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Case Study: Heavy Karma by Dadhichi Toth

Case Study: Heavy Karma by Dadhichi Toth

Case Study: Heavy Karma by Dadhichi TothThis is the chart of someone with heavy karma. The 5th house of the horoscope along with the 9th rule the future and past lives respectively. Past karma node Ketu sits in the Sun’s star which rules and is placed in the 12th house, another karmic sector. The stellium of the Sun, Jupiter, Moon, Venus and Mercury attest to two things- firstly, many health problems, hospitalisation and also lengthy periods of being confined or unable to experience consistent schooling due to ill health in childhood.

The Mars and Neptune conjunction in the ascendant of Virgo and with Mars ruling the 8th house of problems and suffering, we can easily see this. Mars is in the star of the Sun which fires it up but the conjunction of Neptune creates a seething cauldron of pent-up emotion, anger and physical frustration. This cruel planet aspects the 4th house of his horoscope and represents along with the 1st house his early upbringing and maternal influences.

Secondly, the acts of charities and giving away one’s money and resources was always a significant part of his dealing with others. The 12th house is also the house of expenses relating not so much to charitable works but to ineptitude in keeping one’s bank balance in check. In the end this man ended up penniless. Venus the ruler of income and the 11th ruler of profits, the Moon are both posited in the stellium of the 12th house. Income as well as profits from business whenever a forte.

The loose Square of Saturn and Mars in the primary angles of the 1st and the 10th also damages the horoscope. The square usually represents violence of some sort and this indeed was the case with this individual who often attacked the women he was involved with. The opposition aspect of Mars to the 7th house on the hard 10th aspect of Saturn brought the full force of these two 1st rate malefics on his marital sector.

In the 9th harmonic chart the rising sign is Aries and its ruler Mars is exalted in the 10th house fully aspecting the sign of Mars. This is a powerful configuration for warlike personalities and is a further testimony to the physical force this individual would use if confronted or contradicted. Saturn becomes the karmic obstructer ruling the 11th house and a strong in his own sign of Aquarius.

In this navamsa chart both Mars and Saturn are ruled by Saturn as well as Ketu and being the most elevated planet and the fundamental chart shows how important this planet was in shaping his destiny. Saturn on the 10th house is often associated with loners, people who enjoy their own company and those who don’t but who generally tend to be uncomfortable with groups of people. There is a sober element to their personalities.

Saturn is located in the 10th house in the star of Rahu which is placed in the house, a house of strength for any planet but in particular for malefic planets such as this. Saturn in this horoscope also exhibits another very important element of the karma. There is a dictum in one of the ancient South Indian texts which stipulates that a week Moon in the 12th house conjoined with Saturn causes lunacy.

Although Saturn is not actually in the 12th house its 3rd aspect to the week new moon and acting as the ruler of the 6th house of disease from the uppermost part of the horoscope shows that this was indeed the case. The individual suffered mania, bipolar and schizophrenia. There are also delusions of grandeur in which he sense of self, to him, seem to be on par with that of Jesus Christ. The ruler of the 9th of past karma and higher mind is posited in the 12th house in this connection of the 9th and 12th houses does indeed give an inclination to spirituality and meditation. Saturn ruling the 5th house of the horoscope aspects this 12th house as well which gives a mind bent on studying and understanding the nature of the universe and other arts and sciences. The position of Saturn in the sign of Gemini gave him an acute mind bordering on genius but unfortunately the other celestial elements discussed above pushed him over the edge mentally.

His analytical brain is shown clearly by the ruling planet Mercury being on the 9th house of the 9th harmonic chart in the sign of Sagittarius and being in the 12th house of the fundamental chart shows his deeply probing mind. Saturn gives the ability to concentrate for protracted periods and this was indeed the case particularly in his state of mania when he would spend 2 or 3 days at a stretch without sleep working. Of course once he would come down the depression would set in and he would spend as many if not more days simply sleeping.

His personal relationships never lasted although he was married once and had many children. His eldest born was a heroin addict and died of an overdose after 2000. His relationship with his children was generally marred and he was never able to reconcile particularly with the eldest and hearing and we see the karmic influence of Ketu with the shadow of Saturn, Gulika. Saturn rules the eldest son as well and is placed on the 6th house from the 5th that is the 10th. This indicates the health problems he too suffered and the 12th house stellium of this map becomes the 8th house stellium for the eldest born Sun. The heavy karma to the Sun and the father seem to be tied in.

That his diseases were somewhat karmic in nature can be seen by the nodal axis on the 6th house-12th house in the lunar map. Placing Leo as the rising sign with five planets we see good reason astrologically for the overinflated ego and often bombastic platitudes which would consistently visit his friends and guests.

In the mid-2000s he suffered multiple strokes which left him paralysed on one side of his body and incapable of talking properly anymore. After losing most of his savings and selling his house the medical bills began to catch up and he ultimately settled in a special needs aged persons facility. The 12th house is indeed a house of deprivation and be conceded in the 1st part as well is the last part of life this man’s destiny was sealed.

Technical natal data:


Dadhichi Toth, is one of Australia’s most respected astrologers and face readers and is also the founder and CEO of

Having 32 years practical experience in the field  with  more than 10,000 personal consultations to his credit — including celebrity, corporate and political clientele — Dadhichi is also an author having written the annual best selling Astrology Forecast series for Harlequin Mills and Boon for nine years. Dadhichi can be contacted at [email protected]



Gratitude and money expplained…

Gratitude is one of the underrated forces in nature. Gratitude is the turning away from the sense of having nothing to the supreme outlook that in fact one has everything and that one is thankful for the fact that they have everything – everything they have.

I was just speaking with a client who started the conversation by saying I don’t have a job, I’m so poor and I don’t have enough savings. It took me fifteen goes to ask her to gently wean her mind from the negative thoughts to a sense of gratitude, the thankfulness for the food, the clothing and the house, the air, the people that surround us, who love us. But still she persisted in focusing on those negative thoughts of how much she doesn’t actually have. I reminded her of the process of actualizing things in life begins with the mind.

It’s hard for people to see the direct link between a lack of gratitude or thankfulness, a focusing on the bills, the lack of, the diminishing, and what is absent or missing rather than turning that around and thinking more along the creative lines of what one actually has, what one is endowed with. The problem here for many people is the sense of comparison that comes in with the notion of being satisfied with what you have, even very grateful, notwithstanding the fact that there may be “some problems”.  Creative people are able to make use of these circumstances which are notoriously called problems which they in fact turn into brilliant gems of opportunity.

Ask any successful person about the difficult events that have occurred in their lives and they will invariably tell you that it was only through these adverse conditions that they learned to adapt and indeed succeed proving the Darwinian theory of survival of the fittest and adaptability is also very true in the realm of worldly success. But let’s not stop at worldly success because what in fact is being said here is that the idea of success itself starts from within with the way we think and the way we approach life and its circumstances good or bad.

mONEYThere is a direct link between thinking, emotions and the complex hormonal chemical balance which is part and parcel of all our biological makeup. A thought is a chemical reaction. Those chemical reactions evoke different responses within the endocrine and nervous system producing domino effects chains of chemical reactions and, depending on the quality of that thought, the nature of the chemical itself. Negative, harsh, aggressive thoughts and emotions tend to produce cortisone and adrenalin in abundant measure. The reverse can be said for happy, loving and generous thoughts, words, feelings and actions and this produces serotonin and endorphins which elevate the spirit and can in fact heal the body as well and this is not just idle fancy.  

I remember on one of my US trips I was walking through a park on Venice Beach and I noticed a sleeping vagabond under a tree. That time of the day with the sunsets as they were during that time of the year, the burnt orange hues of the background helped cut a commanding silhouette of a figure under that tree even though he was a homeless old man. But I was drawn to him and I would forgive you for wondering what this has to do with the previous paragraph of the thoughts and feelings in the interaction of bodily hormones. Please be patient.

I walked over to him and had almost a prodding feeling from inside myself to wake him up so I gently touched him on his shoulder and he quietly roused from sleep. It didn’t take him too long to collect himself and for the first few minutes we simply introduced ourselves to each other and it seemed to me as if he was a rather intelligent type of person. In his overloaded supermarket trolley he showed me several notebook computers but what was more fascinating was a bundle of papers, notes he had made which he swiftly pulled out of the inside coat pocket as if reaching for a gun to fire away with some extraordinarily newfound theory. And the bullets of that discussion did hit hard. What he had written were his theories on the concept of addictive behaviour in those people who are aggressive but not just addictive behaviour in terms of relationships but addictive behaviour in terms of addiction to one’s own chemical reactions. As mentioned earlier this makes a lot of sense as cortisone and adrenaline being constantly  pumped into the bloodstream may in fact be addictive. 

He’d also drawn quite an interesting theory from that in terms of the children of alcoholic parents and how he had noted that many of them were in fact angry, not necessarily using alcohol but being angry through the patterns of that parental influence on them. What he said rang true to me because in fact was the child of an alcoholic father and although we left when I was rather young, only two years old, I must admit I do tend to err on the side of aggressiveness far too often. Of course, everyone has their own inbuilt nature but I do believe that there are some addictive patterns associated with the quality of thinking that we entertain, the type of feelings, thoughts and internal projections we create and that these do have a very powerful influence on our circumstances, the future and our destiny and fate.

Cultivating the positive stream of thoughts using gratitude as the initial ferry across the ocean of doubts and self-deprecation and inevitably ill-fated destinations in life.

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Career and Finance

The Shrinking Timeline

The Shrinking Timeline

The Shrinking timeline…

Time appears to shrink more and more as we get older. That this commodity becomes more valuable in proportion to how scarce it becomes is very telling in terms of age. Obviously the ratio of remaining time as we age becomes smaller and smaller. Prioritising activities and more importantly people is obviously something that for the more discriminating amongst us is clearly a discipline we must engage in if we are to make the most of the time we have left. Making the most of your time is the secret of success and its respect is the cornerstone of many success stories.

Perhaps when we were younger notion that we had lots of time left is what allowed us to frivolously wast it without giving it a second thought. That obviously changes as we hit our 30s, 40s, then 50s and 60s when we realize that not only do we not have the same amount of time but the physical and mental energy we had in youth begins to diminish at an even more alarming rate. It’s amazing the number of people who don’t possess a diary. How I ask is it possible to manage your time, to value this dwindling resource out of which everything arises. Let’s face it, without time there’s nothing. Memories, future dreams and even this ever present experience is born of the seed of time.

Thinking about time, slicing and dicing it in intricate ways is necessary to extract its essence and value. Looking at methodologies, becoming more efficient in the way you allocate time and naturally prioritizing those people and projects that will be deemed worthy of your time and energy is an important form of progress in life. When this The Shrinking Timelinerealization becomes clearer others may start to find you snobbish or un-contactable – at least a little aloof. The reason for this is that people and interests change, and sometimes dramatically over a period of years. Relationships morph into something completely unexpected. Sometimes we try to take account of where we are at in those significant relationships only to find that they have become so divergent that we hardly recognize the other person. As individuals we evolve at different rates and therefore sometimes take our eye off the ball of understanding that others are also evolving and changing and that eventually we are just so completely different we don’t wish to afford that individual any more of our precious time. 
Accepting this changing flow or slipstream called time and the way it subtly changes the concepts we have about life, others and ourselves can be a surprising insight if we move in tune with it and exercise total acceptance without the usual habitual judgement. By realizing that things do indeed change we are in a better position to accept newly emerging situations and people that come into our lives. Rather than becoming stuck, or should I say ossified like a petrified piece of wood, stagnant in time, we become enriched and creatively spontaneous by adapting to each moment of life. This can truly be considered the most expressive art-the art of living.


About the Authour

 3.-A-Word-from-DadhichiDadhichi Toth

One of Australia’s most respected astrologers and face readers and is also the founder and CEO of Having 32 years practical experience in the field  with  more than 10,000 personal consultations to his credit — including celebrity, corporate and political clientele — Dadhichi is also an author having written the annual best selling Astrology Forecast series for Harlequin Mills and Boon for nine years. Dadhichi can be contacted here 


Career and Finance

Meditation according to your star sign

Meditation according to your star sign


Too often we become caught up in ideologies, dogmas and religions of all sorts. Through astrology however we can see the different qualities exhibited in the characters of the zodiac. Spirituality is predominantly governed by the 9th house and Sagittarius which indicates religion, the higher mind and even ones mentors and gurus. The 12th house or Pisces is the hidden house of the zodiac and along with the 8th house or Scorpio, indicate transformative processes which take place away from the public eye. These are the mysterious houses of the zodiac, the spiritual houses and the ones which take us away from this material world either through death (8th house), which is not of our choice, or the 12th house, which is the house of withdrawal and therefore a choice to “die” to the material world as in the case of monks and nuns who enter monasteries to focus their attention purely on spirituality. Additionally, initiation into spiritual life by a mental or guru is shown by the 5th house. This shows the type of prayer, mantra or other ritual technologies that may assist a person along the path of spiritual enlightenment.

By becoming caught up in the ideology and not looking to ourselves to see what the line of least resistance is in our spiritual development, our path in life, we make the mistake of superimposing concepts on human processes that are just not all compatible with those dogmas. Rather than freeing us spiritually, we experience tension within, the friction of doing something which just doesn’t feel right according to our own inner dictates.

361816_7515-150x150Finding the line of least resistance is the job of the astrologer when trying to help clients discern what sort of meditation is best for them. Armed with the knowledge of the Sun sign, the lunar sign, the rising sign, the 8th, 9th and 12th houses from each of these and other intricate astrological aspects and calculations, we can see what the past life was, what the karmic lapses were leading to transmigration and rebirth in this life.  What the natural predisposition is towards self-understanding and how that can best be facilitated is diametrically opposite to the intransigent dogmas of traditional religion. With the guidance of an astrologer, the seeker takes a left-hand turn in the direction of that line of least resistance which can speedily take him into that zone which reveals his/her True Self.

The following 12 astrological assessments is a brief overview of the natural inclination of each of us to spirituality and meditation based upon the 9th house of the horoscope.


The 9th house of the horoscope regulates one spiritual journey and in this case Sagittarius rules your meditation and higher development. Sagittarius is an outgoing sign and this therefore means that sitting down cross-legged for hours on end contemplating your inner chakras is not going to work particularly well for you. Aries as well Sagittarius are fire signs and you therefore need action, mobility and a sense of physical achievement. Yoga, sports and other physical and competitive activities are perfect to help extinguish the excess fire element within you.  Once you are able to eliminate this aggressive and often overwhelming energy and power, your mind will become stilled and you will then not only be in a position to perform traditional meditation but may even find the physical action of sport and competitive interaction meditation itself.

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You are a stable the zodiac sign and therefore traditional forms of meditation may be useful for you. Those born under the sign of the bull enjoy natural environments and therefore parks, the seaside, wildlife, fauna and flora are excellent environments for you to still your mind and make contact with your higher self. Gardening is often a natural meditation for Taureans. But accepting change is a difficult part of your life and probably one of your biggest lessons, so learning to adapt, breathing deeply when change is forced upon you is also a way for you to go with the flow as they say. You have excellent powers of focus and this is ideal for any sort of meditation where you need to spend lengthy periods in a secluded environment. Capricorn is your 9th house at also shows that more conservative forms of religious activity will suit some of you. By releasing th efear of change your mind will natuaraly become more settled and peaceful thereby making meditation much easier for you.

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Being born under the air sign of Gemini means that you are very curious about many things mentally but at the same time restless. The 9th house of your horoscope shows Aquarius as being the predominant force affecting your spiritual development. As this is an unconventional star sign and one which has revolutionary connotations, traditional forms of religion may not suit you. Your meditation will be primarily of an intellectual calibre, one in which you want to understand the nature of reality and where you fit in the scheme of things. Intellectual discrimination with a focus on the real versus the unreal is an excellent form of meditation because it engages your mind and keeps it focused on one thing, something that is difficult for the typical Gemini to do particularly in the early part of life. Deep breathing is also a way to calm this restlessness and will bring with it one pointedness at which time you’ll be able to do a more traditional form of meditation.

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Selfless service and rendering assistance to those who are in need is an excellent form of meditation for those of you born under the water sign of Cancer. The reason being, your 9th house of spiritual activity is ruled by Pisces which is the sign of self-sacrifice. When you are helping others and nurturing them which is also one of the traits of your Sun sign, if it absorbed as if in another space. The notion that one must be sitting cross-legged staring at one’s third eye to be in meditation is incorrect. Your ability to help others will help reduce your sense of ego over time and unlike the typical Cancer in its lower stage of evolution, attachment to the people you love will slowly melt away leaving with it the pure brilliance of selfless love, which is the goal of all meditation.

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Leo is ruled by the Sun which is the heart of the solar system, the engine room of what happens astrologically. The Sun is also related to one’s vitality, the atomic nature and the physical heart. Activity of all sorts, sport and motion which allows you to slip into the “zone” is what turns you on spiritually. As with Aries, which is your 9th house of higher spiritual aspirations, physical activity gives you a sense of burning away the dross or negativity which causes you anger, frustration and a feeling of being stuck in life. You need to be free of this and act independently so to you spirituality / meditation is a form of inner adventure. You like to be admired but in the more evolved Leo born native the shining state of self-awareness which will be achieved by your physical activities will be also very attractive to others but in a way which will act as a sort of beacon light for those who are lost. Your leadership qualities and your ability to share your inner experiences are also a form of meditation in that you lead others to the same higher states of self-awareness.

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On a spiritual note, Taurus which is your 9th house ruling your higher spiritual activities and meditation is the dominant theme for you in this respect. Taurus is a fixed sign, earthy in nature which means concern for the future and your financial stability may constantly distract you from the deeper more substantial work of clearing away those personality traits holding you back from evolving and becoming self-actualised. Virgo is notorious for being critical and therefore, for meditation to take root those born under the sign of the Virgin need to shine the light of criticism on themselves. This process will remove those personality traits and inner karmic obstructions holding you back from realising your highest potential. As Mercury is the ruling planet for Virgo, intellectual insight and meditations relating to discriminative and philosophical objectives will suit you well.

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Gemini rules your 9th house of higher spiritual activities and in some ways is an obstruction to you focusing your attention clearly on what spiritual technique will yield the best results. This is also borne out in your Sun sign of Libra which is to a large extent one of the most indecisive in the Zodiac. You can always see two sides of the equation and in spiritual matters that will become an obstacle as the path to self-realisation requires a complete surrender of one’s identification with the world of matter. This doesn’t mean you need to leave the world, become a monk and eliminate anything in fact from your life, rather to disassociate and not identify with things of this world and the circumstances that tend to throw you around emotionally. Finding balance through deep breathing and yoga will be a distinct advantage to you and will bring an inner calm which will then allow you to sit for deeper meditation which will reveal amazing insights in time.

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Learning the art of contentment and being happy with what you have seems easy enough to say, however for you it is rather difficult. You have a complex mind interwoven with as complex an emotional nature. Until you are able to fully experience the dark, and come to terms with that part of your nature, thereby releasing it, you will not be able to truly experience the Light nor the contentment that comes from letting go of desire. For Scorpio, having the mutable water sign of Cancer as the 9th house of your horoscope indicates the feminine aspects as well as the procreative ones will play an important role in your spiritual development. The connection between sexuality and love or perhaps more to the point, the disconnection of these two things will be one of the most important keys to your spiritual emancipation. Extinguishing desire forcibly is not advised for you. You should exhaust these desires gently and with love, as an innocent spectator, so that your meditation and spiritual activities will be unburdened by those deeper inner forces which at times can be emotionally turbulent.

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As the 9th house of any horoscope rules spiritual development and the higher mind, with Sagittarius ruling the natural 9th house of the zodiac, there is a natural affinity between those of you born under the sign of the Centaur and spiritual evolution. The 9th house of the horoscope also has to do with past Karma and the previous incarnation. You see life and for that matter meditation and spiritual development as an adventure and if it’s not fun you may not be interested. This doesn’t mean there are no traditional religious people in the Sagittarius camp. The essential ingredient is a sense of fun and exploration. And this extends to culture and religious doctrines. Sagittarius loves compare religions and to extract the best out of all of them to create something unique to them and their own personalities. Openness and generosity which are ruled by Jupiter, the governor of Sagittarius, means that you have a natural sensitivity and ability to develop your meditation. You are already highly evolved so sitting quietly and meditating particularly on the quality of space – conscious space that is, will liberate you from the shackles of endless transmigration and rebirth.

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Those born under Capricorn need lot of pragmatic and practical proof to change their religious or spiritual beliefs or to even commence treading this path. The Earth sign of Taurus regulates your spiritual development and like your Sun sign, also Earth, means that it’s pretty hard for you not to keep your feet firmly planted on this material Earth. But once you establish a sense of security materially, there is nothing stopping you from investigating the deeper spiritual realms within man. With Taurus ruling your 9th house, whose governor is pleasure-loving and artistic Venus, losing yourself in culture, art and music will be your primary meditation. Define the beauty in life, to capture that and emulated will in itself be meditation enough. Once the connection is drawn between the activity of letting go and the sublime states a human being can attain through artistic creativity, that process will then be easily transposed to everything else you do. You will then be in meditation all the time.

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You have an innate sense of breaking the bounds of the known and moving into intellectual territory that is in fact off-limits according to the traditional way of thinking. This is why your meditation and spiritual work will not easily fit into the norm. And nor will the norm easily fit into you. In a strange sort of way the meditation which is best for you is ruled ( as with Capricorn ), by Venus which dominates your 9th house of Libra. Although people regard Libra as the sign of balance it is in fact the sign struggling to find balance. Forever oscillating between the worlds of yes-no, up-down, in-out, possibly-possibly not, your struggle to find balance and inner peace will be obstructed but at the same time nurtured by this life of duality. One of the easiest ways for you to find balance is through communication and to some extent artistic and cultural expression. These things naturally calm your mind and bring you to a state of one-pointedness. It is only at this stage that you will easily slip into meditation in much the same way that when tired, and even exhausted, you simply slip into sleep. Part of your spiritual journey involves helping if not transforming the world and through art and culture which is uniquely and expression of yourself, you can indeed revolutionise the world you live in through your spiritual intent.

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The 9th house at also the 12th house which is the natural house of Pisces, relate to spiritual activities, meditation, monastic life and so on and so forth. You have a natural affinity with all of these things and because the 9th house of your horoscope is ruled by Scorpio, you can be extremely intense and passionate about your spiritual objectives. You can easily surrender yourself to the highest ideal of spirituality and through deep meditation can come to the real of self-realisation in this life as Pisces is the last sign in the Zodiac indicating a cessation of karmic activity, are stepping off of the wheel of Karma so to speak. But there is a downside to this sign and that is that you are likely to be a little too idealistic and naive when dealing with the world and many of the scoundrels in it. For your spiritual development to be well rounded you must learn to activate some of the deeper intellectual qualities and you do have that as Jupiter code rules your sign and is indeed an excellent learner and teacher. Gift yourself and ensure your own spiritual stability before sacrificing yourself and becoming the victim.

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DD-Small-with-phone-150x150About the author…..

Dadhichi Toth, is one of Australia’s most respected astrologers and face readers and is also the founder and CEO of Having 32 years practical experience in the field  with  more than 10,000 personal consultations to his credit — including celebrity, corporate and political clientele — Dadhichi is also an author having written the annual best-selling Astrology Forecast series for Harlequin Mills and Boon for nine years. Dadhichi can be contacted at [email protected]

Astrological Birth Colours and Numbers

Astrological Birth Colours and Numbers

There are many differing opinions as to how to select your birth colour. By far the most reliable method is to calculate your horoscope from birth and select the appropriate colour. A simpler way is to note the date of birth and use the colour associated with that star sign and number. In selecting a colour for yourself, the following guidelines will make it easy. Your day, date and planet of birth are as follows….

1,10,19,28 SUNDAY SUN

2,11,20,29 MONDAY MOON








Colours may be satisfactorily used if they conform to your birth sign, day of birth or day of the week for the planet which rules that colour. eg if you are born on the 24th you may wear white and also red if it is a Tuesday, as Tuesday is ruled by Mars whose colour is red.


Number 1,10,19,28 and Leo

is governed by the Sun who rules orange and burnt yellows,brow, gold, copper

Number 5,14,23 and Gemini or Virgo

are governed by Mercury who rules green, azure and spotted colours

Number 6,15,24 and Taurus and Libra

are governed by Venus who rules white, turquoise, pink and sky blue

Number 2,11,20,29 and Cancer

are governed by Moon who rules white, silver, and all cream colours

Number 9,18,27 and Aries

are governed by Mars who rules red, scarlet, crimson, brown and autumn shades

Numbers 3,12,21,30 and Sagittarius

are governed by Jupiter who rules yellow, lemon and ochre

Numbers 8,17,26

are governed by Saturn who rules blue, violet, black

Numbers 4,13,22,31

are governed by Uranus who rules electric shades, iradescent hues, checks, mingled or modern “loud” colours

Numbers 7,16,25 and Pisces

are governed by Neptune who rules deep greens, deep turquoise and ocean colours

Numbers 9,18,27 and Scorpio

are governed by Pluto who rules the smoky, hazy dark colours black and blood red or scarlet

Check your Numerology report HERE!


Hillary Clinton – An astrological assessment, updated

Hillary Clinton – An astrological assessment, updated

Hilary ClintonPerhaps George Bush wasn’t the first to employ the pre-emptive strike. When we look at the horoscope of Hillary Clinton, the democratic forerunner for the 2016 US presidential election there are plenty of instances in her horoscope that indicate a pre-emptive personality

If we look at the horoscope according to side aerial calculations, we see there are plenty of instances which indicate challenges between many of the planets. Novices in astrology were always terrified of the square and opposition aspects as they think this is an omen of bad luck. You have to say that far from having bad luck Hillary Clinton is risen through the ranks of the legal profession and public service to near the top job at least of being the Secretary of State for some time. We can see here the powerful position of Mars, Saturn and Pluto in her 10th house of profession. Saturn being her fourth and fifth ruler is extraordinarily powerful and although with inimical Pluto and Mars, Mars gains directional strength in this area as a seventh and second ruler. This is how she has attained such popularity.

Let’s also not forget that the seventh house is her husband, Bill Clinton, and we can see is Mars, that ruler, in the 10th house very powerfully positioned.  This accounts for her husband’s meteoric rise to the top job as president. Although this planet is debilitated in the sign of Cancer, its directional strength and locality in the angle cancel its weakness and endowed with extraordinary strength.

Jupiter is the ruler of enemies and being in the second house functions in several different ways. Firstly its aspect on the 10th house of profession most certainly shows her open enemies with the ruler of the sixth house Neptune, being in the 12th house of secret enemies. The full aspect on the 10th house and Mars might account for what’s happening now with the enquiry into her emails. It’s quite likely these were people close to her who are considered political allies and friends who have now turned against her.

On 21 February 2015 Mrs. Clinton and that her six-year solar cycle continues until February 21, 2021. Unfortunately the Sun karmically obstructs her efforts and is debilitated with her ruling planet Venus. The Sun doesn’t quite capture Venus with it to raise but it is still quite damaging notwithstanding the fact that this debilitation is cancelled. Retrograde Mercury ruling the 12th house and ninth house of the horoscope indicates her secret enemies and litigious problems throughout this period.

The Moon in the fifth house is the current cycle from June 11 to December 11, 2015. This can be a rather bleak period for her and one which causes her grave concern. Note the Moon in the last degree of the sign of Aquarius without any aspect other than that of Mars.

 Some of her health problems may recur at this time.

A real problem period starts under the Mars cycle which commences on December 11, 2015 until April 16, 2016. This planet can damage both figuratively and literally. She must be careful to watch her health at this time as this can cause her some serious problems. Although we are all waiting to see whether or not her legal problems can be surmounted we often forget that the shear stress of a situation like this can be too much for one person to bear. You’ll recall her health problems mounting towards the end of her term as Secretary of State.

We will talk more about Hillary Clinton’s prospects for the presidency but briefly during the election she will be running the sub period of Rahu which is the ruler of the fifth house stationed in the eighth house and in its exaltation at that.

Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt – Break up rumours

The rumors have started again that Angelina and Brad are perhaps experiencing marital difficulties and even though Angelina has openly rebuked these assertions in the media, let’s take a look at the horoscope of both of them to see just how astrologically compatible they are.

I have prepared the sidereal charts of both to analyse the interrelationship of planets in one horoscope to the other.

According to sidereal astrology both of them have water signs rising and in trine aspect to each other. This is an excellent association and shows that they are intuitively and emotionally very powerfully linked. Both of them don’t really need to talk to understand what the other is thinking or feeling.

In our compatibility and conflict report, here are some of the interpretations which sum up the most powerful and positive aspects of their relationship


“…..Angelina’s Moon Trine Brad’s Mars:

You feel more energized, even exhilarated, when you are together. In fact, the intent of this aspect is to activate your moods and stimulate new feelings in each other. Perhaps, even feelings you have never felt before or not in a long time. There is always likely to be a charge of energy between you and you have a way of reaching each other on a deeply emotional level. You will tend to generate energy when you are together the two of you can be counted upon to take action or be in the lead, when you are part of a group. In fact, you may be involved in social causes or any project where goal-setting and forward progress is necessary.

There is a healthy, normal tendency to confront issues that arise between you. Resolving conflict will be easier to handle with this aspect. Although there is a marvelous naturally occurring energy between you, don’t allow habit to make it dull. Be sure to plan new or physical activities together to regenerate and rejuvenate your relationship and keep it fully alive. With a bit of conscious attention, this aspect is excellent for maintaining newness in your day-to-day life with each other. You will both want to create an atmosphere of aliveness and vitality when you are together. The expression of emotion between you is typically direct or candid and in that way involves a healthy release of emotions.

Brad’s Sun Trine Angelina’s Asc.:

This aspect facilitates self-expression and social interaction between the two of you. You are together because you genuinely enjoy each other’s style and life direction. This aspect enhances the development of the personality and encourages a greater ease in expressing who you are in relation to another person. The purpose of this aspect is to enable and encourage the development of personal expression and self-understanding. It is an aspect of enhancement and generosity. It develops and supports a fondness for similar attitudes and attributes, sharing common interests and feelings of happiness in each other’s company. Essentially, this aspect is one of recognition and appreciation of each other’s unique personal abilities. You feel support from your partner to be who you are.

Angelina’s Sun Square Brad’s Jupiter:

In your life together, you will feel compelled, sometimes driven, to seek adventure, learning and travel experiences. The impulse of the aspect is to exceed limitation and to maintain the freedom to explore new experiences. These desires can at times clash with the more stable requirements of a relationship. If you can adventure together often enough, the times when one of you wants to go it alone may be tolerable. If not, this will be one of your issues.

Together, you will desire to challenge yourselves and each other to reach new heights and test your abilities to exceed expectations. It’s possible you will engage in sports and physical activity in general, which will alleviate the restlessness of this aspect. Above all, you want variety and will resist boredom. Reckless excessiveness is more of a pitfall with this aspect of Jupiter between your charts. Grandiosity and ego-excesses can get in the way of harmonious relationships with yourselves or others.

The choices you make will teach you wisdom faster than you can believe is possible. You want to live the good life but you may not have the resources immediately at hand. Refrain from over-extending yourselves unnecessarily either financially, physically, emotionally or spiritually. Otherwise, your mutual goodwill could erode into blaming each other for spending your resources and feelings of being overwhelmed.

Brad’s Mars Trine Angelina’s Jupiter:

brad_pitt_and_angelina_jolieRisk, adventure and learning are important ingredients in your life together. The intent of this aspect is to broaden your horizons and your experiences through shared inquiry. You are meant to understand your limits by exceeding them in various ways in the course of your relationship with each other.

Traveling and physical activities are likely important features of being together since there is a natural restlessness to the aspect. It’s possible you could give in to too much laziness but it will bottle up your positive output. The mind/body balance is one of the messages of this energetic combination. You are together to motivate, expand and develop your abilities, to take charge and lead yourselves or others into new territories of experience — physically, mentally, even spiritually. You can spread optimism according to your means, and you may be philanthropic. There’s great joy and optimism in this combination and the two of you will continually see the silver lining in any black clouds that drift your way……..”

But there are some difficulties in the horoscopes of Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt as well.  If there is a reason for them breaking up we need to look at these tensions in the horoscope. With Brad Venus conjoining the 7th house cusp of marriage, we see the natural attraction between the two of them however this also has its own problems in as much as the demands of family and career will be a constant pressure on the relationship itself.

Because they both have Mercury opposite each other’s Mercury their communication style could be rather different too. This is where they will need to constantly work on improving this part of the relationship. On the other hand, because they are both highly intelligent they will be able to use this challenge to stimulate their intellects and to learn a lot from each other even if they may not always agree.

One of the most important planetary positions between Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt is the 12th house Sun in Angelina’s horoscope which is very problematic as far as her father is concerned and we know that for a fact being the daughter of Jon Voight was not all an easy relationship for her. But this 12th house position shows that she may react to Brad in an unconscious way and there may well be elements of aggression in this expression as Mars in Brad’s horoscope is opposite Angelina’s secretive Sun. Interestingly the Sun is on the same side as the South node while in Brad’s horoscope Mars is in close proximity, to his South node, in fact within 2°.

Speaking of the nodes or the karmic point in their horoscopes, Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt have a very powerful connection between the Sun and the North node in both their horoscopes. Brad’s North node or karmic point sits within 5° of the Sun and her North node falls within 2° of Brad’s Sun. This definitely indicates the karmic nature of their relationship and how their personalities are inextricably linked with their combined destinies.

The current transits for Brad and Angelina are certainly not easy and we see slower moving Saturn now at the right angle to Brad’s Jupiter putting a hold on his creative and business ideas. Based on Eastern astrology this can also make him more tightlipped and frustrated during this important transit. This same Saturn is opposing Angelina’s natal Sun to the exact degree right now and can be very debilitating. The additional responsibilities of family life and marriage may start to weigh heavily on her head during this particular cycle. There will also be an inconjunction or quincunx which is a 150° aspect between transiting Saturn and her natal Saturn and during this year Angelina can also expect the same aspect or quincunx to her Venus. This certainly places considerable pressure on the marriage. But this mean the end for Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt?

Many are speculating that the marriage may end now however I would suspect that the transit of Saturn to Brad’s natal Venus which is in Capricorn and Angelina’s which is in Cancer between 4 to 6 years from now may be more of a difficult transit than the one they are encountering now. For now, these speculations are merely that speculation based upon the typical ups and downs that any married couple will encounter. Those later transits however are certainly ones we will be continuing to monitor astrologically.

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Leo Horoscope

Zodiac Leo Horoscope

Let’s know more about Leo Horoscope here…

Your ruler, the Sun, is the centre of the Solar System (some might say the Universe) and that is exactly where you see your place in the world. You are a powerhouse of energy, and few star signs have the same level of drive and motivation that you do. At the heart of this Leo energy is your fire element, which is recognisable in every aspect of your life—work, love or play.

Leo, second best is not even on your radar. You love to be the greatest at everything you do and because you exhibit so much self-confidence, others are quite prepared to step aside and let you shine. You do so, however, with a sense of generosity and love. And people generally find you a pleasure to be around.

To read your 2016 Yearly Horoscope – Click here!

Generally, Leo-born people have slim bodies and are graceful in their movements. Their faces are oval, with large eyes and a strong voice. Their hair is their pride and joy, and they emphasise it by stroking it, running their fingers through it or playing with a curl. If baldness should befall them, they will either wear a well-made, undetectable hairpiece or make their well-shaped head a feature by remaining bald.

You enjoy anything that promises pleasure and like to be creatively involved in such things as gourmet cooking, which feeds the body as well as the soul. Unusual recipes take your eye and you like to have people praise your efforts. This is another way that you can take centre stage, as you feel it is your rightful place in the world.

You have a great mind, Leo, and have the capacity to think much bigger than most other star signs. Being a fixed sign of the zodiac means you are determined, at times a little inflexible, but you will achieve whatever you set out to do.

Know more about Leo horoscope here

You are dedicated and loyal to a fault, a genuine friend, and expect the same in return from those you wish to spend your time with. You are encouraging to others and like to see your friends and loved ones as successful as you are. It is not in your generous nature to refuse to help to others achieve their goals as well.

You are proud, like the lion, and can be badly wounded by disloyalty or treachery of any kind. You can be a formidable adversary if you find out someone has crossed you. Leo-born individuals are nurturing—think of a lioness and her cubs—and with your loyalty you make a great parent.

You have strong intuition and can apply that to your professional life where you have a knack for spotting a good deal and exercising your great sense of timing. Being a born salesperson, you are persuasive, and even if people oppose you initially, it doesn’t take long for you to bring them around to your way of thinking.

Leo Monthly Forecast – Click here!

If you happen to be the boss in your workplace, bear in mind that not everyone is like you. Some of your workmates may find your power just too much to handle, and there is a danger that you could become overbearing. As a Leo, you start at 100% and work up from there, which can be rather daunting for those around you. It is one thing to be respected, another to be feared. It is not likely that anyone who has been in your presence will ever forget you.

Humility is one of your lessons in life, Leo. You love praise and attention as this makes you feel that your efforts have not been in vain. But you are more than happy to share this praise with those who have contributed towards your success.

Leo, you are ambitious and can reach the pinnacle of professional life with your drive and determination. You have a competitive spirit and are attracted by sports or games of chance. This is another arena where you like to win.

Leo Daily Horoscope – Click here!

Pisces Love Horoscope

Zodiac Pisces Love

What does Pisces Love Horoscope mean?

PISCESYou have an unconditional and non-judgemental approach to relationships, which on the one hand is excellent because you instinctively understand the joy of giving; however, this could make you a pushover and create a situation in which you are the one always doing the giving and possibly not receiving as much as you should.

Your dreams of love and your idealism about relationships began at an early stage in your life and this habit of seeing the world through rose-colored glasses and believing that everyone is perfect, could lead to you becoming disillusioned when you learn the truth about human beings.

You have a desire to give so much of yourself that you become oblivious to the truth of the relationship you are in. They say love is blind but you must do your best to see people for who they are and not for what you believe them to be. Once this occurs you’ll be ready to move to a new level in your relationships and not only enjoy the process of giving but graciously receive the love of equal value from someone you have in your life.

In your desire to receive the love you are prone to smothering others and possessing them. You must allow them time and space to develop their own interests and this will ultimately benefit both of you.

You are a creative individual and therefore romance to you is an expression of this creativity. You’re constantly trying to keep your love alive by finding new ways to make it interesting, by expressing your feelings and keeping the flames of passion burning brightly. To you, passion is not something that diminishes with age but should keep developing as a consequence of your interest in the person you love.

You’re a sentimental character and cry at the drop of a hat. You’re able to sense when your partner has a problem and exhibit such compassion and tenderness that you often feel their pain more than they do!

One of your most amazing skills is that of your intuitive power. You know exactly how your partner feels and therefore unasked are able to offer advice, give them a loving look or simply touch them in a way that makes them feel supported and loved. This also can be unnerving for your soulmate because you know when they are lying or trying to pull the wool over your eyes. You can see straight through them and know exactly the truth of any situation.

Some Pisceans tend to seek love almost blindly and are never quite satisfied with the people they meet. For them, the grass is always greener on the other side and they are never able to settle down to a satisfactory and stable romantic situation. The ideal lover that has been lodged in their brain for many years is never matched by any of the people they meet. If you happen to be one of these Pisceans, try to appreciate your partner for who they are rather than what you want them to be.

Sexuality is important to Pisces and you need someone who will offer you the same measure of passion, love and tenderness in return. Physical love and intimacy is part and parcel of your personality and you give of yourself 100 percent. You would like to think that your partner or spouse would do the same.

The part of the zodiac that rules your sexuality is the sign of Libra and the planet Venus. You couldn’t get much more sensual and romantic than by having these signs and planets ruling this aspect of your life. Moreover, Pisces finds its greatest comfort in the sign of Pisces. You are able to love and offer sexual satisfaction to your partner in great measure. I only hope that this will be reciprocated.

You mustn’t become a victim of love. In your desire to provide too much too soon, you may find yourself lacking and if marriage is something you choose to enter into, just remember that love is a long-term commitment. Unconditional love should be a two-way street so study your partners carefully and have no doubt before tying the knot of love. Romance for Pisces should be reciprocal.

 Find out more about your –>Pisces Love horoscope here<–

Aquarius Love Horoscope

Zodiac Aquarius Love

What does Aquarius Love Horoscope mean?

AQUARIUSL1You’d probably die if anyone saw your secret list of most admirable traits you look for in a partner. They certainly wouldn’t fall into the typical category of your friends, I’m sure. Your wish list might contain some of the most far-fetched and unusual points. You may not in fact secretly desire someone who is tall, dark and handsome; or, if you’re a male, someone typically 36–24–36.

An individual and unique view on life is also extended to your taste in matters of romance and marriage. Yours is not a typical love and the way you approach your relationships may be a little uncomfortable for others because you are just so different.

You need relationships that can help you grow and in which your mind is constantly active. You love to explore the possibilities that are available to you and at times this could break the barriers of what is considered normal in society. In your earlier years you will push ideas to the limits if only to say that you have experienced it. Later, of course, you may settle down to a more normal approach to relationships but with the full satisfaction of knowing that at least you explored those avenues to their natural conclusion.

Many Aquarians prefer to remain single for as long as possible because freedom is an essential part of your lifestyle. If you’re fortunate enough to meet someone who can respect this need, life will be much easier and they can actually enhance your love for them.

You have strong opinions about true love. The way you show your love may be a little disconcerting to those who have been reared in a traditional environment, so perhaps it’s not a bad idea to test the water first before shocking people with your antics.

Equality is extremely essential in any relationship and if someone tries to exert an unfair level of control over you, rest assured it will backfire on them and could bring the relationship crashing to the ground. As long as you have a mutually sharing style of relationship, you’re happy.

You also have no problem asking for your needs to be met, irrespective of what those needs are. You’re honest, perhaps even blunt at times, but there’ll be no ambiguity about where you’re coming from.

Although you are loyal and trustworthy, as a friend and lover—make no bones about it—you need that freedom and independence to explore unique friendships along the way. Hopefully you’ll find a liberal-minded partner who understands that this is your way of growing as a human being.

There’s a strong social element to the sign of Aquarius and your partner will need to accept this. Parties, groups, and also clubs and other organisations that are connected with spiritual or social issues but which offer a socially entertaining backdrop, are all necessary for your mental and emotional wellbeing. If your partner is prepared to join in and support you in these endeavours, well and good. This will only serve to enhance the relationship and the love you have for each other.

If, however, you find yourself being short-changed by someone who is insular and not aware of the world’s greater needs, you’ll be off to greener pastures.

Your main focus is to explore your personal relationships and find the deeper meaning of love and on your terms. You’re not afraid of societal taboos and are in fact even likely to continue to investigate these forbidden sexual and emotional avenues.

Your search for love and meaning throughout your life will be on your own terms and if someone is prepared to join you on this journey and share in the excitement and joy that comes as a result then you’ll both be all the better for it.

Find out more about your –>Aquarius Love horoscope here<–