working with others is an essential skill that can help avoid conflicts that might arise otherwise. If there are planets in Libra or Aquarius in your chart, you may find it easier to cooperate with others than if they were not present. However, this placement shows that talking out the problem is not the best course of action – although sharing information freely about your plans is undoubtedly possible since action speaks louder than words! There could be a tendency towards rash actions or thoughtless words that can damage a relationship before it’s even had a chance to get started.

When in love, the male side of this energy is very persistent and rarely takes no for an answer – which can be annoying if you’re just not feeling it! The female side of Mars in the 7th house has difficulty being honest about her feelings or letting go once she’s attached herself to a lover. If there are planets in Libra in your chart, you could better know when enough is enough and when to step back from something that isn’t working out for either party involved.

If any planet is located between 17-24 degrees of Aries, they will definitely bring lots of spark into your life but may also cause problems with someone else. If there are no other planets in that range, this placement alone could be challenging. The energy is intense, and the need for freedom can feel suffocating to others who are not used to dealing with it regularly.

If you have planets between 6-12 degrees of Aries, the only problem will arise when another planet or angle activates them. This energy is very impulsive so try to find ways to release some of this energy through exercise, walking in nature, or writing in a journal – anything that will help burn off some steam without causing damage to yourself or anyone else! At that time, you may start acting impulsively without thinking about the consequences.

How can you make the most of this placement?

To make the most of this placement, both partners should try and communicate as soon as a problem arises. If you’re the one with Mars in the 7th house, you could be so afraid that your lover will leave you that every minor disagreement feels like the end. You may even think you have a better chance of winning if they don’t know what’s bothering you since they might not fight back. This kind of passive-aggressive behaviour will wear a person down over time until it comes crashing down on your head! Even if your lover doesn’t know how to fix things, at least acknowledge their concerns or fears instead of ignoring them completely.

For those looking for someone special, remember that no matter how many people you meet, there is probably one person out there who will suit you better than all the others. This placement shows that it’s best to stay positive and keep meeting new people instead of getting discouraged or waiting around for something that may never come your way. Everything happens in its own time so stick with the process!

Suppose both partners can communicate their needs openly and honestly. In that case, they stand a much greater chance of finding happiness together because each person has enough tools at their disposal (yourself included) to make any relationship work! Once you find someone who can match your intensity, your mind will come up with ideas about what you’re going to do with all that extra time you have on your hands now that you don’t have to spend chasing after the other! It takes two hands to clap – why should this energy be any different?


About Dadhichi Toth, the Author

Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer
Dadhichi Toth Vedic Astrologer and best-selling author. Dadhichi’s the founder of

Dadhichi Toth is a revisionary astrologer who works with both Eastern and Western systems of astrology.

He is the founder and CEO of and previous author of the best-selling astrology series of books for Harlequin Mills and Boon for 9 years.

📧  He can be contacted on [email protected]

🌌 For a personal consultation book here