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The Art of Forgiveness and the 12 signs of the Zodiac – Dadhichi Toth


Forgiving others is not always an easy thing, especially if you’ve been hurt deeply. But I thought I would extend the concept of Christmas at this time to include this charitable act which is often a very difficult thing for many of us. How does the art of forgiveness impact on each of the twelve signs of the Zodiac?

Because each Zodiac personality sees life and deals with people and circumstances so differently it’s important to understand how each sign can use its unique character traits to break free of these self-limiting patterns of holding grudges and not forgiving others for the wrongs committed against us. The converse of this is where we may have done wrong to others and find the forgiveness we so deeply desire in our lives is not forthcoming.

This flip side of the coin is sometimes unbearable and I have many clients consulting me ( in particular parents ), estranged from children suffering desperately for years – sometimes until the end of their lives not being able to reconcile, simply for the reason that the child they hurt has never been able to forgive them.

With Aries, we note the fiery passion of Mars which is often ruthless, bold and impulsive. If you are born under this sign you are likely to say and do things in a harsh and impetuous way without thinking. If you hurt someone it’s not always intentionally but the problem is that you are unconscious about it and if others bring this to your attention you may not be aware of what they are talking about. The theme therefore is to remain more aware, more conscious of what you are saying and to note the nuances in others’ facial characteristics, body language and the way people react to you when you say and do things. Generally for an Aries, forgiveness is not too difficult. Your anger is often short lived and you are able to reconcile and let go of things much more easily than some of the other signs of the Zodiac. The fact that yours is a cardinal or movable sign means you are able to move on and let bygones be bygones.

Taurus for you, forgiveness may not always be an easy thing due to the fixity of your sign. Venus too endows you with a great deal of passion and usually I speak of this passion in terms of the sensual excessive side of life but we can extend this concept to such things as emotional patterns and your inability to break through or to let go of things. Therefore there are some Taureans that I have known who tend to hold grudges and get stuck in a fixed pattern of thinking and reacting to others. The lesson for you this Christmas and my best advice is to use a little bit of mental WD40 to loosen the cogs of change and to get the machinery of flexibility moving freely again.

Gemini, you are the sort of person who is able to freely and intellectually move in different directions and your communication skills are great. So this does tend to give you the edge when it comes to dealing with others especially when you have been hurt or you have hurt them. Maintaining an open line of communication is always the best policy irrespective of what side of the forgiveness equation you are on. By speaking about how you feel and truly endeavouring to understand the other persons view point can help you break through any of the barriers you have in your relationships. Let’s just hope this Christmas you are able to cast aside your cynicism and some of the sarcasm that is sometimes found in the Gemini temperament to reconcile from a really heartfelt space.

Cancer, you are moody, self-absorbed and often unable to let go of the deep dark moods you feel. Coupled with these changing emotional tides due to the rulership of the Moon, you also have a tendency to be hypersensitive and this is a dangerous recipe especially if you are working towards perfecting the art of forgiveness. The upside of being a Cancer when it comes to these issues is that you are capable of a high degree of empathy and the key to your forgiveness is compassion – simply putting yourself in the shoes of the other person to see just how you’d feel if someone wasn’t able to forgive you. Through this practise you’ll make great spiritual strides in your life and relationships during this Christmas period.  When dealing with many family members it’s all the more important for those born under the sign of Cancer to handle their family relationships with deeper insight now.

Leo, you are one of the most fixed signs of the Zodiac, fiery, bright and at times self-righteous,  even pompous in your approach. Like your fire brother, Aries, there are times when you feel as if what you are saying and doing is harmless yet other people take your statements and actions to heart. Then you wonder why at some future time you are not being treated in the way you feel you deserve. It’s imperative for you to reach out and ask others for their opinion of your behaviour and as hard as this may be, the one thing that will help you to evolve very speedily in your personal relationship. In being able to openly accept constructive criticism you’ll pave the way for more flexible relationship and a greater ability to forgive others and also to forgive yourself.

Virgo, the art of forgiveness may be a little easier for you than others due to the fact that your key signature as far as personality is concerned is service and improving things. But this can at times be a double-edged sword for you as your ideals and expectations are very hard for other people to meet. Consequently you tend to be hypercritical and demanding of others especially when you see attributes and potential in them that they yet can’t. Intellectual patience is important for you and this in itself can bypass many of the problems you have regarding forgiveness. As the old adage goes, “an ounce of prevention is far better than a pound of cure”.

Libra, Librans do tend to want peace but at what cost I ask? Sometimes even if a Libran hasn’t exactly done anything wrong, for the sake of peace they will apologise and ask for forgiveness. “Sorry, I hope I didn’t hurt your feelings”. I hear this often, almost as an unconscious regurgitation from some deep, dark subconscious corner of the Libran psyche. Yes forgiveness is essential in relationships but not at the expense of dignity and self-respect. On the point of a genuine need for forgiveness though, the Libran is accommodating and will give people a second chance if only for the sake of keeping that peace. Finding a balance between peace and being true to yourself is a difficult life challenge for you. No wonder the scales are your icon.

Scorpio, the eighth sign of the Zodiac, fixed, brooding, deep and mysterious is not the most amenable sign to forgiveness and in fact I have met many Scorpions who harbour lifetime grudges and vendettas, being unable to forgive. This is a shame because the power of forgiveness has as its greatest recipient the one who does the forgiving. Forgiveness is not for the other person but for one’s own self a great gift. Those who are unforgiving carry a burden, a deep seated resentment which slowly deteriorates the inner spirit and finally the health and vitality of the person. The truly transformative and regenerative influence of the Scorpionic energies can only be had if the art of forgiveness is truly taken on board and practised.

Sagittarius, this ninth sign of the Zodiac has all the attributes of the higher mind being ruled by Jupiter, being arguably the most spiritual of planets. For this reason the Jupitarian, Sagittarian, is ever read to forgive and recommence a relationship that has faltered by wiping the slate completely clean. But others should know that this should be not taken advantage of as the one born under the sign of Sagittarius has also a fire side and beneath the easy going and magnanimous gestures is a temperament that can turn and crush others just as easily. This is not always evident when reading traditional books on Astrology but is certainly the case. Those born under the sign of Sagittarius can also be somewhat exaggerative in their gestures and there words. If it’s necessary to enter into negotiations to give or receive forgiveness it’s best to say as little as possible. Allow the power of your ruling planet Jupiter to re-engage the other person and re-ignite those flames of love once again.

As a Saturnine being born under the sign of the Goat, Capricorn forgiveness is also not always easy for you. You’re cautious by nature so that gives you the edge in that you are not likely to haphazardly involve yourself with people that let you down. If that is the case it’s probably earlier in life when you are still learning the ropes about relationships. When you’ve been burned a few times you’re likely to learn from your mistakes and so will avoid those people and situations so as to side step any future suffering and emotional turmoil. Depending on where your ruling planet Saturn is stationed at the time you’re born this will also have some marked impact on the way you forgive and forget.  Capricorns prefer to learn from their past mistakes rather than repeating them. Because Saturn brings with it a rather pessimistic outlook it’s best for you as with the sign of Scorpio to do your best to release yourself from deep broodings over past hurts and remove thoughts of vengeance. Forgiveness and letting go (I didn’t say forgetting completely) is your ticket to inner peace and spiritual freedom.

Aquarius, you are rather unusual in the way you handle your relationship and the fact that you are unconventional to say the least. In terms of patching up relationships, forgiving and being forgiven, you are likely to be rather unpredictable so it is essential for you to decide whether you do want to forgive someone or not. You may need time to draw your conclusions and perhaps there may be some conditions attached to the forgiveness. Let me tell you unequivocally this won’t work. True forgiveness has to be unconditional even if it is somewhat unconventional. The progressive mind set of an Aquarian needs freedom on an emotional level to function in its higher aspects. By weighing yourself down with emotional baggage you’ll notice a distinct downgrading of your mental clarity and professional and future success. As mentioned to some of the other signs, forgiveness offers its greatest benefits to those who do the forgiving.

Pisces, being born on the twelfth sign, the most compassionate and self-effacing of Zodiac signs you, out of all of your Zodiac brothers and sisters, are imbued with the ability to forgive unconditionally. I often talk about this ability as being a crucifix on your shoulders, and if you have read my newsletter this month you will note the symbol of the fish is synonymous with the crucifix. I say this because whilst I certainly extol the virtue of forgiveness I also say in the same breath that forgiveness for you should never become a burden or a process of becoming a victim yourself.  Never forgive someone for the same misdeed over and over again. This is not unconditional forgiveness, this is, simply foolishness. You too must learn from your mistakes in giving undeserving people far too many chances. Knowing when to forgive and not to forgive is the secret lesson for those of you born under Pisces. 


Astrological Gift Guide for Christmas


Here’s the Astrological Gift Guide for Christmas…

<bstyle=”font-size: small;”>Astrology is the perfect way of choosing a gift for your friends and loved ones. By knowing the astrological signature of someone you can safely select a gift in keeping with their character. Below is a general guide which may just help you select a unique gift at a time when it is often difficult to figure out. If your question is “What should I buy them this year”, read on……



Characteristics: Adventurous Independent, dominant, passionate, energetic, wild and playful

Hints and Notes: Should be a fun gift that could make their mind busy and curious. Not too practical or organizational though

  • FEMALE: new kitchen gadget. Jewellery, perfume, designer clothes, Red color or fabric is energizing for them
  • MALE: A sports ticket for his favorite team or gear for the sport of their choice. A new gadget like a GPS unit , a new phone or pad.  Something silver and shiny


Characteristics: Cool, calm, financial, earthy and conservative

Hints and Notes: Thrifty but have a fine taste for something luxurious. Stimulate their senses! They would love that! Sensual, Luxurious, elegant, quality!

  • FEMALE : Necklace, diamond, a basket of gourmet foods or delicacies, wallets, chocolates, gift certificates, tapestry, cashmere, all expense paid salon or spa
  • MALE: wallet, expensive perfumes, nature trip, book of their favourite author, add something to their collection since they love collectables


Characteristics: Intellectual, adventurous, friendly, always wants something new, easily tired of old habits.

Hints and Notes: Loves gadgets. Need mental stimulation or something exciting which is novel or they’ve never tried before.  Loves to explore and craves unique items.  Wants to feel loved so.. its time to get touchy and romantic

  • FEMALE:  travel accessories, all expense paid yoga class, puzzle jewellery, latest gadgets
  • MALE: travel accessories, a camera because they travel a lot, latest gadgets


Characteristics: Sentimental, Emotional, Family oriented.

Hints and Notes: Tasteful and elegant is what they love. Comfort and convenience are pre-requisites. They enjoy being pampered  so treat them like a royalty.  Give them something personal and thoughtful

  • FEMALE : silverware, paintings, scarves, wine, or a personalized photo album you’ve created with those people or pets that are close to their hearts.
  • MALE : wine, painting, fragrances, anything personalized, a new couch or an elegant reclining chair, a quirky / personalized mug.


Characteristics: Charismatic, positive thinking, Love expensive things, artistic , loves  to be with people.

Hints and Notes: Enjoys creating and performing. Artistic, creative in grandeur, extravagant and dramatic themes is what they love. Likes to gamble

  • FEMALE : tickets to a concert, holiday at a luxury resort, out of town adventure, gift certificates, attention grabbing accessories,
  • MALE: tickets to a concert, designer pens or watches or shoes, printed ( loud )shirt, leather bag


Characteristics: Simple, quiet, reserved, purist things attracts them, industrious, neat, well organized, creative and sensitive

Hints and Notes: Remember the keywords : Simple Elegant, Clean and Classy

  • FEMALE: Personal organizer, laptop, practical gift cheques, new cleaning device, scented toiletries, organic food stuff, jewellery box, a do it yourself diary,
  • MALE: organizer, ipad or laptop, leather 2013 diary, tool kit, a practical appliance they need, a non-fiction book.


Characteristics: Friendly, Artistic, Sociable, Happy go lucky, Lovable.

Hints and Notes: Fun, exciting, surprisingly sweet and intriguing stuff

  • FEMALE: a new notebook or diary with a stylish, elegant cover, art tools like new set of oil paints, gift cheque to their favourite spa or parlor, a paid yoga lesson, subtle scent perfume, graceful jewellery, interior design book for house and home,
  • MALE: elegant and artistic silver bookmark, metal statues, artefacts, leather bags, a concert ticket, a new camera, intriguing and artistic book, designer clothes.


Characteristics: Emotional, Strong, Passionate, Magnetic, Adventurous and sexual

Hints and Notes: Loves mystery and secrecy. Loves intimacy and sex. Nothing would be a greater gift than to make them feel loved and cherished. Anything to do with water is a big hint.

  • FEMALE : black and lace underwear, scarves, hats, sunglasses, 2013 forecast book, antique jewellery, a cosmopolitan fashion dress or accessory, violet colored items, latest gadgets, gift certificate to a spa.
  • MALE: leather accessories, perfume with intense musk or spice scent, informative books, mysterious or antique items, royal violet couch, novel gadget, his favourite TV series dvd collection, a new flat screen TV


Characteristics: Wanderer, Traveller, Generous, Intellectual, Impulsive, Athletic

Hints and Notes: Loves adventures and travelling. Craves intellectual stuff.  Enjoys a good laugh

  • FEMALE:  travel bags, all expense paid adventure holiday, yoga class, waterproof bag, gifts associated with their pets.
  • MALE: Swiss army knife, gym membership, adventure trip to exotic lactations, philosophy book, atlas, waterproof bag or watch,


Characteristics: Shy, Quiet, Loyal, Patient, Moves slowly, Ambitious, Discipline, Dedicated, Organized

Hints and Notes:  Unique and heartfelt items. Make the date simple and sweet. Naturally made goods attract them

  • FEMALE: family heirloom, attractive crockery, cutlery/silverware, mugs, napkins and place mats. Silk fabrics, comfortable clothing or pyjamas,
  • MALE: antiques books, leather belts or wallet, luxurious watch, leather laptop or ipad case


Characteristics: Visionaries, Radical thinking, Trendsetter

Hints and Notes: Technologies or gadgets, novelties and antiques, unique items that are kind of eccentric. Loves to learn more about everything.

  • FEMALE: reading with an astrologer, latest gadget, unique jacket, bag or shoes, personalized necklace,
  • MALE: latest gadget, a DVD collection of their favourite series or actor/actress,


Characteristics: Dream and Emotional

Hints and Notes: Make them feel that they are worthy! Appreciate a Pisces with your sincere words expressions.

  • FEMALE : water sports accessories, swimwear, sunglasses, perfumes, cameras and watches. Anything sentimental or nostalgic will win their hearts
  • MALE: Club membership, movie passes, interesting novels, documentaries on history and unusual topics, philosophy and psychic articles or artifacts, antiques.


Christmas and The Astrology of Modern Consumer Experience


Christmas and the Astrology of Modern Consumer Experience…

Merry Christmas! And although we like to keep that spiritual Christmas flavour alive, it’s becoming harder and harder in this modern age to escape the consumerism that has become the larger part and parcel of this age-old Western tradition. So…is everyone sick and tired of buying shit yet? I am! Sick and tired of either having to take things back within a few months of purchase date or simply throwing things out because the trip back to the store you bought the garbage from as well as the time it takes to deal with the bureaucracy and paperwork once you get there is a greater cost than the money you are going to save by getting the item replaced or even refunded.

Maybe you just hang onto those shirts with buttons which are about to fall off a day after you purchase them because the two million bored-out-of-their-stupid-minds Chinese factory workers couldn’t be bothered tying a knot in the end of the cotton at the rear end of the button. Couldn’t be bothered soldering that minute electronic chip correctly. Couldn’t be bothered removing the white lead paint from the baby food being exported internationally.  

Take the genius mouse I’m using right now. 3 months old and the scroll wheel is already screwed. Note the brand – Genius. Genius? If only!  What genius couldn’t keep a simple electronic device like a mouse alive for more than 3 months without having the throw it out? I’d change that brand name to Mentally Challenged. More to the point – dollar generated hyper-steroidal greed.

And what about Microsoft? There’s a big name-big on name but little on delivery-not unlike the mega-Chinese name which is
probably not much smaller on delivery than Microsoft. Bill Gates’ baby. There’s a joke for you. You pay thousands of dollars for their software over the years only to find that year after year you’re simply paying them to market test their products on you! Are you kidding me!  And only getting every 2nd version of their bloaty software because those 2nd version are the only ones that actually work correctly once they’ve collated all of the bugs via their minion-users and their feedback. There’s not much of a bigger scam than that I don’t think. They even skipped Windows 9. That’s how much faith they have in their own alternative updates. Let’s whip a bit of 10 on them and they might not even notice the huge con we’re perpetrating on hundreds of millions of individuals and businesses worldwide. I’m sick and tired of that BS as well.

Where in all the astrological literature can we find references to this sort of consumer abuse? It’s happening on a global level? There must be something pretty sinister going on in the heavens if as I think most people agree from what I hear that there’s a general deterioration in the standard of workers generally, a sense of indifference and a lack of pride in the work one does with the resultant evaporation of any sort of self-esteem.

What planets would be responsible for this? It must be something happening on a community, cultural and global level. This must be long-term, slower planetary cycles that are affecting the general populace in the ethic that millions and even billions of people bring to the workplace. There’s a cultural sterilisation and it reveals itself in the selling out of quality for quantity and of course let’s not forget uncle Greenback. Forget about service folks. That’s long gone.

Virgo is the star sign which is most notably thought of when speaking of perfection, idealism and the pursuit of good work. Skilful action which seems to be the issue, or rather lack of, is at the heart of the problem. And Capricorn being the sister earth sign is also implicated. If we’re talking about Earth signs let’s throw Taurus in for good measure. Taurus can also be seen to aspire to slow and methodical application at work resulting in good outcomes in the higher Taurean native.

This is not something you can a tribute to some fleeting current transits but must be a longer term cycle of the trans-Saturnian planets which affect us on a generational level. And what are those planets? Uranus, Neptune and Pluto of the slower moving planets which we need to look at to establish how they may be resulting in this lesson acceptable quality of workmanship and self-pride which was once at the heart of anything that was manufactured.

We see that currently the transit of Pluto in Capricorn has received a fairly impactful Square from Uranus. The traditional, conservative sign of Capricorn which stands for our tried and tested cultural heritage and business standards are slowly being demolished by Pluto the transformer. Then you have the progressive and abrupt Uranus in Aries. The impulse to push forward, a radically and in a revolutionary style is also adding fuel to the transformative influence of Pluto.

The fact that corporations worldwide can deceive us into believing we are buying quality when in fact it’s trash, must have something to do with the elusive planet Neptune which is currently transiting its domicile of Pisces. It has a favourable relationship forming to Pluto with its sextile aspect. The minor semi sextile aspect to Uranus is also functioning at the moment. Perhaps this easy aspect could explain why billions crowding shopping malls are like docile cows trudging their way to the slaughterhouse cash registers were our hard earned cash is being bled dry.

If we look at the natural zodiac of Aries, Uranus is transiting this sign with Neptune in the house of secrets and Pluto transiting the 11th house of fulfilment. No wonder were not being fulfilled with what we buy-year by year costs escalating with quality diminishing. Not only that, have you noticed how your Magnum ice cream has an increased in price, they’ve just knocked 30% off the size. Sugar, salt, pepper and toothpaste dispensers with larger and larger holes year by year so that you use more quicker. There you go-Neptune with its friendly aspect deceiving us all into believing we are achieving and buying exactly what we want when in fact were being royally screwed.

I think people are tired of protesting especially when they’re probably not aware of just how surreptitiously they are being misled. I’m sorry to be a wet blanket during the festive season but if like me you simply ask “is it manufactured in China?’ And flatly refused to buy it if it is, then even brainless factory morons who take no pride in what they make might start to pay a little more attention if their jobs start disappearing as quickly as their pride. Join me this Christmas and the quiet shopping protest against crap being foisted upon us.

That’s my bit for Christmas. Enjoy yours and other safe and happy festive season and new year.


Till 2017, this is your astrologer,

Dadhichi Toth




Christmas, Christianity and Pagan/Astrological Roots


Christmas, Christianity and Pagan/Astrological Roots…

The cross which has become the focal icon of the Christian tradition is none other than the Cardinal Cross of the astrological signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn. The true historic source of the story of the birth of the son of God has become so swept up in mythological tradition and hand-me-down hearsay that these true origins have been completely forgotten by most.

Many of the stories in the Bible also relate to specific Star signs such as the mother of Jesus or the virgin which in fact relates to the astrological sign of Virgo. The sign directly next door ecliptically in the heavens is Leo and is ruled by the Sun. The son of God is a direct reference to a time when around the middle of the year, July to be exact, the Sun would rise in the east with the consolation of Virgo accommodating its rising. Hence the birth of the Sun from the Virgin.

Very few people are aware of these ancient connections but when you think about it, even such important Christian traditions such as Easter change each year and this is simply because the celebrations revolve around the phases of the Moon and in particular the full Moon in April when Easter takes place. Many of the other important feast days in the Catholic tradition are also bound up in this astrological folklore. Yet, these religions are the first to decry astrology and any other esoteric study which they say is entirely opposed to their belief system. This couldn’t be further from the truth.

The birth of a God man, the virgin birth, the death and crucifixion of the son of God are all analogies relating to spiritual awakening within ourselves. Christmas should serve as a reminder that no amount of prayer, worship, indoctrination, and weekly churchgoing can substitute for the inner spiritual awakening that takes place once the soul of an individual is ripe. Let this Christmas be a time to contemplate your own true spiritual nature, your connectedness with other human beings and the fact that we are truly brothers and sisters in spirit if not in blood.

The God man story is not exclusive to the Christian tradition by the way. Many other myths from many cultures have an identical story with the virgin conception, the birth on 25th December, the spiritual awakening, the disciples and the teaching of the God man along with the death and resurrection – all common to these myths. Take the following, and do your own research to expand your mind and understanding of how the Christian tradition and Christmas are basically outgrowths of these other cultural myths. Look at the following and investigate these God men. All born of a virgin, mostly on 25th of December and pretty much all predate the birth of Jesus Christ –

Osiris of Egypt

Dionysis of Greece

Krishna of India





Attis of Phrygia


And so on and so forth. Unfortunately, we get caught up in the distinctions of creed and culture rather than looking to the thread which is common to all of these religions. It is not so much a matter of who was born of a virgin or was resurrected after death so much as whether or not we as evolving human beings aspire to the best within ourselves. And that really should be what Christmas and Easter are all about – a rebirth within ourselves and the resurrection of this new spiritual being, our true self.  

Merry Christmas!



The Issue of Karma by Dadhichi Toth


On the issue of Karma. We look at the suffering of the world but we always forget first and foremost that we are part of the world, and we are subject to Universal laws – the laws of action and reaction, cause, and effect, Karma and transmigration. However, there is a higher principle and that is the awareness of one’s own self as Presence of awareness. In that position of awareness, nothing at all is happening. It appears to be happening just as a dream at night happens, and while the dream is happening it appears that all sorts of characters, events and experiences are taking place and they appear to be real but only at the time that they are occurring. The dream state really is an emulation of the divine state. The Divine is simply asleep dreaming. That is why the original text of the Christian doctrine, the Old Testament says that “God created man in His image”.

So what is an image? If you look in the mirror and you see the image, what’s real? The image or the thing that is reflected. The image is never real. It is completely unreal. So one has to assert this. The only practice is the practice of being awareness, being the mirror rather than the reflected images. So yes in the dream, in this so-called world of time and space we perceive a lot of suffering. We perceive life and death and all that goes on between the two extremities. But actually, these are all phantasmagorial appearances in the dream. So who in this instance is the dreamer? The dreamer is God, the highest Self is God and we emulate this natural process.

Astrology helps but only in as much as it is associated with time and space. The planets are simply objects moving around the Sun at a certain frequency in a particular time from a specific distance – distance, space, time. So astrology is still limited to the dimension of space-time and what’s going on in the dream. However, the higher form of astrology does teach us that the centre of the horoscope like the centre of the wheel doesn’t move. It’s only the peripheral of the wheel that moves. The planets are moving but the centre of that which is one’s highest Self is never moving. WE are the centre of the Universe and from us, our awareness and knowingness all this appears including the planets! Still, in the dream we want to know what’s happening, we want to know what the outcome is. There are certain repercussions to the actions that are performed, the thoughts we thinks and to the words we say. All of these things have a consequence. And astrology helps to understand firstly what the precedent causes were for the experiences we are having right now.

The horoscope also reveals when the person will wake up. That’s called enlightenment. Enlightenment is simply awakening from the dream. And sometimes we emulate that as well when we are asleep dreaming. Some of us have the feeling ‘hang on, am I dreaming this, I think I am asleep dreaming this dream’. This emulates precisely what happens in real life when you say to yourself  ‘hang on, what, this is a dream, this is not real, all of these images are figments of my imagination, I am simply the dreamer and now I am awakening!!’. How can I give any substantial sort of merit to something which is not. In fact, the word ‘Maya’ in the Hindu Vedic tradition, literally translated, means that which is not. Every image here in the dream has its nature – ‘you’, ‘me’ and ‘everyone else’. Astrology depicts their nature, personality, genetic predispositions, yes……but in truth that’s not who you are. That’s what you appear to be. What is it an appearance of, what is it a reflection of? All of the appearances occur in something just like images in the mirror. The images seem to be real, you can even see huge distance within a one-inch mirror. Hang on, let me look at this mirror, not the ten-mile beach reflected IN  one inch of mirror. See how space and even time can be created out of nothing.  It just isn’t so even though it appears to be so. And life, the Universe, this dream in Awareness is no different.

So space and time are also projected from within this dream. Just as in a dream you may meet an old man of 80 years old. He will start telling you his history. Within 20 seconds of the dream, an entire 80 year story timeline has been created! Magic? In three seconds – 80 years voila! Space and time are not basolute, they are relative. That’s what Einstein’s theory was about. But we have to apply that to our personal experience and truly understand this principle as the actual reality of experience. And what about transitioning, change development, self-improvement? You have got to understand that any form of transition is in time, and if you appreciate clearly who you are in truth, there is no transition, ever at any time in timeless Awareness. It is eternal. By its very definition what is eternal has no transition, has no change, has no becoming. Therefore what is transitioning is not you. You are in no transition whatsoever. You cannot transition. You were never born. You will never die. You, the ‘me’ is simply an appearance in time and space – a temporary appearance, it comes and goes. But that’s not who you are. Who are you? Not me, but I and there’s a difference. First person, singular pronoun. What? I will clarify it astrologically. The Moon appears to be giving off light. Moon is called manas or mind. This is the me, but actually that me, the Moon is only giving off light because it reflects a greater light. Which light? The Sun. So me is the Moon, therefore I is what? What is the Sun in terms of one’s Beingness? The mind is where all the thoughts arise. But that’s a reflection of what? Where is that awareness coming from? Just as we ask where is the light from the Moon coming from? The Moon appears to be self-sufficient in its own light but it’s not, it’s only borrowed light. Likewise, the sense of me is also borrowed. From what? Trace that, you have to trace it to the source. You have got to go back. Where is this awareness arising within oneself? From whence?

The mind is something you can perceive like an object, correct? Therefore there is something perceiving that there is something perceiving your dreams at night. There is something also perceiving your dreamless deep sleep at night. What is that? It never sleeps. It is persistently awake, aware, observant. What is that? What is that pure subjective state? There’s a sense of beingness and awareness. Nothing you are going to do, no guru you are going to visit, all of the reading is meaningless unless it brings you to this point. Why is it that any guru will say to you? ‘God, Guru and Self are one’. How do you practice that? What about when you don’t meditate? Why do you have to practice that? Do you need to practice that you are a woman or a man? Why only when you are not meditating? What is meditation? You don’t need to sit to do that, you don’t need to do anything to do? that. You are already that. It’s not even doing. There’s a distinction where people think that the meditation of being has to be done. Doing versus being. But the wonderful news is there’s nothing to do. You can’t do it.

If you study the Bhagavad Gita it’s very clear there are four different specific instructions on spiritual discipline by Lord Krishna. The reason for that is that there are four distinct grades of people and that is a genetic predisposition. The doers are what we call the mesomorphous and ligamentous types. The ectomorph is the intellectual type. The endomorph is the feeling type. So there are different temperaments. If you are a doer then Krishna is very clear. He says, and I will quote him, “whereupon the mind of a being finds satisfaction, thereupon let it rest”. In other words, if you like doing music then do music. You will forget time and space, you will forget yourself. You will simply be the channel through which music is being done, but through which there is no sense of doership and that’s called Karma Yoga. If you are a pure doer then there’s no sense that you are doing anything whatsoever. There’s no sense, and that is where Krishna says ‘the ego is ephemeral, the ego is only there when you have the sense, ‘I am doing this, I am great, what time is it?’. Love has to be there. So when you are performing a function if there’s no love then you are bound by space and time in the sense of ‘well I don’t like doing this, I hate this’. You have the sense of being the doer rather than the action simply happening in a loving thought free state.













DADHICHI_largeAbout the author…..

Dadhichi Toth, is one of Australia’s most respected astrologers and face readers and is also the founder and CEO of Having 32 years practical experience in the field  with  more than 10,000 personal consultations to his credit — including celebrity, corporate and political clientele — Dadhichi is also an author having written the annual best-selling Astrology Forecast series for Harlequin Mills and Boon for nine years. Dadhichi can be contacted at [email protected]

Simple planetary remedies for Good Luck

Simple planetary remedies for Good Luck

Are you born lucky or is there something you can do to improve your chances for good luck, romance and general fortune? Astrology and other psychic practices usually only ‘predict’ what will happen and often only vaguely, as if you are simply a puppet on a string. What if there was a way to avert the difficulties and misfortunes that come to all of us and you were able to enhance your luck and destiny?

Well, secret astrological principles actually do exist and can be used effectively in all areas of your life thereby empowering you. In our new column, astrologer and face reader Dadhichi will be sharing many of these ancient yet simple and effective ritual technologies with you. Many clients often complain of debt and excessive expenses which continually outstrip their incomes. Apart from the usual advice of exercising more frugality and control over their credit cards there are some useful esoteric remedies which can assist in this respect. This week will look at how to improve your finances, and general fortunes also.

Over and above from the spiritual benefits of charitable work and making donations to community projects, specifically offering your services and a small amount of your resources on a Thursday to charitable institutions, the planet Jupiter will be activated to improve your own financial circumstances. Making an offering of articles which are yellow or planting of yellow-flower plants may also help. This is due to the fact that that Thursday and the colour yellow are strongly linked to the beneficent the Jupiter. Some eastern astrologers are also of the opinion that keeping your money in a leather wallet or purse may inhibit the inflow of wealth. Try using different materials to carry your money around.

Finally, those of you who are suffering from low income or heavy debts which are causing new concern, may try soaking a handful of whole green mung beans overnight and feeding pigeons and other small birds. There are some other very novel ideas relating to how you can increase your wealth and finances including the planting of a Tulsi. Plant. This is none other than the basil herb which, if watered daily results in good luck for you and your family. Apparently the vibrations of this plant tend to have a positive effect on your environment and have the power to attract money. Feng Shui also says similar things about different objects, plants and colors to heighten your luck in your life.

By Dadhichi Toth




Lack of conscious awareness is the root of most problems


Be it in a relationship with a partner, family members, friends, at work, school, in a community or globally. This lack of awareness overlooks the fact we have the same need and right for connection to love, peace and joy. Furthermore, our own lack of acknowledging individual innate temperaments or prakruti and maintaining balance is often a result of negative unconscious conditioning.

All the elements in the universe exist within us as functional principles; ether, air, fire, water and earth. However, they are not only revealed through the physical universe as the structure and function of all things, they are also depicted through our mental energies that are subtle material elements. Additionally, although we all contain the same material elements, there are differences and that is because these  elements manifest more predominantly in some than others – on both a material and mental level eg light, medium and large frame;  blue, green and brown eyes etc. This adds to the ‘spice of life’ that we observe in different colours, sounds, tastes, feelings and aromas. Interestingly, these are reflected not only in the obvious physical world but also in our mental and emotional states.

Generally speaking, fire types will be   good leaders – warm and driven. Out of balance they will become more aggressive and frustrated. Those with more ether and air will be good communicators, joyful and creative. They will tend to be more fearful and anxious. Those with greater water and earth will appear more stable, caring and easy going. They will be sad and withdrawn. Obviously, we have all these states within us because all elements are functioning within us. However, they do predominate more according to our genetic predisposition and when out of balance can create havoc. In mainstream psychological terms they are called temperaments and are scarcely touched on. 

mindAyurveda refers to them as prakruti and offers a depth of knowledge around each and the method to bring them into balance in accordance with our own intrinsic nature on every level of being. It’s important to note there is no better or less than in this respect and all provide variety and what is required for our survival. For emotional and physical well-being it’s about finding self-acceptance – with one’s own intrinsic genetic nature and by accepting and acknowledging these differences in others to bring about understanding, balance and connection.
Given the evolution of the mind, thinking etc, differences within individuals are further enhanced according to childhood experiences and conditioning (influences by parental nature and their life experiences, care givers, teachers and friends). Unfortunately not all conditioning is positive. These maps of thinking form our unconscious memories and when in conflict with another are constantly playing out in our lives in ways we cannot imagine. Justification, defence, projection, self-blame, self-abuse and the abuse of others etc arise.

Dysfunctional personality types are a result of emotional trauma that hasn’t been acknowledged and healed. This is caused by people who have demonstrated narcissistic traits from deep unconscious trauma and who, sadly are not even aware they have a problem. Unrealistic standards that society imposes on individuals with a competitive, comparative nature and often based on looks, good health, intellectual achievements, material possessions, money and fame also serve to compound these problems. On a societal and cultural scale this is strongly reinforced through the influence of the media.

The problem does not lie in the desire for all need to have these things, but rather it is the feeling of better than or less than which creates the problem and the attachment to things. Having more or less doesn’t determine our happiness. Unfortunately this conditioning of better than or less than, is embedded in our unconsciousness and has a greater influence on our lives that we can ever imagine.

The reason why meditation, mindfulness and the power of now are so popular is because when we are truly in that space of peace it gives genuine relief to the little self. It helps to prevent the unconscious mind from flooding into our present state. However, it is not lasting because we are carrying childhood conditioning and wounds from the past – wounds that need healing. This can only come through knowledge, acknowledgement and self-care. By addressing these issues through self-honesty, the negative effect (no matter how big or small) of our individual life experiences can be resolved. Only then will our true authentic Self unfold and open to more light, laughter and love and more presence in the now. The purpose of these life experiences is to bring us to Self-knowledge.

Check our reports HERE!!!

Robyn Graham is one of our panel of experts at and has a formidable list of credits to her name including:

UNIVERSITY STUDIES (University of New England)
Bachelor of Arts (Double major in Psychology and Human Bioscience)

Diploma of Soul Care, Transpersonal Psychology, Holistic Psychology and Shamanic Healing
Certificate in Holistic Counselling

Certificate of Conflict Resolution

Certificate in Ayurvedic Healing (Nature Care College)
Certificate in Ayurvedic Psychology (Nature Care College)
Cetificate of Lifestyle Counselling (Ayurvedic Elements)

Anthroposophy, Arts, Rudolf Steiner Education

YOGA STUDIES (Shantarasa Global Yoga Institute)
(Current studies )

CERTIFICATE OF YOGA TEACHER TRAINING (Includes Yoga Psychology and Yoga Philosophy)
(Current studies )



Your Current Karma: Living life on your own terms


Fear is the dominant factor when it comes to departing from tried and tested ways, lifestyles that no longer match the person you’ve become, relationships which don’t reciprocate emotional or spiritual needs anymore. What is involved in actually living life on your own terms? You must first come to that boiling point of passion where enough is enough and make a courageous decision by taking a step into the unknown.

If fear is a dominant factor obstructing you from living life on your own terms, trust is the opposite dynamic giving you the strength to believe that all outcomes are ultimately in your own best interest, in terms of your evolution. This doesn’t necessarily mean that financial, emotional and mental or even social needs will be met, that commitment to setting your own standards and believing that rather than overlaying the veneer of dollars in cultural preconditioning, the journey then becomes one of and open self-discovery!

Understand that from within this furnace of cooking passion and ideas that attract new opportunities and conditions which become more or less a reflection of your trust and intense desire to live life freely – as you were meant to. Operative word: intense. Eliminating what is unnecessary is the first step in coming to that point of ripeness; that head space that’s pregnant with anticipation and excitement for the possibilities that lay ahead. That point of ripeness where the succulent peach is ready to drop from its mother tree. That point in your own life where the mother of comfort a nd ease and predictability, is released, as you fall from the binding tree of your past.

The cause of pain and suffering is friction and with the current transit and conjunction of Mars and Saturn, you’ll experience th at friction generated by these planets. This is nothing more than a catalyst to bring you to the boil, to give you an understanding within that the discomfort you feel is a call to action – not a call to anger or resentment or reaction, which is simply the superficial manifestation of that resistance.  Deep intuitive insight is the propulsion forward, through this internal dissatisfaction itself, and an undertaking in that space of living life on your own terms.

dreamstime_l_18876427Is there certainty in this attitude? Absolutely not.  Is there actually ever any security as such? Again, absolutely not; relatively; maybe so. When we talk of security we always conveniently push to the back of our minds the idea that the inevitability of death steals away any notion of security. Life always hangs by a thread and we at times are momentarily shocked into this truth when we occasionally hear of the death of a friend or some tragedy. Saturn is death. It is time, which is the personification of the great Mother, Time Herself, Kali. Once the desire and intensity to live your lif eon your own terms is strong enough, Time itself is kicked to the curb. Death and the fear associated with it are also dismissed.

One of the biggest and most important steps is moving forward does the clear understand that there is no ultimate security. This friction and planetary disturbance is precisely what you need, if only to force you to look at yourself, the circumstance you’re in and make the appropriate change. This change doesn’t necessarily, and in fact is usually very rarely a circumstantial one but rather an attitudinal one. Sure, those reactions will surface and at that point of ripeness when you’re ready to drop off your ‘past’, all those emotional and mental resistances come into play. Yet even as that is happening, dispel all fears and doubts and understand deeply within yourself that this is ultimately a movement towards the most perfect self that you already are.

Astrology and the study of your horoscope by an expert astrologer reveals your path in life and when you can start living life on your own terms. Click here to find out more

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Case Study: Heavy Karma by Dadhichi Toth

Case Study: Heavy Karma by Dadhichi Toth

Case Study: Heavy Karma by Dadhichi TothThis is the chart of someone with heavy karma. The 5th house of the horoscope along with the 9th rule the future and past lives respectively. Past karma node Ketu sits in the Sun’s star which rules and is placed in the 12th house, another karmic sector. The stellium of the Sun, Jupiter, Moon, Venus and Mercury attest to two things- firstly, many health problems, hospitalisation and also lengthy periods of being confined or unable to experience consistent schooling due to ill health in childhood.

The Mars and Neptune conjunction in the ascendant of Virgo and with Mars ruling the 8th house of problems and suffering, we can easily see this. Mars is in the star of the Sun which fires it up but the conjunction of Neptune creates a seething cauldron of pent-up emotion, anger and physical frustration. This cruel planet aspects the 4th house of his horoscope and represents along with the 1st house his early upbringing and maternal influences.

Secondly, the acts of charities and giving away one’s money and resources was always a significant part of his dealing with others. The 12th house is also the house of expenses relating not so much to charitable works but to ineptitude in keeping one’s bank balance in check. In the end this man ended up penniless. Venus the ruler of income and the 11th ruler of profits, the Moon are both posited in the stellium of the 12th house. Income as well as profits from business whenever a forte.

The loose Square of Saturn and Mars in the primary angles of the 1st and the 10th also damages the horoscope. The square usually represents violence of some sort and this indeed was the case with this individual who often attacked the women he was involved with. The opposition aspect of Mars to the 7th house on the hard 10th aspect of Saturn brought the full force of these two 1st rate malefics on his marital sector.

In the 9th harmonic chart the rising sign is Aries and its ruler Mars is exalted in the 10th house fully aspecting the sign of Mars. This is a powerful configuration for warlike personalities and is a further testimony to the physical force this individual would use if confronted or contradicted. Saturn becomes the karmic obstructer ruling the 11th house and a strong in his own sign of Aquarius.

In this navamsa chart both Mars and Saturn are ruled by Saturn as well as Ketu and being the most elevated planet and the fundamental chart shows how important this planet was in shaping his destiny. Saturn on the 10th house is often associated with loners, people who enjoy their own company and those who don’t but who generally tend to be uncomfortable with groups of people. There is a sober element to their personalities.

Saturn is located in the 10th house in the star of Rahu which is placed in the house, a house of strength for any planet but in particular for malefic planets such as this. Saturn in this horoscope also exhibits another very important element of the karma. There is a dictum in one of the ancient South Indian texts which stipulates that a week Moon in the 12th house conjoined with Saturn causes lunacy.

Although Saturn is not actually in the 12th house its 3rd aspect to the week new moon and acting as the ruler of the 6th house of disease from the uppermost part of the horoscope shows that this was indeed the case. The individual suffered mania, bipolar and schizophrenia. There are also delusions of grandeur in which he sense of self, to him, seem to be on par with that of Jesus Christ. The ruler of the 9th of past karma and higher mind is posited in the 12th house in this connection of the 9th and 12th houses does indeed give an inclination to spirituality and meditation. Saturn ruling the 5th house of the horoscope aspects this 12th house as well which gives a mind bent on studying and understanding the nature of the universe and other arts and sciences. The position of Saturn in the sign of Gemini gave him an acute mind bordering on genius but unfortunately the other celestial elements discussed above pushed him over the edge mentally.

His analytical brain is shown clearly by the ruling planet Mercury being on the 9th house of the 9th harmonic chart in the sign of Sagittarius and being in the 12th house of the fundamental chart shows his deeply probing mind. Saturn gives the ability to concentrate for protracted periods and this was indeed the case particularly in his state of mania when he would spend 2 or 3 days at a stretch without sleep working. Of course once he would come down the depression would set in and he would spend as many if not more days simply sleeping.

His personal relationships never lasted although he was married once and had many children. His eldest born was a heroin addict and died of an overdose after 2000. His relationship with his children was generally marred and he was never able to reconcile particularly with the eldest and hearing and we see the karmic influence of Ketu with the shadow of Saturn, Gulika. Saturn rules the eldest son as well and is placed on the 6th house from the 5th that is the 10th. This indicates the health problems he too suffered and the 12th house stellium of this map becomes the 8th house stellium for the eldest born Sun. The heavy karma to the Sun and the father seem to be tied in.

That his diseases were somewhat karmic in nature can be seen by the nodal axis on the 6th house-12th house in the lunar map. Placing Leo as the rising sign with five planets we see good reason astrologically for the overinflated ego and often bombastic platitudes which would consistently visit his friends and guests.

In the mid-2000s he suffered multiple strokes which left him paralysed on one side of his body and incapable of talking properly anymore. After losing most of his savings and selling his house the medical bills began to catch up and he ultimately settled in a special needs aged persons facility. The 12th house is indeed a house of deprivation and be conceded in the 1st part as well is the last part of life this man’s destiny was sealed.

Technical natal data:


Dadhichi Toth, is one of Australia’s most respected astrologers and face readers and is also the founder and CEO of

Having 32 years practical experience in the field  with  more than 10,000 personal consultations to his credit — including celebrity, corporate and political clientele — Dadhichi is also an author having written the annual best selling Astrology Forecast series for Harlequin Mills and Boon for nine years. Dadhichi can be contacted at [email protected]



Gratitude and money expplained…

Gratitude is one of the underrated forces in nature. Gratitude is the turning away from the sense of having nothing to the supreme outlook that in fact one has everything and that one is thankful for the fact that they have everything – everything they have.

I was just speaking with a client who started the conversation by saying I don’t have a job, I’m so poor and I don’t have enough savings. It took me fifteen goes to ask her to gently wean her mind from the negative thoughts to a sense of gratitude, the thankfulness for the food, the clothing and the house, the air, the people that surround us, who love us. But still she persisted in focusing on those negative thoughts of how much she doesn’t actually have. I reminded her of the process of actualizing things in life begins with the mind.

It’s hard for people to see the direct link between a lack of gratitude or thankfulness, a focusing on the bills, the lack of, the diminishing, and what is absent or missing rather than turning that around and thinking more along the creative lines of what one actually has, what one is endowed with. The problem here for many people is the sense of comparison that comes in with the notion of being satisfied with what you have, even very grateful, notwithstanding the fact that there may be “some problems”.  Creative people are able to make use of these circumstances which are notoriously called problems which they in fact turn into brilliant gems of opportunity.

Ask any successful person about the difficult events that have occurred in their lives and they will invariably tell you that it was only through these adverse conditions that they learned to adapt and indeed succeed proving the Darwinian theory of survival of the fittest and adaptability is also very true in the realm of worldly success. But let’s not stop at worldly success because what in fact is being said here is that the idea of success itself starts from within with the way we think and the way we approach life and its circumstances good or bad.

mONEYThere is a direct link between thinking, emotions and the complex hormonal chemical balance which is part and parcel of all our biological makeup. A thought is a chemical reaction. Those chemical reactions evoke different responses within the endocrine and nervous system producing domino effects chains of chemical reactions and, depending on the quality of that thought, the nature of the chemical itself. Negative, harsh, aggressive thoughts and emotions tend to produce cortisone and adrenalin in abundant measure. The reverse can be said for happy, loving and generous thoughts, words, feelings and actions and this produces serotonin and endorphins which elevate the spirit and can in fact heal the body as well and this is not just idle fancy.  

I remember on one of my US trips I was walking through a park on Venice Beach and I noticed a sleeping vagabond under a tree. That time of the day with the sunsets as they were during that time of the year, the burnt orange hues of the background helped cut a commanding silhouette of a figure under that tree even though he was a homeless old man. But I was drawn to him and I would forgive you for wondering what this has to do with the previous paragraph of the thoughts and feelings in the interaction of bodily hormones. Please be patient.

I walked over to him and had almost a prodding feeling from inside myself to wake him up so I gently touched him on his shoulder and he quietly roused from sleep. It didn’t take him too long to collect himself and for the first few minutes we simply introduced ourselves to each other and it seemed to me as if he was a rather intelligent type of person. In his overloaded supermarket trolley he showed me several notebook computers but what was more fascinating was a bundle of papers, notes he had made which he swiftly pulled out of the inside coat pocket as if reaching for a gun to fire away with some extraordinarily newfound theory. And the bullets of that discussion did hit hard. What he had written were his theories on the concept of addictive behaviour in those people who are aggressive but not just addictive behaviour in terms of relationships but addictive behaviour in terms of addiction to one’s own chemical reactions. As mentioned earlier this makes a lot of sense as cortisone and adrenaline being constantly  pumped into the bloodstream may in fact be addictive. 

He’d also drawn quite an interesting theory from that in terms of the children of alcoholic parents and how he had noted that many of them were in fact angry, not necessarily using alcohol but being angry through the patterns of that parental influence on them. What he said rang true to me because in fact was the child of an alcoholic father and although we left when I was rather young, only two years old, I must admit I do tend to err on the side of aggressiveness far too often. Of course, everyone has their own inbuilt nature but I do believe that there are some addictive patterns associated with the quality of thinking that we entertain, the type of feelings, thoughts and internal projections we create and that these do have a very powerful influence on our circumstances, the future and our destiny and fate.

Cultivating the positive stream of thoughts using gratitude as the initial ferry across the ocean of doubts and self-deprecation and inevitably ill-fated destinations in life.

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Career and Finance